REM Version 1.0 REM OS: iOS REM Author: Peaakss / Peaks REM ----------------------------------------------- REM READ THIS BEFORE USING PAYLOAD REM Description: This payload uses a URL scheme to quickly navigate to a user profile on snapchat and add them as a friend REM NOTICE Payload was made on iOS 16.4 - iPhone | Timing may have have to be changed based on version/model REM NOTICE Lighting to USB-A or USB-C camera adapter is needed to run this payload, active end of the O.MG cable must be plugged into the end of the adapter, the lighting end is displayed on the sales page before purchasing the O.MG cable, a adapter is needed because there is no lightning active end REM NOTICE This payload needs Full Keyboard Access to enabled on the device REM NOTICE you will need to phyiscal add the friend at the end of the payload REM NOTICE make sure to replace "Snap chat User" with the username of the profile you want to friend REM ----------------------------------------------- DEFINE #USERNAME "Snap chat User" DEFINE #URL snapchat://add/#USERNAME FUNCTION MAIN() DELAY 1000 GUI h DELAY 250 GUI h DELAY 500 GUI SPACE DELAY 1500 STRING Safari DELAY 1000 ENTER DELAY 500 GUI n DELAY 500 GUI l DELAY 250 STRING #URL DELAY 2000 ENTER DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 500 SPACE DELAY 100 RIGHTARROW DELAY 1000 SPACE DELAY 1500 END_FUNCTION MAIN()