#!/bin/bash /usr/lib/turtle/turtle_module VERSION="0.9" DESCRIPTION="TORtle - TOR Turtle Gateway + TOR hidden SHELL/Service" AUTHOR="Original by shad - customized by GermanNoob" CONF="/tmp/tortle.form" : ${DIALOG_OK=0} : ${DIALOG_CANCEL=1} : ${DIALOG_HELP=2} : ${DIALOG_EXTRA=3} : ${DIALOG_ITEM_HELP=4} : ${DIALOG_ESC=255} function tortlecfg { if [ "$(uci get tortle.version)" != "0.9" ]; then rm /etc/config/tortle fi if [ ! -e "/etc/config/tortle" ]; then touch /etc/config/tortle uci set tortle.version="0.9" uci set tortle.enableproxy="1" uci set tortle.enabletrans="1" uci set tortle.transport="9040" uci set tortle.socksip="" # deprecated uci set tortle.socksport="5090" uci set tortle.tport="22" uci set tortle.lport="22" uci set tortle.forwarding="1" uci set tortle.enablehidden="1" uci set tortle.hiddendir="/etc/tor/hidden" uci set tortle.enablehidden2="0" uci set tortle.hiddendir2="etc/tor/hidden2" uci set tortle.dnsport="9053" uci set tortle.enablecontrol="0" uci set tortle.controlport="9051" uci set tortle.controladdr="" # deprecated uci set tortle.hashedpass="16:D2237CB1DA58774A60EF13100BEFEDE024F5C49BA674CE2BEA1032EC38" # default: test uci set tortle.gateway="0" uci set tortle.enablebridge="0" #begin of changes uci set tortle.bridgeip="" uci set tortle.bridgeport="8443" uci set tortle.bridgefingerprint="FF9217F56523FC663DAF837FD99A99BA00901A15" uci set tortle.enablehttpproxy="0" uci set tortle.httpproxyip="" uci set tortle.httpproxyport="80" uci set tortle.httpproxyuser="some" uci set tortle.httpproxypasswd="body" uci set tortle.enablehttpsproxy="0" uci set tortle.httpsproxyip="" uci set tortle.httpsproxyport="443" uci set tortle.httpsproxyuser="some" uci set tortle.httpsproxypasswd="body" uci set tortle.fascistfirewall="0" uci set tortle.fascistfirewallports="80,443" #end of changes uci commit tortle fi tortle_tport="$(uci get tortle.tport)" # * customizable tortle_lport="$(uci get tortle.lport)" # * customizable tortle_socksip="$(uci get network.lan.ipaddr)" # Use network.lan.ipaddr tortle_socksport="$(uci get tortle.socksport)" # Use standard default tortle_forwarding="$(uci get tortle.forwarding)" # * customizable tortle_enablehidden="$(uci get tortle.enablehidden)" # * customizable tortle_hiddendir="$(uci get tortle.hiddendir)" # tortle_enablehidden2="$(uci get tortle.enablehidden2)" # Reserved for future use tortle_hiddendir2="$(uci get tortle.hiddendir2)" # Reserved for future use tortle_dnsport="$(uci get tortle.dnsport)" # Use standard default tortle_enableproxy="$(uci get tortle.enableproxy)" # * customizable tortle_enabletrans="$(uci get tortle.enabletrans)" # * customizable tortle_transport="$(uci get tortle.transport)" # Use standard default tortle_enablecontrol="$(uci get tortle.enablecontrol)" # * customizable tortle_controlport="$(uci get tortle.controlport)" # Use standard default tortle_controladdr="$(uci get network.lan.ipaddr)" # Use network.lan.ipaddr tortle_hashedpass="$(uci get tortle.hashedpass)" # * customizable tortle_gateway="$(uci get tortle.gateway)" # * customizable tortle_version="$(uci get tortle.version)" tortle_enablebridge="$(uci get tortle.enablebridge)" tortle_bridgeip="$(uci get tortle.bridgeip)" tortle_bridgeport="$(uci get tortle.bridgeport)" tortle_bridgefingerprint="$(uci get tortle.bridgefingerprint)" tortle_enablehttpproxy="$(uci get tortle.enablehttpproxy)" tortle_httpproxyip="$(uci get tortle.httpproxyip)" tortle_httpproxyport="$(uci get tortle.httpproxyport)" tortle_httpproxyuser="$(uci get tortle.httpproxyuser)" tortle_httpproxypasswd="$(uci get tortle.httpproxypasswd)" tortle_enablehttpsproxy="$(uci get tortle.enablehttpsproxy)" tortle_httpsproxyip="$(uci get tortle.httpsproxyip)" tortle_httpsproxyport="$(uci get tortle.httpsproxyport)" tortle_httpsproxyuser="$(uci get tortle.httpsproxyuser)" tortle_httpsproxypasswd="$(uci get tortle.httpsproxypasswd)" tortle_fascistfirewall="$(uci get tortle.fascistfirewall)" tortle_fascistfirewallports="$(uci get tortle.fascistfirewallports)" if [ -e "$tortle_hiddendir/hostname" ]; then tortle_hostname="$(cat $tortle_hiddendir/hostname)" uci set tortle.hostname="$tortle_hostname" uci commit tortle else tortle_hostname="--Please first START TORtle to generate an Onion address--" fi } function hiddenserviceconf { dialog --ok-label "Apply" \ --title "Hidden Service configurtation" \ --form "Onion Host sets up a hidden service inside the TOR network. By default it is a TORShell (SSH within TOR)\n\n" 26 60 10\ "Onion Host Enable: ($tortle_hostname)" 1 1 "$tortle_enablehidden" 1 20 5 0 \ " External Port:" 2 1 "$tortle_tport" 2 20 5 0 \ " Local Port:" 3 1 "$tortle_lport" 3 20 5 0 \ 2>$CONF return=$? case $return in $DIALOG_OK) cat $CONF | { read -r tortle_enablehidden read -r tortle_tport read -r tortle_lport uci set tortle.enablehidden="$tortle_enablehidden" uci set tortle.tport="$tortle_tport" uci set tortle.lport="$tortle_lport" uci commit tortle rm $CONF } configure;; $DIALOG_CANCEL) rm $CONF clear configure;; esac } function torproxyconf { dialog --ok-label "Apply" \ --title "Proxy & Gateway configuration" \ --form "TORGateway, if enabled, automatically and conveniently tunnels ALL eth0 traffic through TOR Transparent Proxy.\n\n\ TOR Proxy is just the regular SOCKS proxy through TOR.\n\n\ Forwarding enables/disables LAN Turtle IP forwarding to help prevent leaks for Proxy mode.\n \n" 26 60 10\ "TOR Proxy Enable:" 1 1 "$tortle_enableproxy" 1 20 5 0 \ "TransProxy Enable:" 2 1 "$tortle_enabletrans" 2 20 5 0 \ "TORGateway Enable:" 3 1 "$tortle_gateway" 3 20 5 0 \ "Forwarding Enable:" 4 1 "$tortle_forwarding" 4 20 5 0 \ 2>$CONF return=$? case $return in $DIALOG_OK) cat $CONF | { read -r tortle_enableproxy read -r tortle_enabletrans read -r tortle_gateway read -r tortle_forwarding uci set tortle.enableproxy="$tortle_enableproxy" uci set tortle.enabletrans="$tortle_enabletrans" uci set tortle.gateway="$tortle_gateway" uci set tortle.forwarding="$tortle_forwarding" uci commit tortle rm $CONF } configure;; $DIALOG_CANCEL) rm $CONF clear configure;; esac } function bridgeconf { dialog --ok-label "Apply" \ --title "Bridge configurtation" \ --form "Bridges can be used to avoid blocking of the standard tor relays\n\n" 26 60 10\ " Bridge Enable:" 1 1 "$tortle_enablebridge" 1 20 5 0 \ " Bridge IP:" 2 1 "$tortle_bridgeip" 2 20 15 0 \ " Bridge Port:" 3 1 "$tortle_bridgeport" 3 20 5 0 \ "BridgeFingerprint:" 4 1 "$tortle_bridgefingerprint" 4 20 40 0 \ 2>$CONF return=$? case $return in $DIALOG_OK) cat $CONF | { read -r tortle_enablebridge read -r tortle_bridgeip read -r tortle_bridgeport read -r tortle_bridgefingerprint uci set tortle.enablebridge="$tortle_enablebridge" uci set tortle.bridgeip="$tortle_bridgeip" uci set tortle.bridgeport="$tortle_bridgeport" uci set tortle.bridgefingerprint="$tortle_bridgefingerprint" uci commit tortle rm $CONF } configure;; $DIALOG_CANCEL) rm $CONF clear configure;; esac } function httpproxyconf { dialog --ok-label "Apply" \ --title "HTTP Proxy configuration" \ --form "If an HTTP Proxy is used to control internet access is can be configured here.\n\n" 26 60 10\ "httpproxy Enable:" 1 1 "$tortle_enablehttpproxy" 1 20 5 0 \ "httpproxy IP:" 2 1 "$tortle_httpproxyip" 2 20 15 0 \ "httpproxy Port:" 3 1 "$tortle_httpproxyport" 3 20 5 0 \ "httpproxy User:" 4 1 "$tortle_httpproxyuser" 4 20 10 0 \ "httpsproxy Passwd:" 5 1 "$tortle_httpproxypasswd" 5 20 15 0 \ 2>$CONF return=$? case $return in $DIALOG_OK) cat $CONF | { read -r tortle_enablehttpproxy read -r tortle_httpproxyip read -r tortle_httpproxyport read -r tortle_httpproxyuser read -r tortle_httpproxypasswd uci set tortle.enablehttpproxy="$tortle_enablehttpproxy" uci set tortle.httpproxyip="$tortle_httpproxyip" uci set tortle.httpproxyport="$tortle_httpproxyport" uci set tortle.httpproxyuser="$tortle_httpproxyuser" uci set tortle.httpproxypasswd="$tortle_httpproxypasswd" uci commit tortle rm $CONF } configure;; $DIALOG_CANCEL) rm $CONF clear configure;; esac } function httpsproxyconf { dialog --ok-label "Apply" \ --title "HTTPS Proxy configuration" \ --form "If an HTTPS Proxy is used to control internet access is can be configured here.\n\n" 26 60 10\ "httpsproxy Enable:" 1 1 "$tortle_enablehttpsproxy" 1 20 5 0 \ "httpsproxy IP:" 2 1 "$tortle_httpsproxyip" 2 20 15 0 \ "httpsproxy Port:" 3 1 "$tortle_httpsproxyport" 3 20 5 0 \ "httpsproxy User:" 4 1 "$tortle_httpsproxyuser" 4 20 10 0 \ "httpssproxy Passwd:" 5 1 "$tortle_httpsproxypasswd" 5 20 15 0 \ 2>$CONF return=$? case $return in $DIALOG_OK) cat $CONF | { read -r tortle_enablehttpsproxy read -r tortle_httpsproxyip read -r tortle_httpsproxyport read -r tortle_httpsproxyuser read -r tortle_httpsproxypasswd uci set tortle.enablehttpsproxy="$tortle_enablehttpsproxy" uci set tortle.httpsproxyip="$tortle_httpsproxyip" uci set tortle.httpsproxyport="$tortle_httpsproxyport" uci set tortle.httpsproxyuser="$tortle_httpsproxyuser" uci set tortle.httpsproxypasswd="$tortle_httpsproxypasswd" uci commit tortle rm $CONF } configure;; $DIALOG_CANCEL) rm $CONF clear configure;; esac } function fascistfirewallconf { dialog --ok-label "Apply" \ --title "Fascist Firewall configuration" \ --form "If firewall is used that restricts all traffic to several ports \n\n\ this can be configured here.\n\n" 26 60 10\ "Fascist Fw Enable:" 1 1 "$tortle_fascistfirewall" 1 20 5 0 \ "Fascist Fw ports:" 2 1 "$tortle_fascistfirewallports" 2 20 5 0 \ 2>$CONF return=$? case $return in $DIALOG_OK) cat $CONF | { read -r tortle_fascistfirewall read -r tortle_fascistfirewallports uci set tortle.fascistfirewall="$tortle_fascistfirewall" uci set tortle.fascistfirewallports="$tortle_fascistfirewallports" uci commit tortle rm $CONF } configure;; $DIALOG_CANCEL) rm $CONF clear configure;; esac } function helpmsg { dialog --title "Help" \ --msgbox "\ TORtle V$tortle_version\n\n\ TOR SHELL\n\ =========\n\ Hostname: $tortle_hostname\n\ TOR Port: $tortle_tport (Redirected to localhost:$tortle_lport)\n\ \n TOR GATEWAY\n\ ===========\n\ TOR Proxy is at $tortle_socksip:$tortle_socksport\n\ TOR Transport is at $tortle_socksip:$tortle_transport\n\ TOR Dnsport is $tortle_dnsport\n\ \n\n\n\ For support, please use the LAN Turtle forum at:\n\n\ https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/forum/88-lan-turtle/\n\n\ " 27 60 return=$? configure clear } function configure { tortlecfg dialog --title "TORtle Configuration" \ --menu "Choose feature to configure" 26 60 10 \ "Hidden Service" "Configure Hidden Service" \ "Tor Proxy" "Configure Tor Proxy" \ "Tor Bridge" "Specify a Tor Bridge to be used" \ "HTTP Proxy" "Specify a HTTP Proxy to be used" \ "HTTPS Proxy" "Specify a HTTP Proxy to be used" \ "Fascist Firewall" "Configure Fascist Firewall settings" \ "Help" "A short explaination of the module" \ "EXIT" "Exists the configuration" \ 2> $CONF result=$(cat $CONF && rm $CONF &>/dev/null) case $result in "Hidden Service") hiddenserviceconf;; "Tor Proxy") torproxyconf;; "Tor Bridge") bridgeconf;; "HTTP Proxy") httpproxyconf;; "HTTPS Proxy") httpsproxyconf;; "Fascist Firewall") fascistfirewallconf;; "Help") helpmsg;; "EXIT") exit;; esac } function start { tortlecfg if [ ! -e "/usr/sbin/tor" ]; then opkg update && opkg install tor fi if [ ! -e "/var/lib/tor" ]; then ( mkdir -p /var/lib/tor chown sshd.sshd /var/lib/tor mkdir -p $tortle_hiddendir chown sshd.sshd $tortle_hiddendir ) 2> /dev/null fi if [ ! -e "$tortle_hiddendir" ]; then ( mkdir -p $tortle_hiddendir chown sshd.sshd $tortle_hiddendir ) 2> /dev/null fi ( if [ "$tortle_enablebridge" == "1" ]; then echo "Bridge obfs3 $tortle_bridgeip:$tortle_bridgeport $tortle_bridgefingerprint" echo "UseBridges 1" fi echo "User sshd" echo "RunAsDaemon 1" echo "PidFile /var/run/tor.pid" echo "DataDirectory /var/lib/tor" if [ "$tortle_enableproxy" == "1" ]; then echo "SocksPort $tortle_socksip:$tortle_socksport" fi if [ "$tortle_enablehidden" == "1" ]; then echo "HiddenServiceDir $tortle_hiddendir" echo "HiddenServicePort $tortle_tport$tortle_lport" fi if [ "$tortle_enabletrans" == "1" ]; then echo "VirtualAddrNetworkIPv4" echo "AutomapHostsOnResolve 1" echo "TransPort $tortle_transport" echo "TransListenAddress $tortle_socksip" echo "DNSPort $tortle_dnsport" echo "DNSListenAddress $tortle_socksip" fi if [ "$tortle_enablecontrol" == "1" ]; then echo "ControlListenAddress $tortle_controladdr" echo "ControlPort $tortle_controlport" echo "HashedControlPassword $tortle_hashedpass" fi if [ "$tortle_enablehttpproxy" == "1" ]; then echo "HTTPProxy $tortle_httpproxyip:$tortle_httpproxyport" echo "HTTPProxyAuthenticator $tortle_httpproxyuser:$tortle_httpproxypasswd" fi if [ "$tortle_enablehttpsproxy" == "1" ]; then echo "HTTPSProxy $tortle_httpsproxyip:$tortle_httpsproxyport" echo "HTTPSProxyAuthenticator $tortle_httpsproxyuser:$tortle_httpsproxypasswd" fi if [ "$tortle_fascistfirewall" == "1" ]; then echo "FascistFirewall 1" echo "FirewallPorts $tortle_fascistfirewallports" fi ) > /tmp/tortlerc tor -f /tmp/tortlerc if [ "$tortle_gateway" == "1" ]; then iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i br-lan -p udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-port $tortle_dnsport iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i br-lan -p tcp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-port $tortle_dnsport iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i br-lan -p tcp --dest $tortle_socksip -j ACCEPT # Should I add here a rule to allow reaching eth1 network? Perhaps... but is it secure? iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i br-lan -p tcp -j REDIRECT --to-port $tortle_transport fi echo "$tortle_forwarding" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward } function stop { tortlecfg killall -9 tor # if [ "$tortle_gateway" == "1" ]; then ( iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i br-lan -p udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-port $tortle_dnsport iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i br-lan -p tcp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-port $tortle_dnsport iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i br-lan -p tcp --dest $tortle_socksip -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i br-lan -p tcp -j REDIRECT --to-port $tortle_transport ) 2> /dev/null # fi echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward echo "All TORtle services and redirections have been disabled." } function status { if pgrep -x tor > /dev/null; then echo "1" else echo "0" fi }