uci set upnp_portfwd.protocol="$upnp_portfwd_proto"
uci commit upnp_portfwd
rm $CONF
rm $CONF
dialog --title "Help" \
--msgbox "\
uPnP Portfwd is a service which provides automatic port forwarding when connected to some uPnP enabled routers.\nThis service is typically used to provide a
convenient and persistent DIRECT shell from the outside into the LAN Turtle so that a remote "proxy" server or host is not needed.\n*IF* the router is uPnP enabled
and forwards the port it would be possible to connect directly to the Turtle from any arbitrary/anonymous location, even from TOR.\n \n
Remote Port - External port on the router to be forwarded to the Turtle.\n \n\
Local Port - The port where a local service is running in the Turtle (Tipically 22 -ssh-)\n \n\
Protocol - TCP or UDP (tcp for ssh)\n \n\
Example: Per the defaults, the router will forward its external port 45000 to the LAN Turtle port 22. In this scenario one may establish a direct connection to the
LAN Turtle by ssh'ing into the router's external interface port 45000: ssh -p 45000 root@external.router.ip \n \n
While this won't work in many cases, it may come handy when it does, which is frequent for some telco provided SOHO routers.\n \n\