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Bash Bunny by Hak5 USB Attack/Automation Platform
+---- | The Bash Bunny by Hak5 is a simple and powerful
| : | Boot Modes | multi-function USB attack and automation platform
+---- * | for penetration testers and systems administrators.
||+-- (sw1) Switch Position 1: Customizeable Payload.
|+-- (sw2) Switch Position 2: Customizeable Payload.
+-- (sw3) Switch Position 3: Arming Mode - Serial + Mass Storage.
Welcome & Updating the Bash Bunny Software
Congratulations on your new Bash Bunny by Hak5! For the best experience, we
recommend updating to the latest framework version and payload set from the
downloads section of There you will find a wealth
of knowledge and a helpful community of creative penetration testers and
IT professionals. Welcome!
Mass-Storage Directory Structure Default Settings
-------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
|-config.txt - Global config script Username: root
| Sourced by all payloads Password: hak5bunny
|-payloads/ Hostname: bunny
| |-library/
| | |-* Payloads from Bash Bunny repository IP Address:
| | DHCP Range:
| |-extensions/ - Additional Bunny Script
| | commands/functions. LED Status:
| |-switch1/ Green Solid - Boot up
| | |-payload.txt - Bunny Script executed on Blue Blink - Arming Mode
| | boot in switch position 1 Red/Blue Blink - Recovery
| |-switch2/
| | |-payload.txt - Bunny Script executed on
| | boot in switch position 2
| |-arming/
| |-payload.txt - Override payload for
| Arming Mode *USE CAUTION*
|-loot/ - Where payloads store logs and data
|-docs/ - EULA, License, this readme.txt
|-tools/ - Contents placed here will be copied
| to /tools at boot in arming mode.
| *.deb packages will be installed.
|-languages/ - HID languages placed here will
install at boot in arming mode.
Partitions Recovery
-------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
/dev/root - Main Linux file system If the Bash Bunny Setup Mode fails to
/dev/nandg - Recovery file systems boot >3 times the file system will
do not modify recover automatically. DO NOT UNPLUG
/dev/nandf - Mass storage partition while the LED is blinking in an
Mounted at /root/udisk alternating Red/Blue pattern. This
/root/udisk - Mass storage mount point process requires 5-10 minutes.
Bunny Script Builtin Commands Ducky Script
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
ATTACKMODE Specifies the USB devices to emulate. REM
Accepts combinations of three: SERIAL, DELAY
RO_STORAGE or disable all USB with OFF SPACE
LED Control the RGB LED. Accepts color and pattern MENU/APP
or predefined payload state. SHIFT
See detail from LED section. ALT
QUACK Injects specified keystrokes via Ducky Script UPARROW/UP
Accepts file relative to /payloads/ path DOWNARROW/DOWN
Accepts inline Ducky Script LEFTARROW/LEFT
Example: END
QUACK helloworld.txt Inject keystrokes from file ESCAPE/ESC
Q STRING Hello World Inject keystrokes from Ducky Script HOME
DUCKY_LANG=us Sets keystroke injection language PAGEUP P
Bunny Script Environment Variables TAB
---------------------------------------------------------- NUMLOCK
$TARGET_IP IP Address of the computer received SCROLLOCK
by the Bash Bunny DHCP Server. CAPSLOCK
$TARGET_HOSTNAME Host name of the computer on the F1...F12
Bash Bunny network.
$HOST_IP IP Address of the Bash Bunny
$SWITCH_POSITION "switch1", "switch2" or "switch3"
Bash Bunny Extensions
The Bash Bunny scripting language is further enhanced by additional commands,
known as extensions. Sourced from payloads/library/extensions/* at run-time,
payloads may make use of these command. Similar to payloads, the extensions
can be obtain and updated from the Bash Bunny repository.
RUN - Simplifies command execution for HID attacks.
Usage: RUN [OS] [Command]
RUN WIN notepad.exe
RUN WIN "powershell -Exec Bypass \"tree c:\\ > tree.txt; type tree.txt\"
CUCUMBER - CPU Control (May be specified globally in /config.txt)
Usage: CUCUMBER [Mode]
CUCUMBER ENABLE Single CPU core mode with governor set to ondemand
*Best thermal option for long-term deployments
CUCUMBER DISABLE Quad CPU core mode with governor set to ondemand
*Default behavior. Best overall power/performance
CUCUMBER PLAID Quad CPU core mode with governor set to performance
*Ludicrous speed. Not intended for long-term deployments.
DUCKY_LANG - Specifies HID injection language for QUACK commands
Usage: DUCKY_LANG [Language]
* Specified in two letter language abbreviation
* Uses language json file from langauge database (updated via /languages)
REQUIRETOOL - Checks if a tool is installed. Exits with LED FAIL if not.
Usage: REQUIRETOOL [tool]
* Checks /tools/ for named directory or system installed tool name
GET - Returns variable
Usage: GET [variable]
Connecting to the Linux Serial Console from Windows Serial Settings
--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
Find the COM# from Device Manager > Ports (COM & LPT) 115200/8N1
Look for USB Serial Device (COM#). Example: COM3
Or run the following powershell command to list ports: Baud: 115200
[System.IO.Ports.SerialPort]::getportnames() Data Bits: 8
Parity Bit: No
Open Putty ( and select Serial. Enter COM# for Stop Bit: 1
serial line and 115200 for Speed. Clock Open.
Connecting to the Linux Serial Console from Linux/Mac
Find the device from the terminal with: "ls /dev/tty*" or "dmesg | grep tty"
On Linux the Bash Bunny may be /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0
Connect to the serial device with screen. (apt-get install screen if needed)
Example: "sudo screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200"
Disconnect with keyboard combo: CTRL+a followed by CTRL+\
Example Payload Structure
/config.txt - Sourced by all payloads enabling global configurations
Example: DUCKY_LANG us
|-payload.txt Primary payload file executed on boot in
| specified switch position
| Payload documentation in markdown for github
| Installation script for complex payloads
requiring initial setup (may require Internet)
|-payload.txt Special payload executed when switch is in
position 3 (arming mode). Overrides default
STORAGE+SERIAL mode. For advanced users only.
WARNING: Be careful not to lock yourself out
of the Bash Bunny by disabling access via
STORAGE or SERIAL when using this feature.
Share Internet Connection with Bash Bunny from Windows
- Configure a payload.txt for ATTACKMODE RNDIS_ETHERNET
- Boot Bash Bunny from RNDIS_ETHERNET set payload on the host Windows PC
- Open Control Panel > Network Connections (Start > Run > "ncpa.cpl" > Enter)
- Identify Bash Bunny interface. Device name: "USB Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget"
- Right-click Internet interface (e.g. Wi-Fi) and click Properties.
- From the Sharing tab, check "Allow other network users to connect through
this computer's Internet connection", select the Bash Bunny from the
Home networking connection list (e.g. Ethernet 2) and click OK.
- Right-click Bash Bunny interface (e.g. Ethenet 2) and click Properties.
- Select TCP/IPv4 and click Properties.
- Set the IP address to Leave Subnet mask as and
click OK on both properties windows. Internet Connection Sharing is complete
Share Internet Connection with Bash Bunny from Linux
- Download the Internet Connection Sharing script from
e.g: wget
- Run the connection script with bash as root
e.g: sudo bash ./
- Follow the [M]anual or [G]uided setup to configure iptables and routing
- Save settings for future sessions and [C]onnect
ATTACKMODE sets the device emulation parameters for the Bash Bunny.
Three attack modes may be executed simultaneously.
Parameter Type Target/Use
-------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------
SERIAL ACM Abstract Control Model Serial Console
ECM_ETHERNET ECM Ethernet Control Model Linux/Mac/Android
RNDIS_ETHERNET RNDIS Remote Network Dvr Int Spec Windows (some *nix)
STORAGE UMS USB Mass Storage Flash Drive
RO_STORAGE UMS USB Mass Storage Read-Only Flash Drive
HID HID Human Interface Device Keystroke Injection
ATTACKMODE Advanced Parameters
------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
PID_ Specifies the USB device product ID
VID_ Specifies the USB device vendor ID
MAN_ Specifies the USB device manufacturer
SN_ Specifies the USB device serial number
OFF Disables all USB emulaiton
LED Command
The multi-color LED enables at-a-glance information on payload status.
The LED is controlled via the LED command, from the console or payload.txt
In addition to Red, Green and Blue, additive color mixing is possible.
-------- --------------------------------------------
R Red
G Green
B Blue
Y, R G Yellow (Commonly known as Amber)
C, G B Cyan (Commonly known as Light Blue)
M, R B Magenta (Commonly known as Violet or Purple)
W, R G B White (Combination of R + G + B)
-------- --------------------------------------------------------
SOLID *Default. No blink. Used if pattern argument is ommitted
SLOW Symmetric 1000ms ON, 1000ms OFF, repeating
FAST Symmetric 100ms ON, 100ms OFF, repeating
VERYFAST Symmetric 10ms ON, 10ms OFF, repeating
SINGLE 1 100ms blink(s) ON followed by 1 second OFF, repeating
DOUBLE 2 100ms blink(s) ON followed by 1 second OFF, repeating
TRIPLE 3 100ms blink(s) ON followed by 1 second OFF, repeating
QUAD 4 100ms blink(s) ON followed by 1 second OFF, repeating
QUIN 5 100ms blink(s) ON followed by 1 second OFF, repeating
ISINGLE 1 100ms blink(s) OFF followed by 1 second ON, repeating
IDOUBLE 2 100ms blink(s) OFF followed by 1 second ON, repeating
ITRIPLE 3 100ms blink(s) OFF followed by 1 second ON, repeating
IQUAD 4 100ms blink(s) OFF followed by 1 second ON, repeating
IQUIN 5 100ms blink(s) OFF followed by 1 second ON, repeating
SUCCESS 1000ms VERYFAST blink followed by SOLID
# Custom value in ms for continuous symmetric blinking
In addition to the combinations of COLORS and PATTERNS listed above,
these standardized LED STATES may be used to indicate payload status:
---------- ------------- ---------------------------------------------
SETUP M SOLID Magenta solid
FAIL R SLOW Red slow blink
FAIL1 R SLOW Red slow blink
FAIL2 R FAST Red fast blink
FAIL3 R VERYFAST Red very fast blink
ATTACK Y SINGLE Yellow single blink
STAGE1 Y SINGLE Yellow single blink
STAGE2 Y DOUBLE Yellow double blink
STAGE3 Y TRIPLE Yellow triple blink
STAGE4 Y QUAD Yellow quadruple blink
STAGE5 Y QUIN Yellow quintuple blink
SPECIAL C ISINGLE Cyan inverted single blink
SPECIAL1 C ISINGLE Cyan inverted single blink
SPECIAL2 C IDOUBLE Cyan inverted double blink
SPECIAL3 C ITRIPLE Cyan inverted triple blink
SPECIAL4 C IQUAD Cyan inverted quadriple blink
SPECIAL5 C IQUIN Cyan inverted quintuple blink
CLEANUP W FAST White fast blink
FINISH G SUCCESS Green 1000ms VERYFAST blink followed by SOLID
OFF Turns the LED off
(\___/) Find further documentation, repository of payloads, (\___/)
(='.'=) tutorial videos and community support forums at (='.'=)
(")_(") (C) Hak5 LLC (")_(")