REM Title: Chrome Extension Installer REM Author: audibleblink DELAY 1000 REM Open Extension URL GUI SPACE DELAY 500 STRING chrome DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 4000 GUI l DELAY 200 STRING DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 3000 REM Open the JavaScript console in the browser REM GUI-ALT j doesn't work, so we have to do it the long way CTRL F2 DELAY 100 STRING v DELAY 100 DOWNARROW DELAY 100 STRING d DELAY 100 RIGHTARROW DELAY 100 STRING j DELAY 100 ENTER DELAY 3000 REM Use jQuery to click the Install button STRING $("div[role='button']").click() ENTER DELAY 2000 REM Confirm the installation REM Depends on a MacOS setting that allows tabbing through dialogs SHIFT TAB DELAY 300 SPACE DELAY 4000 REM Close the tabs you just opened GUI w DELAY 300 GUI w