#!/bin/bash # Bash Bunny Connector for Linux # EULA https://www.bashbunny.com/licence/eula.txt # License https://www.bashbunny.com/licence/software_licence.txt bbver=1 BBSH_CONFIG="$(dirname $0)/bunny_connecter_config.txt" if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] then echo "This Bash Bunny Connection script requires root." sudo su -s "$0" exit fi function banner { # Show random banner because 1337 b=$(( ( RANDOM % 5 ) + 1 )) case "$b" in 1) echo $(tput setaf 3) echo " _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ "; echo " (\___/) | __ || _ || __|| | | | __ || | || | || | || | |"; echo " (='.'=) | __ -|| ||__ || | | __ -|| | || | | || | | ||_ _|"; echo " (\")_(\") |_____||__|__||_____||__|__| |_____||_____||_|___||_|___| |_| "; echo " Bash Bunny by Hak5 USB Attack/Automation Platform "; echo "$(tput sgr0) v$bbver"; ;; 2) echo $(tput setaf 3) echo " _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ "; echo " (\___/) | __ || _ || __|| | | | __ || | || | || | || | |"; echo " (='.'=) | __ -|| ||__ || | | __ -|| | || | | || | | ||_ _|"; echo " (\")_(\") |_____||__|__||_____||__|__| |_____||_____||_|___||_|___| |_| "; echo " Bash Bunny by Hak5 USB Attack/Automation Platform "; echo "$(tput sgr0) v$bbver"; ;; 3) echo $(tput setaf 3) echo " _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ "; echo " (\___/) | __ || _ || __|| | | | __ || | || | || | || | |"; echo " (='.'=) | __ -|| ||__ || | | __ -|| | || | | || | | ||_ _|"; echo " (\")_(\") |_____||__|__||_____||__|__| |_____||_____||_|___||_|___| |_| "; echo " Bash Bunny by Hak5 USB Attack/Automation Platform "; echo "$(tput sgr0) v$bbver"; ;; 4) echo $(tput setaf 3) echo " _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ "; echo " (\___/) | __ || _ || __|| | | | __ || | || | || | || | |"; echo " (='.'=) | __ -|| ||__ || | | __ -|| | || | | || | | ||_ _|"; echo " (\")_(\") |_____||__|__||_____||__|__| |_____||_____||_|___||_|___| |_| "; echo " Bash Bunny by Hak5 USB Attack/Automation Platform "; echo "$(tput sgr0) v$bbver"; ;; 5) echo $(tput setaf 3) echo " _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ "; echo " (\___/) | __ || _ || __|| | | | __ || | || | || | || | |"; echo " (='.'=) | __ -|| ||__ || | | __ -|| | || | | || | | ||_ _|"; echo " (\")_(\") |_____||__|__||_____||__|__| |_____||_____||_|___||_|___| |_| "; echo " Bash Bunny by Hak5 USB Attack/Automation Platform "; echo "$(tput sgr0) v$bbver"; ;; esac } function showsettings { printf "\n\ $(tput bold)Saved Settings$(tput sgr0): Share Internet connection from $sbunnywan\n\ to Bash Bunny at $sbunnylan through default gateway $sbunnygw\n" } function menu { start_clean # removes bunny related rules without doing a full flush printf "\n\ [$(tput bold)C$(tput sgr0)]onnect using saved settings\n\ [$(tput bold)G$(tput sgr0)]uided setup (recommended)\n\ [$(tput bold)M$(tput sgr0)]anual setup\n\ [$(tput bold)A$(tput sgr0)]dvanced IP settings\n\ [$(tput bold)Q$(tput sgr0)]uit\n\n " read -r -sn1 key case "$key" in [gG]) guidedsetup;; [mM]) manualsetup;; [cC]) connectsaved;; [aA]) advancedsetup;; [bB]) bunny;; [qQ]) printf "\n"; start_clean; exit;; esac } function manualsetup { ipinstalled=$(which ip) if [[ "$?" == 0 ]]; then ifaces=($(ip link show | grep -v link | awk {'print $2'} | sed 's/://g' | grep -v lo)) printf "\n Select Bash Bunny Interface:\n" for i in "${!ifaces[@]}"; do printf " [$(tput bold)%s$(tput sgr0)]\t%s\t" "$i" "${ifaces[$i]}" printf "$(ip -4 addr show ${ifaces[$i]} | grep inet | awk {'print $2'} | head -1)\n" done read -r -p " > " planq if [ "$planq" -eq "$planq" ] 2>/dev/null; then sbunnylan=(${ifaces[planq]}) else printf "\n Response must be a listed numeric option\n"; manualsetup fi printf "\n Select Internet Interface:\n" for i in "${!ifaces[@]}"; do printf " [$(tput bold)%s$(tput sgr0)]\t%s\t" "$i" "${ifaces[$i]}" printf "$(ip -4 addr show ${ifaces[$i]} | grep inet | awk {'print $2'} | head -1)\n" done read -r -p " > " inetq if [ "$inetq" -eq "$inetq" ] 2>/dev/null; then sbunnywan=(${ifaces[inetq]}) else printf "\n Response must be a listed numeric option\n"; manualsetup fi printf "\n$(netstat -nr)\n\n" read -r -p " Specify Default Gateway IP Address: " sbunnygw savechanges else printf "\n\n Configuration requires the 'iproute2' package (aka the 'ip' command).\n Please install 'iproute2' to continue.\n" menu fi } function guidedsetup { hasiproute2=$(which ip) if [[ "$?" == 1 ]]; then printf "\n\n Configuration requires the 'iproute2' package (aka the 'ip' command).\n Please install 'iproute2' to continue.\n"; menu fi hasdefaultroute=$(ip route) if [[ "$?" == 1 ]]; then printf "\n No route detected. Check connection and try again.\n"; menu fi printf "\n $(tput setaf 3)Step 1 of 3: Select Default Gateway$(tput sgr0)\n\ Default gateway reported as $(tput bold)$(ip route | grep default | awk {'print $3'} | head -1)$(tput sgr0)\n" read -r -p " Use the above reported default gateway? [Y/n]? " usedgw case $usedgw in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]|'') sbunnygw=($(ip route | grep default | awk {'print $3'})) ;; [nN][oO]|[nN]) printf "\n$(ip route)\n\n" read -r -p " Specify the default gateway by IP address: " sbunnygw ;; esac printf "\n $(tput setaf 3)Step 2 of 3: Select Internet Interface$(tput sgr0)\n\ Internet interface reported as $(tput bold)$(ip route | grep default | awk {'print $5'} | head -1)$(tput sgr0)\n" read -r -p " Use the above reported Internet interface? [Y/n]? " useii case $useii in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]|'') sbunnywan=($(ip route | grep default | awk {'print $5'})) ;; [nN][oO]|[nN]) printf "\n Available Network Interfaces:\n" ifaces=($(ip link show | grep -v link | awk {'print $2'} | sed 's/://g' | grep -v lo)) for i in "${!ifaces[@]}"; do printf " \t%s\t" "${ifaces[$i]}" printf "$(ip -4 addr show ${ifaces[$i]} | grep inet | awk {'print $2'} | head -1)\n" done read -r -p " Specify the internet interface by name: " sbunnywan ;; esac printf "\n $(tput setaf 3)Step 3 of 3: Select Bash Bunny Interface$(tput sgr0)\n Please connect the Bash Bunny to this computer.\n " a="0" until bunnyiface=$(ip addr | grep '00:11:22:33:44:55' -B1 | awk {'print $2'} | head -1 | grep 'eth\|en') do printf "." sleep 1 a=$[$a+1] if [[ $a == "51" ]]; then printf "\n " a=0 fi done printf "[Checking]" sleep 5 # Wait as the system is likely to rename interface. Sleeping rather than more advanced error handling becasue reasons. bunnyiface=$(ip addr | grep '00:11:22:33:44:55' -B1 | awk {'print $2'} | head -1 | grep 'eth\|en' | sed 's/://g') printf "\n Detected Bash Bunny on interface $(tput bold)$bunnyiface$(tput sgr0)\n"; read -r -p " Use the above detected Bash Bunny interface? [Y/n]? " pi case $pi in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]|'') sbunnylan=$bunnyiface ;; [nN][oO]|[nN]) printf "\n Available Network Interfaces:\n" ifaces=($(ip link show | grep -v link | awk {'print $2'} | sed 's/://g' | grep -v lo)) for i in "${!ifaces[@]}"; do printf " \t%s\t" "${ifaces[$i]}" printf "$(ip -4 addr show ${ifaces[$i]} | grep inet | awk {'print $2'} | head -1)\n" done read -r -p " Specify the Bash Bunny interface by name: " sbunnylan ;; esac savechanges } function advancedsetup { printf "\n\ By default the Bash Bunny resides on the $(tput bold)$(tput sgr0) network\n\ with the IP Address $(tput bold)$(tput sgr0) and Ethernet default route $(tput bold)$(tput sgr0).\n\n\ The Bash Bunny expects an Internet connection from by\n\ default, which this script aids in configuring. These IP addresses may\n\ be changed if desired by modifying network configs on the Bash Bunny.\n\n" read -r -p " Continue with advanced IP config [y/N]? " qcontinue case $qcontinue in [nN][oO]|[nN]|'') menu ;; [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) read -r -p " Bash Bunny Network []: " sbunnynet if [[ $sbunnynet == '' ]]; then sbunnynet= # Bash Bunny network. Default is fi read -r -p " Bash Bunny Netmask []: " sbunnynmask if [[ $sbunnynmask == '' ]]; then sbunnynmask= #Default netmask for /24 network fi read -r -p " Host IP Address []: " sbunnyhostip if [[ $sbunnyhostip == '' ]]; then sbunnyhostip= #IP Address of host computer fi read -r -p " Bash Bunny IP Address []: " sbunnyip if [[ $sbunnyip == '' ]]; then sbunnyip= #If this seems familiar it's becuase I'm just recycling wp6.sh from the WiFi Pineapple fi printf "\n Advanced IP settings will be saved for future sessions.\n Default settings may be restored by selecting Advanced IP settings and\n pressing [ENTER] when prompted for IP settings.\n\n Press any key to continue" savechanges ;; esac } function savechanges { # using ";" as a delmiter in sed is a-okay sed -i "s;^sbunnynmask.*;sbunnynmask=$sbunnynmask;" "$BBSH_CONFIG" sed -i "s;^sbunnynet.*;sbunnynet=$sbunnynet;" "$BBSH_CONFIG" sed -i "s;^sbunnylan.*;sbunnylan=$sbunnylan;" "$BBSH_CONFIG" sed -i "s;^sbunnywan.*;sbunnywan=$sbunnywan;" "$BBSH_CONFIG" sed -i "s;^sbunnygw.*;sbunnygw=$sbunnygw;" "$BBSH_CONFIG" sed -i "s;^sbunnyhostip.*;sbunnyhostip=$sbunnyhostip;" "$BBSH_CONFIG" sed -i "s;^sbunnyip.*;sbunnyip=$sbunnyip;" "$BBSH_CONFIG" sed -i "s;^sfirsttime.*;sfirsttime=0;" "$BBSH_CONFIG" sfirsttime=0 printf "\n Settings saved.\n" showsettings menu } function connectsaved { if [[ "$sfirsttime" == "1" ]]; then printf "\n Error: Settings unsaved. Run either Guided or Manual setup first.\n"; menu fi ifconfig $sbunnylan $sbunnyhostip netmask $sbunnynmask up #Bring up Ethernet Interface directly connected to Bash Bunny printf "Detecting Bash Bunny..." until ping $sbunnyip -c1 -w1 >/dev/null do printf "." ifconfig $sbunnylan $sbunnyhostip netmask $sbunnynmask up &>/dev/null sleep 1 done printf "...found.\n\n" printf " $(tput setaf 6) _ . $(tput sgr0) $(tput setaf 7)___$(tput sgr0) $(tput setaf 3)(\___/)$(tput sgr0)\n" printf " $(tput setaf 6) ( _ )_ $(tput sgr0) $(tput setaf 2)<-->$(tput sgr0) $(tput setaf 7)[___]$(tput sgr0) $(tput setaf 2)<-->$(tput sgr0) $(tput setaf 3)(='.'=)$(tput sgr0)\n" printf " $(tput setaf 6) (_ _(_ ,)$(tput sgr0) $(tput setaf 7)\___\\$(tput sgr0) $(tput setaf 3)(\")_(\")$(tput sgr0)\n" ifconfig $sbunnylan $sbunnyhostip netmask $sbunnynmask up #Bring up Ethernet Interface directly connected to Pineapple echo '1' > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward # Enable IP Forwarding iptables -I FORWARD -i $sbunnywan -o $sbunnylan -s $sbunnynet -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT #setup IP forwarding iptables -I FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT iptables -I POSTROUTING -t nat -s $sbunnyip -j MASQUERADE route del default #remove default route route add default gw $sbunnygw $sbunnywan #add default gateway printf "\n\n" exit } function start_clean { # undo all iptables Bashbunny related rules iptables -D FORWARD -i $sbunnywan -o $sbunnylan -s $sbunnynet -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null iptables -D FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null iptables -D POSTROUTING -t nat -s $sbunnyip -j MASQUERADE 2>/dev/null echo '0' > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward # Disable forwarding } function create_bbsh_config { echo "sbunnynmask=" > "$BBSH_CONFIG" echo "sbunnynet=" >> "$BBSH_CONFIG" echo "sbunnylan=enx001122334455" >> "$BBSH_CONFIG" echo "sbunnywan=wlo1" >> "$BBSH_CONFIG" echo "sbunnygw=" >> "$BBSH_CONFIG" echo "sbunnyhostip=" >> "$BBSH_CONFIG" echo "sbunnyip=" >> "$BBSH_CONFIG" echo "sfirsttime=1" >> "$BBSH_CONFIG" } function bunny { printf "\nNetmask $sbunnynmask\nBunny Net $sbunnynet\nBunny LAN $sbunnylan\nBunny WAN $sbunnywan\nBunny GW $sbunnygw\nBunny IP $sbunnyip\nHost IP $sbunnyhostip\n" printf "\n/)___(\ \n(='.'=)\n(\")_(\")\n" exit } banner #remove for less 1337 showsettings # create bbsh_config if it doesn't exist [ -f "$BBSH_CONFIG" ] || create_bbsh_config source "$BBSH_CONFIG" if [[ "$sfirsttime" == "1" ]]; then printf " Since this is the first time running the BB Internet Connection Sharing\n\ script, Guided setup is recommended to save initial configuration.\n\ Subsequent sessions may be quickly connected using saved settings.\n" fi # Removes iptables rules if the script gets a Ctrl-C trap start_clean INT menu