
288 lines
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// pool.go : contains pool helper function
// heavily based on:
package helper
import (
// Job holds all the data related to a worker's instance.
type Job struct {
F func(...interface{}) interface{}
Args []interface{}
Result interface{}
Err error
added chan bool // used by Pool.Add to wait for the supervisor
// Stats is a structure holding statistical data about the pool.
type Stats struct {
Submitted int
Running int
Completed int
// Pool is the main data structure.
type Pool struct {
workersStarted bool
supervisorStarted bool
numWorkers int
jobWantedPipe chan chan *Job
donePipe chan *Job
addPipe chan *Job
resultWantedPipe chan chan *Job
jobsReadyToRun *list.List
numJobsSubmitted int
numJobsRunning int
numJobsCompleted int
jobsCompleted *list.List
interval time.Duration // for sleeping, in ms
workingWantedPipe chan chan bool
statsWantedPipe chan chan Stats
workerKillPipe chan bool
supervisorKillPipe chan bool
workerWg sync.WaitGroup
supervisorWg sync.WaitGroup
// subworker catches any panic while running the job.
func (pool *Pool) subworker(job *Job) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
log.Println("panic while running job:", err)
job.Result = nil
job.Err = fmt.Errorf(err.(string))
job.Result = job.F(job.Args...)
// worker gets a job from the job_pipe, passes it to a
// subworker and puts the job in the done_pipe when finished.
func (pool *Pool) worker(num int) {
jobPipe := make(chan *Job)
for {
pool.jobWantedPipe <- jobPipe
job := <-jobPipe
if job == nil {
time.Sleep(pool.interval * time.Millisecond)
} else {
pool.donePipe <- job
select {
case <-pool.workerKillPipe:
// NewPool creates a new Pool
func NewPool(workers int) (pool *Pool) {
pool = new(Pool)
pool.numWorkers = workers
pool.jobWantedPipe = make(chan chan *Job)
pool.donePipe = make(chan *Job)
pool.addPipe = make(chan *Job)
pool.resultWantedPipe = make(chan chan *Job)
pool.jobsReadyToRun = list.New()
pool.jobsCompleted = list.New()
pool.workingWantedPipe = make(chan chan bool)
pool.statsWantedPipe = make(chan chan Stats)
pool.workerKillPipe = make(chan bool)
pool.supervisorKillPipe = make(chan bool)
pool.interval = 1
// start the supervisor here so we can accept jobs before a Run call
// supervisor feeds jobs to workers and keeps track of them.
func (pool *Pool) supervisor() {
for {
select {
// new job
case job := <-pool.addPipe:
job.added <- true
// send jobs to the workers
case jobPipe := <-pool.jobWantedPipe:
element := pool.jobsReadyToRun.Front()
var job *Job
if element != nil {
job = element.Value.(*Job)
jobPipe <- job
// job completed
case job := <-pool.donePipe:
// wait for job
case resultPipe := <-pool.resultWantedPipe:
closePipe := false
job := (*Job)(nil)
element := pool.jobsCompleted.Front()
if element != nil {
job = element.Value.(*Job)
} else {
if pool.numJobsRunning == 0 && pool.numJobsCompleted == pool.numJobsSubmitted {
closePipe = true
if closePipe {
} else {
resultPipe <- job
// is the pool working or just lazing on a Sunday afternoon?
case workingPipe := <-pool.workingWantedPipe:
working := true
if pool.jobsReadyToRun.Len() == 0 && pool.numJobsRunning == 0 {
working = false
workingPipe <- working
// stats
case statsPipe := <-pool.statsWantedPipe:
poolStats := Stats{pool.numJobsSubmitted, pool.numJobsRunning, pool.numJobsCompleted}
statsPipe <- poolStats
// stopping
case <-pool.supervisorKillPipe:
// Run starts the Pool by launching the workers.
// It's OK to start an empty Pool. The jobs will be fed to the workers as soon
// as they become available.
func (pool *Pool) Run() {
if pool.workersStarted {
panic("trying to start a pool that's already running")
for i := 0; i < pool.numWorkers; i++ {
go pool.worker(i)
pool.workersStarted = true
// handle the supervisor
if !pool.supervisorStarted {
// Stop will signal the workers to exit and wait for them to actually do that.
// It also releases any other resources (e.g.: it stops the supervisor goroutine)
// so call this method when you're done with the Pool instance to allow the GC
// to do its job.
func (pool *Pool) Stop() {
if !pool.workersStarted {
panic("trying to stop a pool that's already stopped")
// stop the workers
for i := 0; i < pool.numWorkers; i++ {
pool.workerKillPipe <- true
// set the flag
pool.workersStarted = false
// handle the supervisor
if pool.supervisorStarted {
func (pool *Pool) startSupervisor() {
go pool.supervisor()
pool.supervisorStarted = true
func (pool *Pool) stopSupervisor() {
pool.supervisorKillPipe <- true
pool.supervisorStarted = false
// Add creates a Job from the given function and args and
// adds it to the Pool.
func (pool *Pool) Add(f func(...interface{}) interface{}, args ...interface{}) {
job := &Job{f, args, nil, nil, make(chan bool)}
pool.addPipe <- job
// Wait blocks until all the jobs in the Pool are done.
func (pool *Pool) Wait() {
workingPipe := make(chan bool)
for {
pool.workingWantedPipe <- workingPipe
if !<-workingPipe {
time.Sleep(pool.interval * time.Millisecond)
// Results retrieves the completed jobs.
func (pool *Pool) Results() (res []*Job) {
res = make([]*Job, pool.jobsCompleted.Len())
i := 0
for e := pool.jobsCompleted.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
res[i] = e.Value.(*Job)
pool.jobsCompleted = list.New()
// WaitForJob blocks until a completed job is available and returns it.
// If there are no jobs running, it returns nil.
func (pool *Pool) WaitForJob() *Job {
resultPipe := make(chan *Job)
var job *Job
var ok bool
for {
pool.resultWantedPipe <- resultPipe
job, ok = <-resultPipe
if !ok {
// no more results available
return nil
if job == (*Job)(nil) {
// no result available right now but there are jobs running
time.Sleep(pool.interval * time.Millisecond)
} else {
return job
// Status returns a "stats" instance.
func (pool *Pool) Status() Stats {
statsPipe := make(chan Stats)
if pool.supervisorStarted {
pool.statsWantedPipe <- statsPipe
return <-statsPipe
// the supervisor wasn't started so we return a zeroed structure
return Stats{}