misc update

sandeep 2021-09-25 22:27:32 +05:30
parent 4c0e8d2d7f
commit 4190e0f0e9
1 changed files with 11 additions and 70 deletions

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@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ subfinder -h
This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.
<<<<<<< HEAD
| Flag | Description | Example |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------|
| -all | Use all sources (slow) for enumeration | subfinder -d uber.com -all |
| -b | IP address to be used as local bind | subfinder -b |
| -config | Configuration file for API Keys, etc | subfinder -config config.yaml |
| -d | Domain to find subdomains for | subfinder -d uber.com |
| -dL | File containing list of domains to enumerate | subfinder -dL hackerone-hosts.txt |
@ -80,41 +80,14 @@ This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.
| -rate-limit | Maximum number of HTTP requests to send per second | subfinder -rate-limit 10 |
| -v | Show Verbose output | subfinder -v |
| -version | Show current program version | subfinder -version |
| Flag | Description | Example |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| -all | Use all sources (slow) for enumeration | subfinder -d uber.com -all |
| -b | IP address to be used as local bind | subfinder -b |
| -config | Configuration file for API Keys, etc | subfinder -config config.yaml |
| -d | Domain to find subdomains for | subfinder -d uber.com |
| -dL | File containing list of domains to enumerate | subfinder -dL hackerone-hosts.txt |
| -exclude-sources | List of sources to exclude from enumeration | subfinder -exclude-sources archiveis |
| -max-time | Minutes to wait for enumeration results (default 10) | subfinder -max-time 1 |
| -nC | Don't Use colors in output | subfinder -nC |
| -nW | Remove Wildcard & Dead Subdomains from output | subfinder -nW |
| -ls | List all available sources | subfinder -ls |
| -o | File to write output to (optional) | subfinder -o output.txt |
| -oD | Directory to write enumeration results to (optional) | subfinder -oD ~/outputs |
| -oI | Write output in Host,IP format | subfinder -oI |
| -oJ | Write output in JSON lines Format | subfinder -oJ |
| -r | Comma-separated list of resolvers to use | subfinder -r, |
| -rL | Text file containing list of resolvers to use | subfinder -rL resolvers.txt |
| -recursive | Enumeration recursive subdomains | subfinder -d news.yahoo.com -recursive |
| -silent | Show only subdomains in output | subfinder -silent |
| -sources | Comma separated list of sources to use | subfinder -sources shodan,censys |
| -t | Number of concurrent goroutines for resolving (default 10) | subfinder -t 100 |
| -timeout | Seconds to wait before timing out (default 30) | subfinder -timeout 30 |
| -v | Show Verbose output | subfinder -v |
| -version | Show current program version | subfinder -version |
>>>>>>> 9b3a5b75dddd3b5891f7af2fabd1dfab7343f4b2
# Installation
Subfinder requires **go1.14+** to install successfully. Run the following command to get the repo -
Subfinder requires **go1.17** to install successfully. Run the following command to get the repo -
GO111MODULE=on go get -v github.com/projectdiscovery/subfinder/v2/cmd/subfinder
go install -v github.com/projectdiscovery/subfinder/v2/cmd/subfinder@latest
@ -194,44 +167,10 @@ The verbose flag `v` can be used to display verbose information.
[bufferover] soti.croma.example.com
The `-o` command can be used to specify an output file.
▶ subfinder -d example.com -o output.txt
To run the tool on a list of domains, `-dL` option can be used. This requires a directory to write the output files. Subdomains for each domain from the list are written in a text file in the directory specified by the `-oD` flag with their name being the domain name.
▶ cat domains.txt
▶ subfinder -dL domains.txt -oD ~/path/to/output
▶ ls ~/path/to/output
You can also get output in json format using `-oJ` switch. This switch saves the output in the JSON lines format.
If you use the JSON format, or the `Host:IP` format, then it becomes mandatory for you to use the **-nW** format as resolving is essential for these output format. By default, resolving the found subdomains is disabled.
▶ subfinder -d hackerone.com -o output.json -oJ -nW
▶ cat output.json
The subdomains discovered can be piped to other tools too. For example, you can pipe the subdomains discovered by subfinder to httpx [httpx](https://github.com/projectdiscovery/httpx) which will then find running http servers on the host.
echo hackerone.com | subfinder -silent | httpx -silent
echo hackerone.com | subfinder -silent | httpx -silent
@ -243,8 +182,10 @@ http://mta-sts.managed.hackerone.com
If your enterprise uses source routing to choose network output, or your computer has many public network interfaces (eg: public Wi-Fi + 4G connection + Ethernet Wire + VPN), you might want to choose your output network by binding IP source. In this case, you can use `-b` option.
In the example below, we have 3 network interfaces able to communicate to the Internet through 3 different outputs. Each output is chosen by binding one source IP with `-b` option.
▶ ip addr
ip addr
3: wlp3s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether e8:b1:fc:50:90:a0 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
@ -259,9 +200,9 @@ In the example below, we have 3 network interfaces able to communicate to the In
inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute enx0c5b8f279a64
valid_lft 86396sec preferred_lft 86396sec
subfinder -d hackerone.com -b
subfinder -d hackerone.com -b
subfinder -d hackerone.com -b
subfinder -d hackerone.com -b
subfinder -d hackerone.com -b
subfinder -d hackerone.com -b
@ -317,7 +258,7 @@ docker run -v $HOME/.config/subfinder:/root/.config/subfinder -it projectdiscove
Usage example:
``` go
package main
import (