Updated CertDB with Concurrency
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ type State struct {
Verbose bool // Show verbose information
Domain string // Domain name to find subdomains for
Recursive bool // Whether perform recursive subdomain discovery or not
Output string // Name of output file
IsJSON bool // Provide JSON output file
Wordlist string // Wordlist file for subdomains bruteforcing
Bruteforce bool // Flag to decide whether to bruteforce or not
WildcardIPs []string // Wildcard IP Structure
@ -40,5 +42,5 @@ func InitState() (state State, err error) {
return state, err
return State{true, 10, 180, false, "", false, "", false, []string{}, true, *config}, nil
return State{true, 10, 180, false, "", false, "", false, "", false, []string{}, true, *config}, nil
@ -20,23 +20,28 @@ import (
var subdomains []string
// Parser subdomains from SSL Certificate Information Page
func findSubdomains(link string, state *helper.State) (subdomainsfound []string, err error) {
func findSubdomains(link string, state *helper.State, channel chan []string) {
var subdomainsfound []string
resp, err := helper.GetHTTPResponse("https://certdb.com"+link, state.Timeout)
if err != nil {
return subdomainsfound, err
channel <- subdomainsfound
// Get the response body
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return subdomainsfound, err
channel <- subdomainsfound
src := string(body)
SubdomainRegex, err := regexp.Compile("<a href=\"https://certdb.com/domain/(.*)\" target='_blank' class='link-underlined' >")
if err != nil {
return subdomainsfound, err
channel <- subdomainsfound
match := SubdomainRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(src, -1)
@ -45,7 +50,8 @@ func findSubdomains(link string, state *helper.State) (subdomainsfound []string,
subdomainsfound = append(subdomainsfound, link[1])
return subdomainsfound, nil
channel <- subdomainsfound
@ -80,14 +86,16 @@ func Query(state *helper.State, ch chan helper.Result) {
match := Regex.FindAllStringSubmatch(src, -1)
var initialSubs []string
var subsReturned []string
channel := make(chan []string, len(match))
for _, link := range match {
subsReturned, err := findSubdomains(link[1], state)
if err != nil {
result.Error = err
ch <- result
go findSubdomains(link[1], state, channel)
for i:=0; i < len(match); i++ {
subsReturned = <-channel
initialSubs = append(initialSubs, subsReturned...)
Reference in New Issue