
303 lines
11 KiB

package dns
import (
fileutil ""
// Request contains a DNS protocol request to be made from a template
type Request struct {
// Operators for the current request go here.
operators.Operators `yaml:",inline"`
// ID is the optional id of the request
ID string `yaml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=id of the dns request,description=ID is the optional ID of the DNS Request"`
// description: |
// Name is the Hostname to make DNS request for.
// Generally, it is set to {{FQDN}} which is the domain we get from input.
// examples:
// - value: "\"{{FQDN}}\""
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=hostname to make dns request for,description=Name is the Hostname to make DNS request for"`
// description: |
// RequestType is the type of DNS request to make.
RequestType DNSRequestTypeHolder `yaml:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=type of dns request to make,description=Type is the type of DNS request to make,enum=A,enum=NS,enum=DS,enum=CNAME,enum=SOA,enum=PTR,enum=MX,enum=TXT,enum=AAAA"`
// description: |
// Class is the class of the DNS request.
// Usually it's enough to just leave it as INET.
// values:
// - "inet"
// - "csnet"
// - "chaos"
// - "hesiod"
// - "none"
// - "any"
Class string `yaml:"class,omitempty" json:"class,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=class of DNS request,description=Class is the class of the DNS request,enum=inet,enum=csnet,enum=chaos,enum=hesiod,enum=none,enum=any"`
// description: |
// Retries is the number of retries for the DNS request
// examples:
// - name: Use a retry of 3 to 5 generally
// value: 5
Retries int `yaml:"retries,omitempty" json:"retries,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=retries for dns request,description=Retries is the number of retries for the DNS request"`
// description: |
// Trace performs a trace operation for the target.
Trace bool `yaml:"trace,omitempty" json:"trace,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=trace operation,description=Trace performs a trace operation for the target."`
// description: |
// TraceMaxRecursion is the number of max recursion allowed for trace operations
// examples:
// - name: Use a retry of 100 to 150 generally
// value: 100
TraceMaxRecursion int `yaml:"trace-max-recursion,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=trace-max-recursion level for dns request,description=TraceMaxRecursion is the number of max recursion allowed for trace operations"`
// description: |
// Attack is the type of payload combinations to perform.
// Batteringram is inserts the same payload into all defined payload positions at once, pitchfork combines multiple payload sets and clusterbomb generates
// permutations and combinations for all payloads.
AttackType generators.AttackTypeHolder `yaml:"attack,omitempty" json:"attack,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=attack is the payload combination,description=Attack is the type of payload combinations to perform,enum=batteringram,enum=pitchfork,enum=clusterbomb"`
// description: |
// Payloads contains any payloads for the current request.
// Payloads support both key-values combinations where a list
// of payloads is provided, or optionally a single file can also
// be provided as payload which will be read on run-time.
Payloads map[string]interface{} `yaml:"payloads,omitempty" json:"payloads,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=payloads for the network request,description=Payloads contains any payloads for the current request"`
// description: |
// Threads to use when sending iterating over payloads
// examples:
// - name: Send requests using 10 concurrent threads
// value: 10
Threads int `yaml:"threads,omitempty" json:"threads,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=threads for sending requests,description=Threads specifies number of threads to use sending requests. This enables Connection Pooling"`
generator *generators.PayloadGenerator
CompiledOperators *operators.Operators `yaml:"-"`
dnsClient *retryabledns.Client
options *protocols.ExecutorOptions
// cache any variables that may be needed for operation.
class uint16
question uint16
// description: |
// Recursion determines if resolver should recurse all records to get fresh results.
Recursion *bool `yaml:"recursion,omitempty" json:"recursion,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=recurse all servers,description=Recursion determines if resolver should recurse all records to get fresh results"`
// Resolvers to use for the dns requests
Resolvers []string `yaml:"resolvers,omitempty" json:"resolvers,omitempty" jsonschema:"title=Resolvers,description=Define resolvers to use within the template"`
// RequestPartDefinitions contains a mapping of request part definitions and their
// description. Multiple definitions are separated by commas.
// Definitions not having a name (generated on runtime) are prefixed & suffixed by <>.
var RequestPartDefinitions = map[string]string{
"template-id": "ID of the template executed",
"template-info": "Info Block of the template executed",
"template-path": "Path of the template executed",
"host": "Host is the input to the template",
"matched": "Matched is the input which was matched upon",
"request": "Request contains the DNS request in text format",
"type": "Type is the type of request made",
"rcode": "Rcode field returned for the DNS request",
"question": "Question contains the DNS question field",
"extra": "Extra contains the DNS response extra field",
"answer": "Answer contains the DNS response answer field",
"ns": "NS contains the DNS response NS field",
"raw,body,all": "Raw contains the raw DNS response (default)",
"trace": "Trace contains trace data for DNS request if enabled",
func (request *Request) GetCompiledOperators() []*operators.Operators {
return []*operators.Operators{request.CompiledOperators}
// GetID returns the unique ID of the request if any.
func (request *Request) GetID() string {
return request.ID
// Options returns executer options for http request
func (r *Request) Options() *protocols.ExecutorOptions {
return r.options
// Compile compiles the protocol request for further execution.
func (request *Request) Compile(options *protocols.ExecutorOptions) error {
if request.Retries == 0 {
request.Retries = 3
if request.Recursion == nil {
recursion := true
request.Recursion = &recursion
dnsClientOptions := &dnsclientpool.Configuration{
Retries: request.Retries,
if len(request.Resolvers) > 0 {
dnsClientOptions.Resolvers = request.Resolvers
// Create a dns client for the class
client, err := request.getDnsClient(options, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get dns client")
request.dnsClient = client
if len(request.Matchers) > 0 || len(request.Extractors) > 0 {
compiled := &request.Operators
compiled.ExcludeMatchers = options.ExcludeMatchers
compiled.TemplateID = options.TemplateID
if err := compiled.Compile(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not compile operators")
request.CompiledOperators = compiled
request.class = classToInt(request.Class)
request.options = options
request.question = questionTypeToInt(request.RequestType.String())
for name, payload := range options.Options.Vars.AsMap() {
payloadStr, ok := payload.(string)
// check if inputs contains the payload
if ok && fileutil.FileExists(payloadStr) {
if request.Payloads == nil {
request.Payloads = make(map[string]interface{})
request.Payloads[name] = payloadStr
if len(request.Payloads) > 0 {
request.generator, err = generators.New(request.Payloads, request.AttackType.Value, request.options.TemplatePath, request.options.Catalog, request.options.Options.AttackType, request.options.Options)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not parse payloads")
// default to 20 threads for payload requests
request.Threads = options.GetThreadsForNPayloadRequests(request.Requests(), request.Threads)
return nil
func (request *Request) getDnsClient(options *protocols.ExecutorOptions, metadata map[string]interface{}) (*retryabledns.Client, error) {
dnsClientOptions := &dnsclientpool.Configuration{
Retries: request.Retries,
if len(request.Resolvers) > 0 {
if len(request.Resolvers) > 0 {
for _, resolver := range request.Resolvers {
if expressions.ContainsUnresolvedVariables(resolver) != nil {
var err error
resolver, err = expressions.Evaluate(resolver, metadata)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not resolve resolvers expressions")
dnsClientOptions.Resolvers = append(dnsClientOptions.Resolvers, resolver)
dnsClientOptions.Resolvers = request.Resolvers
return dnsclientpool.Get(options.Options, dnsClientOptions)
// Requests returns the total number of requests the YAML rule will perform
func (request *Request) Requests() int {
if request.generator != nil {
payloadRequests := request.generator.NewIterator().Total()
return payloadRequests
return 1
// Make returns the request to be sent for the protocol
func (request *Request) Make(host string, vars map[string]interface{}) (*dns.Msg, error) {
// Build a request on the specified URL
req := new(dns.Msg)
req.Id = dns.Id()
req.RecursionDesired = *request.Recursion
var q dns.Question
final := replacer.Replace(request.Name, vars)
q.Name = dns.Fqdn(final)
q.Qclass = request.class
q.Qtype = request.question
req.Question = append(req.Question, q)
req.SetEdns0(4096, false)
switch request.question {
case dns.TypeTXT:
req.AuthenticatedData = true
return req, nil
// questionTypeToInt converts DNS question type to internal representation
func questionTypeToInt(questionType string) uint16 {
questionType = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToUpper(questionType))
question := dns.TypeA
switch questionType {
case "A":
question = dns.TypeA
case "NS":
question = dns.TypeNS
case "CNAME":
question = dns.TypeCNAME
case "SOA":
question = dns.TypeSOA
case "PTR":
question = dns.TypePTR
case "MX":
question = dns.TypeMX
case "TXT":
question = dns.TypeTXT
case "DS":
question = dns.TypeDS
case "AAAA":
question = dns.TypeAAAA
case "CAA":
question = dns.TypeCAA
case "TLSA":
question = dns.TypeTLSA
case "ANY":
question = dns.TypeANY
return question
// classToInt converts a dns class name to its internal representation
func classToInt(class string) uint16 {
class = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToUpper(class))
result := dns.ClassINET
switch class {
case "INET":
result = dns.ClassINET
case "CSNET":
result = dns.ClassCSNET
case "CHAOS":
result = dns.ClassCHAOS
case "HESIOD":
result = dns.ClassHESIOD
case "NONE":
result = dns.ClassNONE
case "ANY":
result = dns.ClassANY
return uint16(result)