Added multiple short flags

sandeep 2021-10-20 16:39:11 +05:30
parent 53e2c1fd7c
commit 8e8249e6a5
1 changed files with 28 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -53,43 +53,33 @@ on extensive configurability, massive extensibility and ease of use.`)
createGroup(flagSet, "templates", "Templates",
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.TemplateList, "tl", false, "list all available templates"),
flagSet.StringSliceVarP(&options.Templates, "templates", "t", []string{}, "template or template directory paths to include in the scan"),
flagSet.StringSliceVarP(&options.Workflows, "workflows", "w", []string{}, "list of workflows to run"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.NewTemplates, "new-templates", "nt", false, "run newly added templates only"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.NewTemplates, "new-templates", "nt", false, "run only new templates added in latest nuclei-templates release"),
flagSet.StringSliceVarP(&options.Workflows, "workflows", "w", []string{}, "workflow or workflow directory paths to include in the scan"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.Validate, "validate", false, "validate the passed templates to nuclei"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.TemplateList, "tl", false, "list all available templates"),
createGroup(flagSet, "filters", "Filtering",
flagSet.NormalizedStringSliceVar(&options.Tags, "tags", []string{}, "execute a subset of templates that contain the provided tags"),
flagSet.NormalizedStringSliceVar(&options.IncludeTags, "include-tags", []string{}, "tags from the default deny list that permit executing more intrusive templates"), // TODO show default deny list
flagSet.NormalizedStringSliceVarP(&options.IncludeTags, "include-tags", "itags", []string{}, "tags from the default deny list that permit executing more intrusive templates"), // TODO show default deny list
flagSet.NormalizedStringSliceVarP(&options.ExcludeTags, "exclude-tags", "etags", []string{}, "exclude templates with the provided tags"),
flagSet.StringSliceVar(&options.IncludeTemplates, "include-templates", []string{}, "templates to be executed even if they are excluded either by default or configuration"),
flagSet.StringSliceVarP(&options.ExcludedTemplates, "exclude", "exclude-templates", []string{}, "template or template directory paths to exclude"),
flagSet.VarP(&options.Severities, "impact", "severity", fmt.Sprintf("Templates to run based on severity. Possible values: %s", severity.GetSupportedSeverities().String())),
flagSet.VarP(&options.ExcludeSeverities, "exclude-impact", "exclude-severity", fmt.Sprintf("Templates to exclude based on severity. Possible values: %s", severity.GetSupportedSeverities().String())),
flagSet.NormalizedStringSliceVar(&options.Author, "author", []string{}, "execute templates that are (co-)created by the specified authors"),
flagSet.StringSliceVarP(&options.IncludeTemplates, "include-templates", "it", []string{}, "templates to be executed even if they are excluded either by default or configuration"),
flagSet.StringSliceVarP(&options.ExcludedTemplates, "exclude-templates", "et", []string{}, "template or template directory paths to exclude"),
flagSet.VarP(&options.Severities, "severity", "s", fmt.Sprintf("Templates to run based on severity. Possible values: %s", severity.GetSupportedSeverities().String())),
flagSet.VarP(&options.ExcludeSeverities, "exclude-severity", "es", fmt.Sprintf("Templates to exclude based on severity. Possible values: %s", severity.GetSupportedSeverities().String())),
flagSet.NormalizedStringSliceVarP(&options.Author, "author", "a", []string{}, "execute templates that are (co-)created by the specified authors"),
createGroup(flagSet, "output", "Output",
flagSet.StringVarP(&options.Output, "output", "o", "", "output file to write found issues/vulnerabilities"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.Silent, "silent", false, "display findings only"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.Verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "show verbose output"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.VerboseVerbose, "vv", false, "display extra verbose information"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.NoColor, "no-color", "nc", false, "disable output content coloring (ANSI escape codes)"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.JSON, "json", false, "write output in JSONL(ines) format"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.JSONRequests, "include-rr", "irr", false, "include request/response pairs in the JSONL output (for findings only)"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.NoMeta, "no-meta", "nm", false, "don't display match metadata"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.NoTimestamp, "no-timestamp", "nts", false, "don't display timestamp metadata in CLI output"),
flagSet.StringVarP(&options.ReportingDB, "report-db", "rdb", "", "local nuclei reporting database (always use this to persist report data)"),
flagSet.StringVarP(&options.MarkdownExportDirectory, "markdown-export", "me", "", "directory to export results in markdown format"),
flagSet.StringVarP(&options.SarifExport, "sarif-export", "se", "", "file to export results in SARIF format"),
@ -97,42 +87,37 @@ on extensive configurability, massive extensibility and ease of use.`)
createGroup(flagSet, "configs", "Configurations",
flagSet.StringVar(&cfgFile, "config", "", "path to the nuclei configuration file"),
flagSet.StringVarP(&options.ReportingConfig, "report-config", "rc", "", "nuclei reporting module configuration file"), // TODO merge into the config file or rename to issue-tracking
flagSet.StringSliceVarP(&options.CustomHeaders, "header", "H", []string{}, "custom headers in header:value format"),
flagSet.RuntimeMapVarP(&options.Vars, "var", "V", []string{}, "custom vars in var=value format"),
flagSet.StringVarP(&options.ResolversFile, "resolvers", "r", "", "file containing resolver list for nuclei"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.SystemResolvers, "system-resolvers", false, "use system DNS resolving as error fallback"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.SystemResolvers, "system-resolvers", "sr", false, "use system DNS resolving as error fallback"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.OfflineHTTP, "passive", false, "enable passive HTTP response processing mode"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.EnvironmentVariables, "env-vars", false, "enable environment variables support"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.EnvironmentVariables, "env-vars", "ev", false, "enable environment variables to be used in template"),
createGroup(flagSet, "interactsh", "interactsh",
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.NoInteractsh, "no-interactsh", false, "disable interactsh server for OOB testing"),
flagSet.StringVar(&options.InteractshURL, "interactsh-url", "", "interactsh server url for self-hosted instance"),
flagSet.StringVar(&options.InteractshToken, "interactsh-token", "", "authentication token for self-hosted interactsh server"),
flagSet.StringVarP(&options.InteractshURL, "interactsh-server", "iserver", "", "interactsh server url for self-hosted instance"),
flagSet.StringVarP(&options.InteractshToken, "interactsh-token", "itoken", "", "authentication token for self-hosted interactsh server"),
flagSet.IntVar(&options.InteractionsCacheSize, "interactions-cache-size", 5000, "number of requests to keep in the interactions cache"),
flagSet.IntVar(&options.InteractionsEviction, "interactions-eviction", 60, "number of seconds to wait before evicting requests from cache"),
flagSet.IntVar(&options.InteractionsPollDuration, "interactions-poll-duration", 5, "number of seconds to wait before each interaction poll request"),
flagSet.IntVar(&options.InteractionsColldownPeriod, "interactions-cooldown-period", 5, "extra time for interaction polling before exiting"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.NoInteractsh, "no-interactsh", "ni", false, "disable interactsh server for OAST testing, exclude OAST based templates"),
createGroup(flagSet, "rate-limit", "Rate-Limit",
flagSet.IntVarP(&options.RateLimit, "rate-limit", "rl", 150, "maximum number of requests to send per second"),
flagSet.IntVarP(&options.RateLimitMinute, "rate-limit-minute", "rlm", 0, "maximum number of requests to send per minute"),
flagSet.IntVarP(&options.BulkSize, "bulk-size", "bs", 25, "maximum number of hosts to be analyzed in parallel per template"),
flagSet.IntVarP(&options.TemplateThreads, "concurrency", "c", 10, "maximum number of templates to be executed in parallel"),
flagSet.IntVarP(&options.TemplateThreads, "concurrency", "c", 25, "maximum number of templates to be executed in parallel"),
createGroup(flagSet, "optimization", "Optimizations",
flagSet.IntVar(&options.Timeout, "timeout", 5, "time to wait in seconds before timeout"),
flagSet.IntVar(&options.Retries, "retries", 1, "number of times to retry a failed request"),
flagSet.IntVar(&options.MaxHostError, "max-host-error", 30, "max errors for a host before skipping from scan"),
flagSet.IntVarP(&options.MaxHostError, "max-host-error", "mhe", 30, "max errors for a host before skipping from scan"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.Project, "project", false, "use a project folder to avoid sending same request multiple times"),
flagSet.StringVar(&options.ProjectPath, "project-path", os.TempDir(), "set a specific project path"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.StopAtFirstMatch, "stop-at-first-path", "spm", false, "stop processing HTTP requests after the first match (may break template/workflow logic)"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.Stream, "stream", false, "Stream mode - start elaborating without sorting the input"),
@ -140,8 +125,8 @@ on extensive configurability, massive extensibility and ease of use.`)
createGroup(flagSet, "headless", "Headless",
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.Headless, "headless", false, "enable templates that require headless browser support"),
flagSet.IntVar(&options.PageTimeout, "page-timeout", 20, "seconds to wait for each page in headless mode"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.ShowBrowser, "show-browser", false, "show the browser on the screen when running templates with headless mode"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.UseInstalledChrome, "system-chrome", false, "Use local installed chrome browser instead of nuclei installed"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.ShowBrowser, "show-browser", "sb", false, "show the browser on the screen when running templates with headless mode"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.UseInstalledChrome, "system-chrome", "sc", false, "Use local installed chrome browser instead of nuclei installed"),
createGroup(flagSet, "debug", "Debug",
@ -153,27 +138,26 @@ on extensive configurability, massive extensibility and ease of use.`)
TODO should auto-set the HTTP_PROXY variable for the process? */
flagSet.StringVarP(&options.ProxyURL, "proxy-url", "proxy", "", "URL of the HTTP proxy server"),
flagSet.StringVar(&options.ProxySocksURL, "proxy-socks-url", "", "URL of the SOCKS proxy server"),
flagSet.StringVar(&options.TraceLogFile, "trace-log", "", "file to write sent requests trace log"),
flagSet.StringVarP(&options.TraceLogFile, "trace-log", "tlog", "", "file to write sent requests trace log"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.Version, "version", false, "show nuclei version"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.Verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "show verbose output"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.VerboseVerbose, "vv", false, "display extra verbose information"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.TemplatesVersion, "templates-version", "tv", false, "shows the version of the installed nuclei-templates"),
createGroup(flagSet, "update", "Update",
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.UpdateNuclei, "update", false, "update nuclei to the latest released version"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.UpdateTemplates, "update-templates", "ut", false, "update the community templates to latest released version"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.NoUpdateTemplates, "no-update-templates", "nut", false, "do not check for nuclei-templates updates"),
flagSet.StringVarP(&options.TemplatesDirectory, "update-directory", "ud", templatesDirectory, "overwrite the default nuclei-templates directory"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.UpdateNuclei, "update", false, "update nuclei engine to the latest released version"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.UpdateTemplates, "update-templates", "ut", false, "update nuclei-templates to latest released version"),
flagSet.StringVarP(&options.TemplatesDirectory, "update-directory", "ud", templatesDirectory, "overwrite the default directory to install nuclei-templates"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.NoUpdateTemplates, "disable-update-check", "duc", false, "disable automatic nuclei/templates update check"),
createGroup(flagSet, "stats", "Statistics",
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.EnableProgressBar, "stats", false, "display statistics about the running scan"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.StatsJSON, "stats-json", false, "write statistics data to an output file in JSONL(ines) format"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.StatsJSON, "stats-json", "sj", false, "write statistics data to an output file in JSONL(ines) format"),
flagSet.IntVarP(&options.StatsInterval, "stats-interval", "si", 5, "number of seconds to wait between showing a statistics update"),
flagSet.BoolVar(&options.Metrics, "metrics", false, "expose nuclei metrics on a port"),
flagSet.IntVar(&options.MetricsPort, "metrics-port", 9092, "port to expose nuclei metrics on"),
flagSet.BoolVarP(&options.Metrics, "metrics", "m", false, "expose nuclei metrics on a port"),
flagSet.IntVarP(&options.MetricsPort, "metrics-port", "mp", 9092, "port to expose nuclei metrics on"),
_ = flagSet.Parse()