mirror of https://github.com/daffainfo/nuclei.git
Merge branch 'master' into tpl-http-port-path-preference
@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
FROM golang:1.14-alpine AS build-env
FROM golang:alpine as builder
RUN apk add --no-cache --upgrade git openssh-client ca-certificates
RUN mkdir -p /app
RUN go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
WORKDIR /go/src/app
COPY ./go.mod .
RUN go mod download
# Install
COPY . .
RUN GO111MODULE=on go get -u github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei/v2/cmd/nuclei
RUN cd ./cmd/nuclei && go build -o nuclei .
ENTRYPOINT ["nuclei"]
FROM alpine
RUN mkdir /app
RUN adduser -S -D -H -h /app appuser
USER appuser
COPY --from=builder /app/cmd/nuclei/nuclei /app
CMD ["./nuclei"]
@ -71,12 +71,13 @@ This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.
| -o | File to save output result (optional) | nuclei -o output.txt |
| -o | File to save output result (optional) | nuclei -o output.txt |
| -pbar | Enable the progress bar (optional) | nuclei -pbar |
| -pbar | Enable the progress bar (optional) | nuclei -pbar |
| -silent | Show only found results in output | nuclei -silent |
| -silent | Show only found results in output | nuclei -silent |
| | (except when using with pbar) | |
| -retries | Number of times to retry a failed request (default 1) | nuclei -retries 1 |
| -retries | Number of times to retry a failed request (default 1) | nuclei -retries 1 |
| -timeout | Seconds to wait before timeout (default 5) | nuclei -timeout 5 |
| -timeout | Seconds to wait before timeout (default 5) | nuclei -timeout 5 |
| -debug | Allow debugging of request/responses. | nuclei -debug |
| -debug | Allow debugging of request/responses. | nuclei -debug |
| -update-templates | Download and updates nuclei templates | nuclei -update-templates |
| -update-templates | Download and updates nuclei templates | nuclei -update-templates |
| -update-directory | Directory for storing nuclei-templates(optional) | nuclei -update-directory templates |
| -update-directory | Directory for storing nuclei-templates(optional) | nuclei -update-directory templates |
| -lt | List available templates | nuclei -lt |
| -tl | List available templates | nuclei -tl |
| -v | Shows verbose output of all sent requests | nuclei -v |
| -v | Shows verbose output of all sent requests | nuclei -v |
| -version | Show version of nuclei | nuclei -version |
| -version | Show version of nuclei | nuclei -version |
| -proxy-url | Proxy URL | nuclei -proxy-url hxxp:// |
| -proxy-url | Proxy URL | nuclei -proxy-url hxxp:// |
@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ Download latest binary from https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei/releases
nuclei requires **go1.14+** to install successfully. Run the following command to get the repo -
nuclei requires **go1.14+** to install successfully. Run the following command to get the repo -
▶ GO111MODULE=auto go get -u -v github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei/v2/cmd/nuclei
▶ GO111MODULE=on go get -u -v github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei/v2/cmd/nuclei
### From Github
### From Github
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ go 1.14
require (
require (
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github.com/Knetic/govaluate v3.0.0+incompatible
github.com/asaskevich/govalidator v0.0.0-20200428143746-21a406dcc535
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github.com/VividCortex/ewma v1.1.1 h1:MnEK4VOv6n0RSY4vtRe3h11qjxL3+t0B8yOL8iMXdcM=
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github.com/projectdiscovery/retryablehttp-go v1.0.1 h1:V7wUvsZNq1Rcz7+IlcyoyQlNwshuwptuBVYWw9lx8RE=
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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
package bufwriter
import (
// Writer is a mutex protected buffered writer
type Writer struct {
file *os.File
writer *bufio.Writer
mutex *sync.Mutex
// New creates a new mutex protected buffered writer for a file
func New(file string) (*Writer, error) {
output, err := os.Create(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Writer{file: output, writer: bufio.NewWriter(output), mutex: &sync.Mutex{}}, nil
// Write writes a byte slice to the underlying file
// It also writes a newline if the last byte isn't a newline character.
func (w *Writer) Write(data []byte) error {
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil
defer w.mutex.Unlock()
_, err := w.writer.Write(data)
if err != nil {
return err
if data[len(data)-1] != '\n' {
_, err = w.writer.WriteRune('\n')
return err
// WriteString writes a string to the underlying file
// It also writes a newline if the last byte isn't a newline character.
func (w *Writer) WriteString(data string) error {
if data == "" {
return nil
defer w.mutex.Unlock()
_, err := w.writer.WriteString(data)
if err != nil {
return err
if data[len(data)-1] != '\n' {
_, err = w.writer.WriteRune('\n')
return err
// Close closes the underlying writer flushing everything to disk
func (w *Writer) Close() error {
defer w.mutex.Unlock()
//nolint:errcheck // we don't care whether sync failed or succeeded.
return w.file.Close()
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ const (
mili = 1000.
mili = 1000.
// Encapsulates progress tracking.
// IProgress encapsulates progress tracking.
type IProgress interface {
type IProgress interface {
InitProgressbar(hostCount int64, templateCount int, requestCount int64)
InitProgressbar(hostCount int64, templateCount int, requestCount int64)
AddToTotal(delta int64)
AddToTotal(delta int64)
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type Progress struct {
initialTotal int64
initialTotal int64
totalMutex *sync.Mutex
totalMutex *sync.Mutex
colorizer aurora.Aurora
colorizer *aurora.Aurora
renderChan chan time.Time
renderChan chan time.Time
captureData *captureData
captureData *captureData
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ type Progress struct {
stdRenderWaitGroup *sync.WaitGroup
stdRenderWaitGroup *sync.WaitGroup
// Creates and returns a new progress tracking object.
// NewProgress creates and returns a new progress tracking object.
func NewProgress(noColor, active bool) IProgress {
func NewProgress(colorizer aurora.Aurora, active bool) IProgress {
if !active {
if !active {
return &NoOpProgress{}
return &NoOpProgress{}
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ func NewProgress(noColor, active bool) IProgress {
totalMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
totalMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
colorizer: aurora.NewAurora(!noColor),
colorizer: &colorizer,
renderChan: renderChan,
renderChan: renderChan,
stdCaptureMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
stdCaptureMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ func (p *Progress) InitProgressbar(hostCount int64, rulesCount int, requestCount
panic("A global progressbar is already present.")
panic("A global progressbar is already present.")
color := p.colorizer
color := *p.colorizer
barName := color.Sprintf(
barName := color.Sprintf(
color.Cyan("%d %s, %d %s"),
color.Cyan("%d %s, %d %s"),
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ func (p *Progress) renderStdData() {
// Creates and returns a progress bar.
// Creates and returns a progress bar.
func (p *Progress) setupProgressbar(name string, total int64, priority int) *mpb.Bar {
func (p *Progress) setupProgressbar(name string, total int64, priority int) *mpb.Bar {
color := p.colorizer
color := *p.colorizer
p.total = total
p.total = total
p.initialTotal = total
p.initialTotal = total
@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ const banner = `
____ __ _______/ /__ (_)
____ __ _______/ /__ (_)
/ __ \/ / / / ___/ / _ \/ /
/ __ \/ / / / ___/ / _ \/ /
/ / / / /_/ / /__/ / __/ /
/ / / / /_/ / /__/ / __/ /
/_/ /_/\__,_/\___/_/\___/_/ v2.1
/_/ /_/\__,_/\___/_/\___/_/ v2.1.1
// Version is the current version of nuclei
// Version is the current version of nuclei
const Version = `2.1.0`
const Version = `2.1.1`
// showBanner is used to show the banner to the user
// showBanner is used to show the banner to the user
func showBanner() {
func showBanner() {
@ -31,16 +31,8 @@ type workflowTemplates struct {
// processTemplateWithList processes a template and runs the enumeration on all the targets
// processTemplateWithList processes a template and runs the enumeration on all the targets
func (r *Runner) processTemplateWithList(ctx context.Context, p progress.IProgress, template *templates.Template, request interface{}) bool {
func (r *Runner) processTemplateWithList(ctx context.Context, p progress.IProgress, template *templates.Template, request interface{}) bool {
var writer *bufio.Writer
if r.output != nil {
writer = bufio.NewWriter(r.output)
defer writer.Flush()
var httpExecuter *executer.HTTPExecuter
var httpExecuter *executer.HTTPExecuter
var dnsExecuter *executer.DNSExecuter
var dnsExecuter *executer.DNSExecuter
var err error
var err error
// Create an executer based on the request type.
// Create an executer based on the request type.
@ -50,7 +42,7 @@ func (r *Runner) processTemplateWithList(ctx context.Context, p progress.IProgre
Debug: r.options.Debug,
Debug: r.options.Debug,
Template: template,
Template: template,
DNSRequest: value,
DNSRequest: value,
Writer: writer,
Writer: r.output,
JSON: r.options.JSON,
JSON: r.options.JSON,
JSONRequests: r.options.JSONRequests,
JSONRequests: r.options.JSONRequests,
ColoredOutput: !r.options.NoColor,
ColoredOutput: !r.options.NoColor,
@ -62,7 +54,7 @@ func (r *Runner) processTemplateWithList(ctx context.Context, p progress.IProgre
Debug: r.options.Debug,
Debug: r.options.Debug,
Template: template,
Template: template,
BulkHTTPRequest: value,
BulkHTTPRequest: value,
Writer: writer,
Writer: r.output,
Timeout: r.options.Timeout,
Timeout: r.options.Timeout,
Retries: r.options.Retries,
Retries: r.options.Retries,
ProxyURL: r.options.ProxyURL,
ProxyURL: r.options.ProxyURL,
@ -72,7 +64,7 @@ func (r *Runner) processTemplateWithList(ctx context.Context, p progress.IProgre
JSONRequests: r.options.JSONRequests,
JSONRequests: r.options.JSONRequests,
CookieReuse: value.CookieReuse,
CookieReuse: value.CookieReuse,
ColoredOutput: !r.options.NoColor,
ColoredOutput: !r.options.NoColor,
Colorizer: r.colorizer,
Colorizer: &r.colorizer,
Decolorizer: r.decolorizer,
Decolorizer: r.decolorizer,
@ -126,12 +118,14 @@ func (r *Runner) processTemplateWithList(ctx context.Context, p progress.IProgre
// ProcessWorkflowWithList coming from stdin or list of targets
// ProcessWorkflowWithList coming from stdin or list of targets
func (r *Runner) processWorkflowWithList(p progress.IProgress, workflow *workflows.Workflow) {
func (r *Runner) processWorkflowWithList(p progress.IProgress, workflow *workflows.Workflow) bool {
result := false
workflowTemplatesList, err := r.preloadWorkflowTemplates(p, workflow)
workflowTemplatesList, err := r.preloadWorkflowTemplates(p, workflow)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
gologger.Warningf("Could not preload templates for workflow %s: %s\n", workflow.ID, err)
gologger.Warningf("Could not preload templates for workflow %s: %s\n", workflow.ID, err)
return result
logicBytes := []byte(workflow.Logic)
logicBytes := []byte(workflow.Logic)
@ -151,13 +145,18 @@ func (r *Runner) processWorkflowWithList(p progress.IProgress, workflow *workflo
script := tengo.NewScript(logicBytes)
script := tengo.NewScript(logicBytes)
variables := make(map[string]*workflows.NucleiVar)
for _, workflowTemplate := range *workflowTemplatesList {
for _, workflowTemplate := range *workflowTemplatesList {
err := script.Add(workflowTemplate.Name, &workflows.NucleiVar{Templates: workflowTemplate.Templates, URL: targetURL})
name := workflowTemplate.Name
variable := &workflows.NucleiVar{Templates: workflowTemplate.Templates, URL: targetURL}
err := script.Add(name, variable)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
gologger.Errorf("Could not initialize script for workflow '%s': %s\n", workflow.ID, err)
gologger.Errorf("Could not initialize script for workflow '%s': %s\n", workflow.ID, err)
variables[name] = variable
_, err := script.RunContext(context.Background())
_, err := script.RunContext(context.Background())
@ -165,11 +164,20 @@ func (r *Runner) processWorkflowWithList(p progress.IProgress, workflow *workflo
gologger.Errorf("Could not execute workflow '%s': %s\n", workflow.ID, err)
gologger.Errorf("Could not execute workflow '%s': %s\n", workflow.ID, err)
for _, variable := range variables {
result = !variable.IsFalsy()
if result {
return result
func (r *Runner) preloadWorkflowTemplates(p progress.IProgress, workflow *workflows.Workflow) (*[]workflowTemplates, error) {
func (r *Runner) preloadWorkflowTemplates(p progress.IProgress, workflow *workflows.Workflow) (*[]workflowTemplates, error) {
@ -188,12 +196,6 @@ func (r *Runner) preloadWorkflowTemplates(p progress.IProgress, workflow *workfl
var wflTemplatesList []workflowTemplates
var wflTemplatesList []workflowTemplates
for name, value := range workflow.Variables {
for name, value := range workflow.Variables {
var writer *bufio.Writer
if r.output != nil {
writer = bufio.NewWriter(r.output)
defer writer.Flush()
// Check if the template is an absolute path or relative path.
// Check if the template is an absolute path or relative path.
// If the path is absolute, use it. Otherwise,
// If the path is absolute, use it. Otherwise,
if isRelative(value) {
if isRelative(value) {
@ -220,23 +222,27 @@ func (r *Runner) preloadWorkflowTemplates(p progress.IProgress, workflow *workfl
if len(t.BulkRequestsHTTP) > 0 {
if len(t.BulkRequestsHTTP) > 0 {
template.HTTPOptions = &executer.HTTPOptions{
template.HTTPOptions = &executer.HTTPOptions{
Debug: r.options.Debug,
Debug: r.options.Debug,
Writer: writer,
Writer: r.output,
Template: t,
Template: t,
Timeout: r.options.Timeout,
Timeout: r.options.Timeout,
Retries: r.options.Retries,
Retries: r.options.Retries,
ProxyURL: r.options.ProxyURL,
ProxyURL: r.options.ProxyURL,
ProxySocksURL: r.options.ProxySocksURL,
ProxySocksURL: r.options.ProxySocksURL,
CustomHeaders: r.options.CustomHeaders,
CustomHeaders: r.options.CustomHeaders,
JSON: r.options.JSON,
JSONRequests: r.options.JSONRequests,
CookieJar: jar,
CookieJar: jar,
ColoredOutput: !r.options.NoColor,
ColoredOutput: !r.options.NoColor,
Colorizer: r.colorizer,
Colorizer: &r.colorizer,
Decolorizer: r.decolorizer,
Decolorizer: r.decolorizer,
} else if len(t.RequestsDNS) > 0 {
} else if len(t.RequestsDNS) > 0 {
template.DNSOptions = &executer.DNSOptions{
template.DNSOptions = &executer.DNSOptions{
Debug: r.options.Debug,
Debug: r.options.Debug,
Template: t,
Template: t,
Writer: writer,
Writer: r.output,
JSON: r.options.JSON,
JSONRequests: r.options.JSONRequests,
ColoredOutput: !r.options.NoColor,
ColoredOutput: !r.options.NoColor,
Colorizer: r.colorizer,
Colorizer: r.colorizer,
Decolorizer: r.decolorizer,
Decolorizer: r.decolorizer,
@ -281,7 +287,7 @@ func (r *Runner) preloadWorkflowTemplates(p progress.IProgress, workflow *workfl
if len(t.BulkRequestsHTTP) > 0 {
if len(t.BulkRequestsHTTP) > 0 {
template.HTTPOptions = &executer.HTTPOptions{
template.HTTPOptions = &executer.HTTPOptions{
Debug: r.options.Debug,
Debug: r.options.Debug,
Writer: writer,
Writer: r.output,
Template: t,
Template: t,
Timeout: r.options.Timeout,
Timeout: r.options.Timeout,
Retries: r.options.Retries,
Retries: r.options.Retries,
@ -294,7 +300,7 @@ func (r *Runner) preloadWorkflowTemplates(p progress.IProgress, workflow *workfl
template.DNSOptions = &executer.DNSOptions{
template.DNSOptions = &executer.DNSOptions{
Debug: r.options.Debug,
Debug: r.options.Debug,
Template: t,
Template: t,
Writer: writer,
Writer: r.output,
if template.DNSOptions != nil || template.HTTPOptions != nil {
if template.DNSOptions != nil || template.HTTPOptions != nil {
@ -13,8 +13,10 @@ import (
@ -25,8 +27,7 @@ type Runner struct {
inputCount int64
inputCount int64
// output is the output file to write if any
// output is the output file to write if any
output *os.File
output *bufwriter.Writer
outputMutex *sync.Mutex
tempFile string
tempFile string
templatesConfig *nucleiConfig
templatesConfig *nucleiConfig
@ -38,14 +39,13 @@ type Runner struct {
progress progress.IProgress
progress progress.IProgress
// output coloring
// output coloring
colorizer aurora.Aurora
colorizer colorizer.NucleiColorizer
decolorizer *regexp.Regexp
decolorizer *regexp.Regexp
// New creates a new client for running enumeration process.
// New creates a new client for running enumeration process.
func New(options *Options) (*Runner, error) {
func New(options *Options) (*Runner, error) {
runner := &Runner{
runner := &Runner{
outputMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
options: options,
options: options,
@ -53,6 +53,15 @@ func New(options *Options) (*Runner, error) {
gologger.Labelf("Could not update templates: %s\n", err)
gologger.Labelf("Could not update templates: %s\n", err)
// output coloring
useColor := !options.NoColor
runner.colorizer = *colorizer.NewNucleiColorizer(aurora.NewAurora(useColor))
if useColor {
// compile a decolorization regex to cleanup file output messages
runner.decolorizer = regexp.MustCompile(`\x1B\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]`)
if options.TemplateList {
if options.TemplateList {
@ -66,15 +75,6 @@ func New(options *Options) (*Runner, error) {
// output coloring
useColor := !options.NoColor
runner.colorizer = aurora.NewAurora(useColor)
if useColor {
// compile a decolorization regex to cleanup file output messages
runner.decolorizer = regexp.MustCompile(`\x1B\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]`)
// If we have stdin, write it to a new file
// If we have stdin, write it to a new file
if options.Stdin {
if options.Stdin {
tempInput, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "stdin-input-*")
tempInput, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "stdin-input-*")
@ -152,16 +152,15 @@ func New(options *Options) (*Runner, error) {
// Create the output file if asked
// Create the output file if asked
if options.Output != "" {
if options.Output != "" {
output, err := os.Create(options.Output)
output, err := bufwriter.New(options.Output)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
gologger.Fatalf("Could not create output file '%s': %s\n", options.Output, err)
gologger.Fatalf("Could not create output file '%s': %s\n", options.Output, err)
runner.output = output
runner.output = output
// Creates the progress tracking object
// Creates the progress tracking object
runner.progress = progress.NewProgress(runner.options.NoColor, !options.Silent && options.EnableProgressBar)
runner.progress = progress.NewProgress(runner.colorizer.Colorizer, options.EnableProgressBar)
runner.limiter = make(chan struct{}, options.Threads)
runner.limiter = make(chan struct{}, options.Threads)
@ -170,7 +169,9 @@ func New(options *Options) (*Runner, error) {
// Close releases all the resources and cleans up
// Close releases all the resources and cleans up
func (r *Runner) Close() {
func (r *Runner) Close() {
if r.output != nil {
@ -211,9 +212,9 @@ func (r *Runner) RunEnumeration() {
gologger.Infof("Using %s rules (%s templates, %s workflows)",
gologger.Infof("Using %s rules (%s templates, %s workflows)",
// precompute total request count
// precompute total request count
var totalRequests int64 = 0
var totalRequests int64 = 0
@ -254,8 +255,7 @@ func (r *Runner) RunEnumeration() {
results.Or(r.processTemplateWithList(ctx, p, tt, request))
results.Or(r.processTemplateWithList(ctx, p, tt, request))
case *workflows.Workflow:
case *workflows.Workflow:
workflow := template.(*workflows.Workflow)
results.Or(r.processWorkflowWithList(p, template.(*workflows.Workflow)))
r.processWorkflowWithList(p, workflow)
@ -266,9 +266,8 @@ func (r *Runner) RunEnumeration() {
if !results.Get() {
if !results.Get() {
if r.output != nil {
if r.output != nil {
outputFile := r.output.Name()
gologger.Infof("No results found. Happy hacking!")
gologger.Infof("No results found. Happy hacking!")
@ -8,19 +8,11 @@ import (
var severityMap = map[string]string{
"info": aurora.Cyan("info").String(),
"low": aurora.Green("low").String(),
"medium": aurora.Yellow("medium").String(),
"high": aurora.Red("high").String(),
// getTemplatesFor parses the specified input template definitions and returns a list of unique, absolute template paths.
// getTemplatesFor parses the specified input template definitions and returns a list of unique, absolute template paths.
func (r *Runner) getTemplatesFor(definitions []string) []string {
func (r *Runner) getTemplatesFor(definitions []string) []string {
// keeps track of processed dirs and files
// keeps track of processed dirs and files
@ -190,12 +182,12 @@ func (r *Runner) parseTemplateFile(file string) (interface{}, error) {
func (r *Runner) templateLogMsg(id, name, author, severity string) string {
func (r *Runner) templateLogMsg(id, name, author, severity string) string {
// Display the message for the template
// Display the message for the template
message := fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s (%s)",
message := fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s (%s)",
if severity != "" {
if severity != "" {
message += " [" + severityMap[severity] + "]"
message += " [" + r.colorizer.GetColorizedSeverity(severity) + "]"
return message
return message
@ -231,12 +223,11 @@ func (r *Runner) listAvailableTemplates() {
r.colorizer = aurora.NewAurora(true)
err := directoryWalker(
err := directoryWalker(
func(path string, d *godirwalk.Dirent) error {
func(path string, d *godirwalk.Dirent) error {
if d.IsDir() && path != r.templatesConfig.TemplatesDirectory {
if d.IsDir() && path != r.templatesConfig.TemplatesDirectory {
gologger.Silentf("\n%s:\n\n", r.colorizer.Bold(r.colorizer.BgBrightBlue(strings.Title(d.Name()))).String())
gologger.Silentf("\n%s:\n\n", r.colorizer.Colorizer.Bold(r.colorizer.Colorizer.BgBrightBlue(d.Name())).String())
} else if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".yaml") {
} else if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".yaml") {
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package colorizer
import (
const (
fgOrange uint8 = 208
undefined string = "undefined"
// NucleiColorizer contains the severity color mapping
type NucleiColorizer struct {
Colorizer aurora.Aurora
SeverityMap map[string]string
// NewNucleiColorizer initializes the new nuclei colorizer
func NewNucleiColorizer(colorizer aurora.Aurora) *NucleiColorizer {
return &NucleiColorizer{
Colorizer: colorizer,
SeverityMap: map[string]string{
"info": colorizer.Blue("info").String(),
"low": colorizer.Green("low").String(),
"medium": colorizer.Yellow("medium").String(),
"high": colorizer.Index(fgOrange, "high").String(),
"critical": colorizer.Red("critical").String(),
// GetColorizedSeverity returns the colorized severity string
func (r *NucleiColorizer) GetColorizedSeverity(severity string) string {
sev := r.SeverityMap[strings.ToLower(severity)]
if sev == "" {
return undefined
return sev
@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
package executer
package executer
import (
import (
@ -28,10 +27,9 @@ type DNSExecuter struct {
dnsClient *retryabledns.Client
dnsClient *retryabledns.Client
template *templates.Template
template *templates.Template
dnsRequest *requests.DNSRequest
dnsRequest *requests.DNSRequest
writer *bufio.Writer
writer *bufwriter.Writer
outputMutex *sync.Mutex
colorizer aurora.Aurora
colorizer colorizer.NucleiColorizer
decolorizer *regexp.Regexp
decolorizer *regexp.Regexp
@ -51,9 +49,9 @@ type DNSOptions struct {
JSONRequests bool
JSONRequests bool
Template *templates.Template
Template *templates.Template
DNSRequest *requests.DNSRequest
DNSRequest *requests.DNSRequest
Writer *bufio.Writer
Writer *bufwriter.Writer
Colorizer aurora.Aurora
Colorizer colorizer.NucleiColorizer
Decolorizer *regexp.Regexp
Decolorizer *regexp.Regexp
@ -70,7 +68,6 @@ func NewDNSExecuter(options *DNSOptions) *DNSExecuter {
template: options.Template,
template: options.Template,
dnsRequest: options.DNSRequest,
dnsRequest: options.DNSRequest,
writer: options.Writer,
writer: options.Writer,
outputMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
coloredOutput: options.ColoredOutput,
coloredOutput: options.ColoredOutput,
colorizer: options.Colorizer,
colorizer: options.Colorizer,
decolorizer: options.Decolorizer,
decolorizer: options.Decolorizer,
@ -166,8 +163,4 @@ func (e *DNSExecuter) ExecuteDNS(p progress.IProgress, reqURL string) (result Re
// Close closes the dns executer for a template.
// Close closes the dns executer for a template.
func (e *DNSExecuter) Close() {
func (e *DNSExecuter) Close() {}
defer e.outputMutex.Unlock()
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package executer
package executer
import (
import (
@ -15,14 +14,13 @@ import (
@ -46,12 +44,11 @@ type HTTPExecuter struct {
httpClient *retryablehttp.Client
httpClient *retryablehttp.Client
template *templates.Template
template *templates.Template
bulkHTTPRequest *requests.BulkHTTPRequest
bulkHTTPRequest *requests.BulkHTTPRequest
writer *bufio.Writer
writer *bufwriter.Writer
outputMutex *sync.Mutex
customHeaders requests.CustomHeaders
customHeaders requests.CustomHeaders
CookieJar *cookiejar.Jar
CookieJar *cookiejar.Jar
colorizer aurora.Aurora
colorizer colorizer.NucleiColorizer
decolorizer *regexp.Regexp
decolorizer *regexp.Regexp
@ -64,14 +61,14 @@ type HTTPOptions struct {
ColoredOutput bool
ColoredOutput bool
Template *templates.Template
Template *templates.Template
BulkHTTPRequest *requests.BulkHTTPRequest
BulkHTTPRequest *requests.BulkHTTPRequest
Writer *bufio.Writer
Writer *bufwriter.Writer
Timeout int
Timeout int
Retries int
Retries int
ProxyURL string
ProxyURL string
ProxySocksURL string
ProxySocksURL string
CustomHeaders requests.CustomHeaders
CustomHeaders requests.CustomHeaders
CookieJar *cookiejar.Jar
CookieJar *cookiejar.Jar
Colorizer aurora.Aurora
Colorizer *colorizer.NucleiColorizer
Decolorizer *regexp.Regexp
Decolorizer *regexp.Regexp
@ -112,12 +109,11 @@ func NewHTTPExecuter(options *HTTPOptions) (*HTTPExecuter, error) {
httpClient: client,
httpClient: client,
template: options.Template,
template: options.Template,
bulkHTTPRequest: options.BulkHTTPRequest,
bulkHTTPRequest: options.BulkHTTPRequest,
outputMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
writer: options.Writer,
writer: options.Writer,
customHeaders: options.CustomHeaders,
customHeaders: options.CustomHeaders,
CookieJar: options.CookieJar,
CookieJar: options.CookieJar,
coloredOutput: options.ColoredOutput,
coloredOutput: options.ColoredOutput,
colorizer: options.Colorizer,
colorizer: *options.Colorizer,
decolorizer: options.Decolorizer,
decolorizer: options.Decolorizer,
@ -282,11 +278,7 @@ func (e *HTTPExecuter) handleHTTP(reqURL string, request *requests.HTTPRequest,
// Close closes the http executer for a template.
// Close closes the http executer for a template.
func (e *HTTPExecuter) Close() {
func (e *HTTPExecuter) Close() {}
defer e.outputMutex.Unlock()
// makeHTTPClient creates a http client
// makeHTTPClient creates a http client
func makeHTTPClient(proxyURL *url.URL, options *HTTPOptions) *retryablehttp.Client {
func makeHTTPClient(proxyURL *url.URL, options *HTTPOptions) *retryablehttp.Client {
@ -369,7 +361,7 @@ func makeCheckRedirectFunc(followRedirects bool, maxRedirects int) checkRedirect
func (e *HTTPExecuter) setCustomHeaders(r *requests.HTTPRequest) {
func (e *HTTPExecuter) setCustomHeaders(r *requests.HTTPRequest) {
for _, customHeader := range e.customHeaders {
for _, customHeader := range e.customHeaders {
// This should be pre-computed somewhere and done only once
// This should be pre-computed somewhere and done only once
tokens := strings.Split(customHeader, ":")
tokens := strings.SplitN(customHeader, ":", 2)
// if it's an invalid header skip it
// if it's an invalid header skip it
if len(tokens) < two {
if len(tokens) < two {
@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ func headersToString(headers http.Header) string {
if i != len(values)-1 {
if i != len(values)-1 {
builder.WriteString(": ")
@ -45,27 +45,11 @@ func (e *DNSExecuter) writeOutputDNS(domain string, req, resp *dns.Msg, matcher
gologger.Silentf("%s", string(data))
gologger.Silentf("%s", string(data))
if e.writer != nil {
if e.writer != nil {
if err := e.writer.Write(data); err != nil {
_, err := e.writer.Write(data)
if err != nil {
gologger.Errorf("Could not write output data: %s\n", err)
gologger.Errorf("Could not write output data: %s\n", err)
_, err = e.writer.WriteRune('\n')
if err != nil {
gologger.Errorf("Could not write output data: %s\n", err)
@ -73,16 +57,23 @@ func (e *DNSExecuter) writeOutputDNS(domain string, req, resp *dns.Msg, matcher
colorizer := e.colorizer
colorizer := e.colorizer
if matcher != nil && len(matcher.Name) > 0 {
if matcher != nil && len(matcher.Name) > 0 {
builder.WriteString("] [")
builder.WriteString("] [")
builder.WriteString("] ")
builder.WriteString("] ")
if e.template.Info.Severity != "" {
builder.WriteString("] ")
// If any extractors, write the results
// If any extractors, write the results
@ -90,7 +81,7 @@ func (e *DNSExecuter) writeOutputDNS(domain string, req, resp *dns.Msg, matcher
builder.WriteString(" [")
builder.WriteString(" [")
for i, result := range extractorResults {
for i, result := range extractorResults {
if i != len(extractorResults)-1 {
if i != len(extractorResults)-1 {
@ -107,19 +98,13 @@ func (e *DNSExecuter) writeOutputDNS(domain string, req, resp *dns.Msg, matcher
gologger.Silentf("%s", message)
gologger.Silentf("%s", message)
if e.writer != nil {
if e.writer != nil {
if e.coloredOutput {
if e.coloredOutput {
message = e.decolorizer.ReplaceAllString(message, "")
message = e.decolorizer.ReplaceAllString(message, "")
_, err := e.writer.WriteString(message)
if err := e.writer.WriteString(message); err != nil {
if err != nil {
gologger.Errorf("Could not write output data: %s\n", err)
gologger.Errorf("Could not write output data: %s\n", err)
@ -60,25 +60,10 @@ func (e *HTTPExecuter) writeOutputHTTP(req *requests.HTTPRequest, resp *http.Res
gologger.Silentf("%s", string(data))
gologger.Silentf("%s", string(data))
if e.writer != nil {
if e.writer != nil {
if err := e.writer.Write(data); err != nil {
_, err := e.writer.Write(data)
if err != nil {
gologger.Errorf("Could not write output data: %s\n", err)
gologger.Errorf("Could not write output data: %s\n", err)
_, err = e.writer.WriteRune('\n')
if err != nil {
gologger.Errorf("Could not write output data: %s\n", err)
@ -88,17 +73,23 @@ func (e *HTTPExecuter) writeOutputHTTP(req *requests.HTTPRequest, resp *http.Res
colorizer := e.colorizer
colorizer := e.colorizer
if matcher != nil && len(matcher.Name) > 0 {
if matcher != nil && len(matcher.Name) > 0 {
builder.WriteString("] [")
builder.WriteString("] [")
builder.WriteString("] ")
builder.WriteString("] ")
if e.template.Info.Severity != "" {
builder.WriteString("] ")
// Escape the URL by replacing all % with %%
// Escape the URL by replacing all % with %%
escapedURL := strings.ReplaceAll(URL, "%", "%%")
escapedURL := strings.ReplaceAll(URL, "%", "%%")
@ -108,7 +99,7 @@ func (e *HTTPExecuter) writeOutputHTTP(req *requests.HTTPRequest, resp *http.Res
builder.WriteString(" [")
builder.WriteString(" [")
for i, result := range extractorResults {
for i, result := range extractorResults {
if i != len(extractorResults)-1 {
if i != len(extractorResults)-1 {
@ -125,7 +116,7 @@ func (e *HTTPExecuter) writeOutputHTTP(req *requests.HTTPRequest, resp *http.Res
var metas []string
var metas []string
for name, value := range req.Meta {
for name, value := range req.Meta {
metas = append(metas, colorizer.BrightYellow(name).Bold().String()+"="+colorizer.BrightYellow(value.(string)).String())
metas = append(metas, colorizer.Colorizer.BrightYellow(name).Bold().String()+"="+colorizer.Colorizer.BrightYellow(value.(string)).String())
builder.WriteString(strings.Join(metas, ","))
builder.WriteString(strings.Join(metas, ","))
@ -139,19 +130,13 @@ func (e *HTTPExecuter) writeOutputHTTP(req *requests.HTTPRequest, resp *http.Res
gologger.Silentf("%s", message)
gologger.Silentf("%s", message)
if e.writer != nil {
if e.writer != nil {
if e.coloredOutput {
if e.coloredOutput {
message = e.decolorizer.ReplaceAllString(message, "")
message = e.decolorizer.ReplaceAllString(message, "")
_, err := e.writer.WriteString(message)
if err := e.writer.WriteString(message); err != nil {
if err != nil {
gologger.Errorf("Could not write output data: %s\n", err)
gologger.Errorf("Could not write output data: %s\n", err)
@ -54,13 +54,15 @@ func (e *Extractor) ExtractDNS(msg *dns.Msg) map[string]struct{} {
func (e *Extractor) extractRegex(corpus string) map[string]struct{} {
func (e *Extractor) extractRegex(corpus string) map[string]struct{} {
results := make(map[string]struct{})
results := make(map[string]struct{})
groupPlusOne := e.RegexGroup + 1
for _, regex := range e.regexCompiled {
for _, regex := range e.regexCompiled {
matches := regex.FindAllString(corpus, -1)
matches := regex.FindAllStringSubmatch(corpus, -1)
for _, match := range matches {
for _, match := range matches {
results[match] = struct{}{}
if len(match) >= groupPlusOne {
results[match[e.RegexGroup]] = struct{}{}
return results
return results
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ type Extractor struct {
// Regex are the regex pattern required to be present in the response
// Regex are the regex pattern required to be present in the response
Regex []string `yaml:"regex"`
Regex []string `yaml:"regex"`
// RegexGroup specifies a group to extract from the regex
RegexGroup int `yaml:"group"`
// regexCompiled is the compiled variant
// regexCompiled is the compiled variant
regexCompiled []*regexp.Regexp
regexCompiled []*regexp.Regexp
@ -25,7 +27,6 @@ type Extractor struct {
Part string `yaml:"part,omitempty"`
Part string `yaml:"part,omitempty"`
// part is the part of the request to match
// part is the part of the request to match
part Part
part Part
// Internal defines if this is used internally
// Internal defines if this is used internally
Internal bool `yaml:"internal,omitempty"`
Internal bool `yaml:"internal,omitempty"`
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ func (n *NucleiVar) Call(args ...tengo.Object) (ret tengo.Object, err error) {
template.HTTPOptions.BulkHTTPRequest = request
template.HTTPOptions.BulkHTTPRequest = request
if template.HTTPOptions.Colorizer == nil {
if template.HTTPOptions.Colorizer == nil {
template.HTTPOptions.Colorizer = aurora.NewAurora(true)
template.HTTPOptions.Colorizer = colorizer.NewNucleiColorizer(aurora.NewAurora(true))
httpExecuter, err := executer.NewHTTPExecuter(template.HTTPOptions)
httpExecuter, err := executer.NewHTTPExecuter(template.HTTPOptions)
Reference in New Issue