id: dnssec-detection info: name: DNSSEC Detection author: pdteam severity: info description: Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) are enabled. The Delegation of Signing (DS) record provides information about a signed zone file when DNSSEC enabled. reference: - - classification: cwe-id: CWE-200 metadata: max-request: 1 tags: dns,dnssec dns: - name: "{{FQDN}}" type: DS matchers: - type: regex part: answer regex: - "IN\tDS\\t(.+)$" # digest: 4b0a00483046022100dd7c45e1b16ab7caba75d6b28a27e3678896daad8cc2413e3f9120efa8be540202210095b8145af0ff47b2c140dc6f9f643f058bb31768759be99af4098f2cbd0d1997:922c64590222798bb761d5b6d8e72950