id: vpc-endpoints-not-deployed info: name: VPC Endpoints Not Deployed author: princechaddha severity: medium description: | Ensures VPC endpoints are utilized for secure AWS service connectivity without needing an Internet Gateway, enhancing network security and efficiency. impact: | Avoids data exposure and reduces bandwidth use by ensuring AWS traffic remains within the AWS network, without public IP requirements for EC2 instances. remediation: | Implement VPC endpoints for supported AWS services to secure and optimize connectivity within your VPC, minimizing external access risks. reference: - metadata: max-request: 2 tags: cloud,devops,aws,amazon,vpc,aws-cloud-config variables: region: "us-east-1" flow: | code(1) for(let VpcIds of iterate(template.VpcId)){ set("vpc", VpcIds) code(2) } self-contained: true code: - engine: - sh - bash source: | aws ec2 describe-vpcs --region $region --query 'Vpcs[*].VpcId' --output json extractors: - type: json name: VpcId internal: true json: - '.[]' - engine: - sh - bash source: | aws ec2 describe-vpc-endpoints --region $region --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=$vpc --query 'VpcEndpoints[*].VpcEndpointId' matchers: - type: word words: - "[]" extractors: - type: dsl dsl: - '"VPC Endpoints Not Deployed in the VPC network " + vpc' # digest: 4b0a004830460221009cd67a7be189a4090753f24473354d6e9ea5260fefa513d791e762adabe13082022100d3ef3e2c090c022def55697e03a329df0cfb9ef0bba2b3a7e01e1438af444617:922c64590222798bb761d5b6d8e72950