id: waf-fuzz info: name: WAF Fuzzing author: dwisiswant0,lu4nx,Myst7ic severity: info description: A web application firewall was detected. reference: - classification: cwe-id: CWE-200 metadata: max-request: 58 tags: waf,tech,fuzz http: - raw: - | POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: {{Hostname}} Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded _={{whatwaf-payloads}} - | GET /?_={{whatwaf-payloads}} HTTP/1.1 Host: {{Hostname}} payloads: whatwaf-payloads: - 484029\") AS xDKy WHERE 5427=5427 UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL - \' AND 1=1 \' - \'))) AND \'1\'=\'1\' (((\' - AND 1=1 - \' AND 1=1 \' OR 10=11, - \"\"\' AND 1=1 \" OR 1=10 \'\"\" - \' AND 1=1 OR 2=2 - \' AND 1=1 OR 2=2 \' - \' )) AND 1=1 \' OR \'2\'=\'3 --\' - \' AND 1=1 OR 24=25 \' - \' AND 1=1 OR 9=10 ORDERBY(1,2,3,4,5) - \' AND 1=1 ORDERBY(1,2,3,4,5) \'; asdf - AND 1=1, - AND 1=1, - \' AND 1=1;SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables \' - AS start WHERE 1601=1601 UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL - /bin/cat /etc/passwd - - r\"\"\"&\lt\' AND 1=1 \',\"\"\" - - - - - - \'/> - - SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables - SELECT user FROM information_schema.tables AND user = \'test user\'; - UNION SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = \'admin\'; stop-at-first-match: true matchers: - type: regex name: instart regex: - '(?i)instartrequestid' part: body - type: regex name: perimx regex: - '(?i)' - '(?i)http(s)?://(www.)?perimeterx.\w+.whywasiblocked' - '(?i)perimeterx' - '(?i)(..)?client.perimeterx.*/[a-zA-Z]{8,15}/*.*.js' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: webknight regex: - '(?i)\bwebknight' - '(?i)webknight' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: zscaler regex: - '(?i)zscaler(.\d+(.\d+)?)?' - '(?i)zscaler' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: fortigate regex: - '(?i).><.' - '(?i).>fortigate.ips.sensor<.' - '(?i)fortigate' - '(?i).fgd_icon' - '(?i)\AFORTIWAFSID=' - '(?i)application.blocked.' - '(?i).fortiGate.application.control' - '(?i)(http(s)?)?://\w+.fortinet(.\w+:)?' - '(?i)fortigate.hostname' - '(?i)[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+.for.additional.information' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: teros regex: - '(?i)st8(id|.wa|.wf)?.?(\d+|\w+)?' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: stricthttp regex: - '(?i)the.request.was.rejected.because.the.url.contained.a.potentially.malicious.string' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: stricthttp regex: - '(?i)' - '(?i)/' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: shadowd regex: - '(?i)\d{3}.forbidden<.h\d>' - '(?i)' condition: and part: response - type: regex name: bigip regex: - '(?i)\ATS\w{4,}=' - '(?i)bigipserver(.i)?|bigipserverinternal' - '(?i)^TS[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,8}=' - '(?i)BigIP|BIG-IP|BIGIP' - '(?i)bigipserver' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: edgecast regex: - '(?i)\Aecdf' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: radware regex: - '(?i).\\b.' - '(?i).>unauthorized.activity.has.been.detected<.' - '(?i)\d+.' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: varnish regex: - '(?i)varnish' - '(?i).>.?<.' - '(?i)cachewall' - '(?i).><+' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: infosafe regex: - '(?i)infosafe' - '(?i)by.(http(s)?(.//)?)?7i24.(com|net)' - '(?i)infosafe.\d.\d' - '(?i)var.infosafekey=' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: aliyundun regex: - '(?i)error(s)?.aliyun(dun)?.(com|net)' - '(?i)http(s)?://(www.)?aliyun.(com|net)' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: ats regex: - '(?i)(\()?apachetrafficserver((\/)?\d+(.\d+(.\d+)?)?)' - '(?i)ats((\/)?(\d+(.\d+(.\d+)?)?))?' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: malcare regex: - '(?i)malcare' - '(?i).><.+.><.+><.+.>(<.+.>)?(.?|blogvault)?' - '(?i).>firewall<.+.><.+><.+.>(<.+.>)?(.?|blogvault)?' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: wts regex: - '(?i)()?wts.wa(f)?(\w+(\w+(\w+)?)?)?' part: response - type: regex name: dw regex: - '(?i)dw.inj.check' part: response - type: regex name: denyall regex: - '(?i)\Acondition.intercepted' - '(?i)\Asessioncookie=' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: yunsuo regex: - '(?i)<img.class=.yunsuologo.' - '(?i)yunsuo.session' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: litespeed regex: - '(?i)litespeed.web.server' part: response - type: regex name: cloudfront regex: - '(?i)[a-zA-Z0-9]{,60}' - '(?i)cloudfront' - '(?i)|nguardx' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: anyu regex: - '(?i)sorry.{1,2}your.access.has.been.intercept(ed)?.by.anyu' - '(?i)anyu' - '(?i)anyu-?' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: googlewebservices regex: - '(?i)your.client.has.issued.a.malformed.or.illegal.request' - '(?i)' - '(?i)block(ed)?' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: didiyun regex: - '(?i)(http(s)?://)(sec-waf.|www.)?didi(static|yun)?.com(/static/cloudwafstatic)?' - '(?i)didiyun' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: blockdos regex: - '(?i)blockdos\.net' part: response - type: regex name: codeigniter regex: - '(?i)' part: response - type: regex name: stingray regex: - '(?i)\AX-Mapping-' part: response - type: regex name: west263 regex: - '(?i)wt\d*cdn' part: response - type: regex name: aws regex: - '(?i)<RequestId>[0-9a-zA-Z]{16,25}<.RequestId>' - '(?i)<Error><Code>AccessDenied<.Code>' - '(?i)\d+' - '(?i)' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: yundun regex: - '(?i)YUNDUN' - '(?i)^yd.cookie=' - '(?i)http(s)?.//(www\.)?(\w+.)?yundun(.com)?' - '(?i)<title>{0,2}<.{0,2}title>' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: barracuda regex: - '(?i)\Abarra.counter.session=?' - '(?i)(\A|\b)?barracuda.' - '(?i)barracuda.networks.{1,2}inc' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: dodenterpriseprotection regex: - '(?i)' part: response - type: regex name: secupress regex: - '(?i)<h\d*>secupress<.' - '(?i){1,2}bad.url.contents.<.' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: aesecure regex: - '(?i)aesecure.denied.png' part: response - type: regex name: incapsula regex: - '(?i)incap_ses|visid_incap' - '(?i)incapsula' - '(?i)' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: nexusguard regex: - '(?i)nexus.?guard' - '(?i)((http(s)?://)?speresources.)?' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: cloudflare regex: - '(?i)|var.cloudflare.' - '(?i)cloudflare.nginx' - '(?i)..cfduid=([a-z0-9]{43})?' - '(?i)cf[-|_]ray(..)?([0-9a-f]{16})?[-|_]?(dfw|iad)?' - '(?i).>attention.required!.\|.cloudflare<.+' - '(?i)http(s)?.//report.(uri.)?' - '(?i)' - '(?i)__cfduid' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: akamai regex: - '(?i).>access.denied<.' - '(?i)akamaighost' - '(?i)ak.bmsc.' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: webseal regex: - '(?i)webseal.error.message.template' - '(?i)' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: dotdefender regex: - '(?i)dotdefender.blocked.your.request' part: response - type: regex name: pk regex: - '(?i).>pkSecurityModule\W..\WSecurity.Alert<.' - '(?i).http(s)?.//([w]{3})?.kitnetwork.\w' - '(?i).><.' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: expressionengine regex: - '(?i).>error.-.expressionengine<.' - '(?i).><.' - '(?i)invalid.(get|post).data' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: comodo regex: - '(?i)' part: response - type: regex name: ciscoacexml regex: - '(?i)ace.xml.gateway' part: response - type: regex name: barikode regex: - '(?i).>barikode<.' - '(?i)<h\d{1}>forbidden.access<.h\d{1}>' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: watchguard regex: - '(?i)(' - '(?i)watchguard(.technologies(.inc)?)?' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: binarysec regex: - '(?i)x.binarysec.via' - '(?i)x.binarysec.nocache' - '(?i)binarysec' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: bekchy regex: - '(?i)bekchy.(-.)?access.denied' - '(?i)(http(s)?://)(www.)?' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: bitninja regex: - '(?i)bitninja' - '(?i)' - '(?i).>visitor.anti(\S)?robot.validation<.' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: apachegeneric regex: - '(?i)apache' - '(?i).>' - '(?i)was.not.found.on.this.server' - '(?i)<address>apache/([\d+{1,2}](.[\d+]{1,2}(.[\d+]{1,3})?)?)?' - '(?i)<title>403 Forbidden' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: greywizard regex: - '(?i)greywizard(.\d.\d(.\d)?)?' - '(?i)grey.wizard.block' - '(?i)(http(s)?.//)?(\w+.)?' - '(?i)grey.wizard' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: configserver regex: - '(?i).><+' part: response - type: regex name: viettel regex: - '(?i)access.denied(...)?viettel.waf' - '(?i)viettel.waf.system' - '(?i)(http(s).//)?' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: safedog regex: - '(?i)(http(s)?)?(://)?(www|404|bbs|\w+)?.safedog.\w' - '(?i)waf(.?\d+.?\d+)' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: baidu regex: - '(?i)yunjiasu.nginx' part: response - type: regex name: alertlogic regex: - '(?i).><.' - '(?i)' - '(?i)' - "(?i)we('re|.are)?sorry.{1,2}" - '(?i)' - '(?i)page.has.either.been.removed.{1,2}renamed' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: armor regex: - '(?i)' part: response - type: regex name: dosarrest regex: - '(?i)dosarrest' - '(?i)' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: paloalto regex: - '' - '.>Virus.Spyware.Download.Blocked<.' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: aspgeneric regex: - '(?i)this.generic.403.error.means.that.the.authenticated' - '(?i)' - '(?i)<.+>a.potentially.dangerous.request(.querystring)?.+' - '(?i)runtime.error' - '(?i).>a.potentially.dangerous.request.path.value.was.detected.from.the.client+' - '(?i)' - '(?i)' - '(?i)an.application.error.occurred.on.the.server' - '(?i)error.log.record.number' - '(?i)' - "(?i)<.+>'/'.application.+" - '(?i)\\b' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: powerful regex: - '(?i)Powerful Firewall' - '(?i)http(s)?' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: uewaf regex: - '(?i)http(s)?.//ucloud' - '(?i)uewaf(.deny.pages)' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: janusec regex: - '(?i)janusec' - '(?i)(http(s)?\W+(www.)?)?janusec.(com|net|org)' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: siteguard regex: - '(?i)><' - '(?i)' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: sonicwall regex: - '(?i)' - '(?i)Dell.SonicWALL' - '(?i)\bDell\b' - '(?i)Web.Site.Blocked.+\bnsa.banner' - '(?i)SonicWALL' - '(?i).><.' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: jiasule regex: - '(?i)^jsl(_)?tracking' - '(?i)(__)?jsluid(=)?' - '(?i)notice.jiasule' - '(?i)(static|www|dynamic).jiasule.(com|net)' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: nginxgeneric regex: - '(?i)nginx' - '(?i)|n.t)?' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: stackpath regex: - '(?i)action.that.triggered.the.service.and.blocked' - '(?i)

sorry,.you.have.been.blocked.?<.h2>' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: sabre regex: - '(?i)' part: response - type: regex name: wordfence regex: - '(?i)' - '(?i)' - '(?i).>wordfence<.' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: '360' regex: - '(?i).wzws.waf.cgi.' - '(?i)wangzhan\.360\.cn' - '(?i)qianxin.waf' - '(?i)360wzws' - '(?i)' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: asm regex: - '(?i)the.requested.url.was.rejected..please.consult.with.your.administrator.' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: rsfirewall regex: - '(?i)com.rsfirewall.403.forbidden' - '(?i)com.rsfirewall.event' - '(?i)(\b)?rsfirewall(\b)?' - '(?i)rsfirewall' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: sucuri regex: - '(?i)' - '(?i)sucuri.webSite.firewall.-.cloudProxy.-.access.denied' - '(?i)questions\?.+cloudproxy@sucuri\.net' - '(?i)http(s)?.\/\/(cdn|supportx.)?sucuri(.net|com)?' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: airlock regex: - '(?i)\Aal[.-]?(sess|lb)=?' part: response - type: regex name: xuanwudun regex: - '(?i)class=.(db)?waf.?(-row.)?>' part: response - type: regex name: chuangyudun regex: - '(?i)(http(s)?.//(www.)?)?365cyd.(com|net)' part: response - type: regex name: securesphere regex: - '(?i)

error<.h2>' - '(?i)error<.title>' - '(?i)<b>error<.b>' - '(?i)<td.class="(errormessage|error)".height="[0-9]{1,3}".width="[0-9]{1,3}">' - '(?i)|' - '(?i)' - '(?i)' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: anquanbao regex: - '(?i).aqb_cc.error.' part: response - type: regex name: modsecurity regex: - '(?i)ModSecurity|NYOB' - '(?i)mod_security' - '(?i)' - '(?i)web.server at' - '(?i)|trying)?.(to|is)?.(access)?.(is|to)?.(restricted)?' - '(?i)' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: modsecurityowasp regex: - '(?i)not.acceptable' - '(?i)additionally\S.a.406.not.acceptable' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: squid regex: - '(?i)squid' - '(?i)Access control configuration prevents' - '(?i)X.Squid.Error' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: shieldsecurity regex: - '(?i)' - '(?i)transgression(\(s\))?.against.this' - '(?i)url.{1,2}' condition: or part: response - type: regex name: wallarm regex: - '(?i)nginix.wallarm' part: response - type: regex part: response name: huaweicloud condition: and regex: - '(?)content="CloudWAF"' - 'Server: CloudWAF' - 'Set-Cookie: HWWAFSESID=' # digest: 4a0a004730450220275dcc9d58d2ffaa091cd84f5b5ecb66c741d4fa2efa3de2b32dece8e7797fba022100d831918396c34900b70d06c6098b07c962117058264d35a02779d8a0be73ff58:922c64590222798bb761d5b6d8e72950