Ensure that your Microsoft Azure virtual machines (VMs) are using Standard SSD disk volumes instead of Premium SSD volumes for cost-effective storage that fits a broad range of workloads from web servers to enterprise applications that need consistent performance at lower IOPS levels. Unless you are running mission-critical applications or performance sensitive workloads that need more than 6000 IOPS or 750 MiB/s of throughput per VM disk volume, Cloud Conformity recommends converting your Premium SSD volumes to Standard SSD in order to lower the cost of your Azure monthly bill.
Using Premium SSD volumes when not required can significantly increase the cost without providing necessary benefits for non-critical workloads, leading to inefficient resource utilization and budget overruns.
Convert any Premium SSD volumes to Standard SSD unless the workload requires high performance disk specifications. This can be achieved through Azure's portal or via CLI commands.
az vm show --ids "$ids" --query 'storageProfile.{"osDiskStorageType":osDisk.managedDisk.storageAccountType,"dataDiskStorageType":dataDisks[*].managedDisk.storageAccountType}'
- type:word
- 'Premium_LRS'
- type:dsl
- 'ids + " is using Premium SSD volumes for OS or data disks which is not recommended for its current workload"'