ctf-writeup/WaniCTF 2023/Guess
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images feat: added WaniCTF 2023 2023-05-06 13:06:47 +07:00
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mis-guess.zip feat: added WaniCTF 2023 2023-05-06 13:06:47 +07:00



Guess the numbers 🤔

nc guess-mis.wanictf.org 50018

About the Challenge

We were given a server to connect an a zip file (You can download the file here). There is a file called chall.py. Here is the content of chall.py

import os
import random

ANSWER = list(range(10**4))

def peep():
    global CHANCE
    if CHANCE <= 0:
        print("You ran out of CHANCE. Bye!")
    CHANCE -= 1

    index = map(int, input("Index (space-separated)> ").split(" "))
    result = [ANSWER[i] for i in index]

    return result

def guess():
    guess = input("Guess the numbers> ").split(" ")
    guess = list(map(int, guess))
    if guess == ANSWER:
        flag = os.getenv("FLAG", "FAKE{REDACTED}")

def main():
    menu = """
    1: peep
    2: guess""".strip()
    while True:
        choice = int(input("> "))
        if choice == 1:
            result = peep()
        elif choice == 2:
            print("Invalid choice")

This Python script is a simple guessing game where the player must guess a random sequence of 10,000 numbers that have been shuffled using the random.shuffle. The player has 15 chances to view a subset of the shuffled numbers before submitting a guess. The script uses the input() function to prompt the player for input and the print() function to display the result. If the player correctly guesses the entire sequence, the script will output the value of the environment variable FLAG, which presumably contains the flag for the challenge. Otherwise, the script will output the message Incorrect. The main function uses a while loop to continually prompt the player for their choice of action, which can be to peep (view a subset of the shuffled numbers) or to guess the entire sequence.

How to Solve?

This chall is literally same with K3RN3LCTF: Bogo Solve (You can access the writeup here). Here is the code I used to solve this chall

from pwn import *
from collections import Counter
# context.log_level='debug'

def createListNum(begin, offset = 1000):
    finalList = []
    for currentNum in range(begin, begin + offset):
        for num in range(begin, currentNum + 1):
    return ' '.join(finalList)
    # return finalList

def getKey(dict, value):
    return list(dict.keys())[list(dict.values()).index(value)]

p = remote('guess-mis.wanictf.org', 50018)
# Payload will be sent in the final request
begin = 0

while begin != 10000:
    p.recvuntil('2: guess')
    # Send command 1
    p.sendline(bytes('1', 'utf-8'))
    p.recvuntil('index> ')
    print("Sent from", begin)
    # Send request
    request = createListNum(begin)

    # Receive response
    # Example response: Stolen: [5219, 1111, ..., 1]
    numList = p.recvline().strip().decode('utf-8')
    print("Received", numList)
    numList = numList.split('[')[1][:-1].split(', ')
    # Convert to dict
    response = Counter(numList)

    # Put into our payload
    for currentNum in range(begin, begin + 1000):
        key = currentNum % 1000
        REALNUMS.append(getKey(response, 1000 - key))

    print("Len of received numbers", len(REALNUMS))
    # New request
    begin += 1000
    if len(REALNUMS) == 10**4:

p.recvuntil('2: guess')
# Send command 2
p.sendline(bytes('2', 'utf-8'))
p.recvuntil('Guess the list> ')
print("Sent REALNUMS")
p.sendline(' '.join(REALNUMS))

# Receive flag


