ctf-writeup/2023/OmWars CTF 2023 Quals/spice
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images feat: grouped the challs 2024-01-09 16:59:32 +07:00
README.md feat: grouped the challs 2024-01-09 16:59:32 +07:00



Try /spice.php

engineer1337 : engineer1337

wait 5 sec, after start (long boot process)

About the Challenge

We were given a website, and if we access the /spice.php endpoint the website will leak the source code

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use \Firebase\JWT\JWT;
use Firebase\JWT\Key;
use \dotzero\Brainfuck;
include_once 'getSecret.php';
include_once 'db.php';

    if (isset($_GET['username']) && isset($_GET['password'])){

        $db = getDb();
        $user = filter_var($_GET['username'], FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);

        $statement = $db->prepare("SELECT password FROM users WHERE username='" . $user . "'");
        $result = $statement->execute();
        while ($row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) {
            $pass  = reset($row);

        if ($pass === $_GET['password']){
            $key = getSecret();
            $payload = ['user' => $user ];
            $jwt = JWT::encode($payload, $key, 'HS256');
            setcookie('jwt', $jwt);
            echo $jwt;
        } else {
            echo "Bad creditionals";
        if (isset($_GET['bf_base16'])){
        $swag = 123; 
        } else {
           $source = show_source("spice.php", true);
           echo $source;
    if (isset($_COOKIE['jwt'])){
        if (isset($_GET['bf_base16'])){
        $key = getSecret();
        $decodeJwt = JWT::decode($_COOKIE['jwt'], new Key($key, 'HS256'));
        $decodeJwt = (array) $decodeJwt;
        $user = $decodeJwt['user'];
        if ($user === 'admin'){
            $base_code = $_GET['bf_base16'];
            $code = hex2bin($base_code);

            $bf = new Brainfuck($code);
            $output = $bf->run(true);

            passthru($output); ///It's a joke !

        $key = getSecret();
        $decodeJwt = JWT::decode($_COOKIE['jwt'], new Key($key, 'HS256'));
        $decodeJwt = (array) $decodeJwt;
        $user = $decodeJwt['user'];
        if ( $user === 'engineer1337'){
            echo "Enter the title of the article to read it ";
                $string = $_GET['article'];
                $article = str_replace("./", '', $string);
                if (!file_exists($article)){
                    echo "<h1>The article does not exist!</h1>";
                } else {
                    echo "Article: " . file_get_contents($article) ;

How to Solve?

If we check on the source code, we can input a password and username using GET method. We use engineer1337 as a password and username. So the request will be like this


After login, we need to add article parameter. And there is a Directory Traversal vulnerability because there is file_get_contents function

    $string = $_GET['article'];
    $article = str_replace("./", '', $string);
    if (!file_exists($article)){
        echo "<h1>The article does not exist!</h1>";
    } else {
        echo "Article: " . file_get_contents($article) ;

But there is a filter, if we input ./ the code will replace it with blank. So to bypass the filter, we can append the payload. The usual payload is ../../../../etc/passwd and we can bypass that using ...//...//...//...//etc/passwd


If we check the spice.php source code. There is an interesting file, db.php and getSecret.php (We will ignore getSecret.php because that file just a rabbit hole). If we check the content of db.php we will get another interesting file


There is a SQLite database file, if we check the content of the file by accessing /spice.php?username=engineer1337&password=engineer1337&article=...//...//...//...//...//...//...//...//...//var/www/html/vuln-php.db we will get administrator username and password


Now, use the admin credential as username and password.


Because we now login as administrator, we can execute an OS command using bf_base16 parameter. Why? Check the code below, because we already login as administrator, we can execute OS command using passthru PHP function

if ($user === 'admin'){
    $base_code = $_GET['bf_base16'];
    $code = hex2bin($base_code);

    $bf = new Brainfuck($code);
    $output = $bf->run(true);

    passthru($output); ///It's a joke !

Because the code using Brainfuck() and hex2bin(). We need to wrap our payload using brainfuck first and then encode it using hex.

For example I want to run env command. The brainfuck will look like this


And then change it to hex


Send the payload to the server using bf_base16 parameter and you will get the flag because the flag was located on environment var

