# I Love Pi > Isaac Newton left me this piece of code and a message. Can you help me decode this... ## About the Challenge We were given a python script and an encoded text, The python script will be look like this (You can get the script [**here**](/2023/KnightCTF%202023/I%20Love%20Pi/encrypt.py)) ```python import base64 lengths = [--REDACTED--] flag = "KCTF{*******************************}" # len(lengths) = 10 # len(flag) = 39 s = 0 encoded_flag = "" for l in lengths: seg = flag[s:s+l] for _ in range(len(seg)): seg = base64.b64encode(seg.encode('ascii')).decode('ascii') s+=l encoded_flag += seg print(encoded_flag) ``` And here is the encoded flag ``` VXpCT1ZRPT0=Rg==V2xod1UxcHNWa0pRVkRBOQ==MQ==VmpCb2QxVXhjSE5UYTFaV1ZrUkJPUT09Vm0wd2QyVkhVWGhUV0doaFUwVndVRlp0TVZOV01XeFZVbTVrVlUxV2NIbFdNalZyVmpKS1NHVkliRmRpVkVaSVZtMTRTMk15VGtWUmJIQk9VakF4TkZkWGRHRmtNRFZ5VFZWV2FHVnFRVGs9U0RNPQ==Vm1wQ1UxRXlTbkpOVldSVFYwZFNjVlJVU1RSUFVUMDk=VjFSS2QxWXhjSEpPVldSYVpXcEJPUT09VGtac09RPT0= ``` The python script will encode each part of the flag with base64 ## How to Solve? To solve this, Im only using cyberchef to decode the encoded text and notepad to merge the string that i have found without creating any python script haha. Anyway here is the flag ``` KCTF{4_P1_4_D4Y_K33P5_7H3_H4CK3r5_4W4Y} ```