# secure router > My friend bought this router. I want to hack into it so bad. > The firmware for the router is online. There's gotta be bugs in it... ## About the Challenge We were given a website and also a squashfs filesystem ![preview 1](images/preview1.png) ![preview 2](images/preview2.png) ## How to Solve? There are 5 perl code in `var/www/` directory ![www](images/www.png) To obtain the flag, we need to acquire the credentials first and then log in. To retrieve the credentials, we can use `MCU_recover_credentials.pl` and `MCU_serial_forgot_password.pl`. Here is the content of `MCU_recover_credentials.pl`: ```perl ... $timestamp = strftime("%j%m%H%M%Y", localtime); open(FH,"username.txt") or &dienice("Can't open username.txt: $!"); $username = ; close(FH); open(FH,"password.txt") or &dienice("Can't open password.txt: $!"); $password = ; close(FH); print "Content-type:text/html\r\n\r\n"; if ($FORM{id} ne $timestamp){ print ""; print ""; print "Secure Router"; print ""; print ""; print "

Sorry, your timestamp nonce has expired

"; print ""; print ""; exit 0; } print ""; print ""; print "Secure Router"; print ""; print ""; print "

Password recovered

"; print "


"; print "


"; print ""; print ""; ``` We need to provide the correct nonce / timestamp to recover the credential. And to get the correct nonce, we can use `MCU_serial_forgot_password.pl` because the code leaked the nonce ![nonce](images/nonce.png) Copy the `nonce` and paste it into the `id` parameter of the `MCU_recover_credentials.pl`file. ![credentials](images/credentials.png) Use the credentials to log in to the website. ![flag](images/flag.png) ``` flag{based_on_a_true_router_cve_story} ```