# CTF ARA 2023 CTF writeup for The CTF ARA 2023. I took part in this CTF competition solo, and got ~20th? place out of 93 teams | Category | Challenge | --- | --- | | Web | [DewaWeb](/CTF%20ARA%202023/DewaWeb/) | Web | [Pollution](/CTF%20ARA%202023/Pollution/) | Web | [Paste It](/CTF%20ARA%202023/Paste%20It/) | Web | [Noctchill DB](/CTF%20ARA%202023/Noctchill%20DB/) | Web | [Welcome Page](/CTF%20ARA%202023/Welcome%20Page/) | Web | [X-Is for blabla](/CTF%20ARA%202023/X-Is%20for%20blabla/) | Crypto | [One Time Password (?)](/CTF%20ARA%202023/One%20Time%20Password/) | Crypto | [Secrets Behind a Letter](/CTF%20ARA%202023/Secrets%20Behind%20a%20Letter/) | Crypto | [L0v32x0r](/CTF%20ARA%202023/L0v32x0r/) | Crypto | [Babychall](/CTF%20ARA%202023/Babychall/) | Misc | [In-sanity check](/CTF%20ARA%202023/In-sanity%20check/) | Misc | [@B4SH](/CTF%20ARA%202023/%40B4SH/) | Misc | [D0ts N D4sh3s](/CTF%20ARA%202023/D0ts%20N%20D4sh3s/) | Misc | [Truth](/CTF%20ARA%202023/Truth/) | Osint | [Time Machine](/CTF%20ARA%202023/Time%20Machine/) | Osint | [Backroom](/CTF%20ARA%202023/Backroom/)