feat: added dctf quals 2023

Muhammad Daffa 2023-10-23 06:54:40 +07:00
parent cc196254ed
commit ccbdf77232
28 changed files with 200 additions and 0 deletions

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# DefCamp Capture the Flag (D-CTF) 2023 Quals
CTF writeup for The DefCamp Capture the Flag (D-CTF) 2023 Quals. I took part in this CTF competition with the HCS team and secured the 26th place out of 610 teams
| Category | Challenge |
| --- | --- |
| Web | [forty-nine](/DefCamp%20Capture%20the%20Flag%20(D-CTF)%202023%20Quals/who-done-it)
| Web | [code-transpiler](/DefCamp%20Capture%20the%20Flag%20(D-CTF)%202023%20Quals/code-transpiler)
| Web | [boze](/DefCamp%20Capture%20the%20Flag%20(D-CTF)%202023%20Quals/boze)
| Web | [nsort](/DefCamp%20Capture%20the%20Flag%20(D-CTF)%202023%20Quals/nsort)
| Steganography\|Cryptography | [morse-music](/DefCamp%20Capture%20the%20Flag%20(D-CTF)%202023%20Quals/morse-music)
| Misc | [who-done-it](/DefCamp%20Capture%20the%20Flag%20(D-CTF)%202023%20Quals/who-done-it)

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# boze
> How smart and capable is the smarty lib?
## About the Challenge
We were given a website that using smarty template to render our input, here is the preview of the source code
![source code](images/source_code.png)
It first checks if a `content` parameter is set in the GET request. If not, it displays the source code of the script. If the `content` parameter is set, it creates a new Smarty object and tries to display the content specified in the `content` parameter. If an exception occurs, it echoes `Still here?` and logs the exception details to a file. The source code is vulnerable to SSTI. We need to input the payload in the `content` parameter and then check the log file to see the output.
## How to Solve?
At first I tried to input every payload which is on `Hacktricks`, but I failed -_-
And then I tried to read the smarty documentation and I found the `fetch` class method. This function is used to retrieve a resource from a URL. And I inputted in the `content` parameter
{fetch file='flag.php'}
And then check `/tmp/smarty_exception.log` file to obtain the flag

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# code-transpiler
> Bypass the security restriction and get th flag.
## About the Challenge
We were given a website where we can execute a python command like this
And there are also some limitation (For example, we cant input `__`)
## How to Solve?
In this case, we use the `exec()` function, and then I need to change each character to ASCII code and then use the `chr()` function. The command below is used to read the flag
__import__("os").system("cat flag")
And then, the final payload will be like this

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# forty-nine
> We have a random fact generator that might have some problems sanitizing the input. It may not be as simple as 7*7.
## About the Challenge
We were given a website, and theres only 1 form input in the website
## How to Solve?
And then I tried to input `${{7*7}}` and the output was `Sorry, I do not understand Attack detected!.`. And after analyzing a little bit, sadly we cant input `{{`
Well, even though we cant input `{{`, we still can bypass it using `{%`.
And to obtain the flag, we need to execute an OS command by importing the `os` module and then calling the `popen` function and then executing the `cat flag.txt` command.
{% print(x.__init__.__globals__.__builtins__.__import__("os")["popen"]("cat flag.txt").read()) %}

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# morse-music
> You might need to cross listen the message within the morse code.
## About the Challenge
We were given a wav file (You can download the file [here](final_sound91976.wav)), and we need to find the flag inside the file
## How to Solve?
If we decode the morse code, we got this message
Did you know that this is not about the morse code? It is about the spectogram only that the password is UHR3V8203RJD
And if we check the spectogram of the file, there is a QR code
Parse the QR code and we got this string
Decode it using base64 encoding and then XOR the result with `UHR3V8203RJD` to obtain the flag

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# nsort
> Can you escape the sandbox? Do you have all the needed info?
## About the Challenge
We were given a static website (There are no images, no forms, only texts)
🚩 Whoops! Looks like the proof-of-concept (poc) is missing! 🔍🧐 Don't worry, it's waiting for you in flag.php! Happy coding! 🤓💻 #MissingPOC #FlagHunt #PHPDev #missingpocinget
## How to Solve?
If we read the text again, it looks like we need to add `?poc` parameter in the URL and voilà! We got an error output
Hmm, our input goes into the `eval` function where we have to do Remote Code Execution (RCE). If we read the title again, it looks like the author using `sort` function inside the eval
After finding some reference about the RCE inside `sort` function, I got some useful information on Hacktricks (Thank you carlospolop!)
And then we need to close some bracket and then running phpinfo function using this payload
Yay we can execute PHP commands, but when I checked disable_functions information, almost all PHP functions which are to run OS commands cannot be used.
To obtain the flag I used a `file()` function to read `flag.php` file

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# who-done-it
> We might have an insider threat in our company. Help us to clarify this unconfortable situation.
## About the Challenge
We got a zip file called `who-was-it.zip` and the file contains some useful information about the victim pc such as PowerShell History / Device Information
## How to Solve?
There are 3 questions that we need to answer:
1. Identify the hostname of the compromised machine.
We can get the hostname information at `/SystemInfo/output.txt` file
2. Provide the name of the malware binary downloaded by the attacker on the compromised account.
If we check the PowerShell History command (Especially in `plant` user). In line 156-157, the attacker tried to download a file called `ZekaAPT28.bin`
3. Which is the suspicious scheduled task created by the attacker on the system?
We can get the suspicious scheduled task at /scheduled_task/Windows/System32/Tasks file
Q2: ZekaAPT28.bin
Q3: connect_to_server

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@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ List of CTF events that i have joined before
| Winja CTF 2023 | Yes | [Link](/Winja%20CTF%202023/) |
| Buckeye CTF 2023 | Yes | [Link](/Buckeye%20CTF%202023/) |
| SunshineCTF 2023 | Yes | [Link](/SunshineCTF%202023/) |
| DefCamp Capture the Flag (D-CTF) 2023 Quals | Yes | [Link](/DefCamp%20Capture%20the%20Flag%20(D-CTF)%202023%20Quals/) |
### Local Events
| Event Name | Writeup Available? | Writeup Link |