# [Word Cloud](https://wordcloudapi.com/) ## __Description__ Easily create word clouds ## __Example Request__ * Curl ``` curl -X POST --header "content-type: application/json" -H "x-rapidapi-host: textvis-word-cloud-v1.p.rapidapi.com" -H "x-rapidapi-key: YOURAPIKEY" "https://textvis-word-cloud-v1.p.rapidapi.com/v1/textToCloud" --data '{ "text": "This is a test. I repeat, this is a test. We are only testing the functionality of this api, nothing else. End of test.", "scale": 0.5, "width": 400, "height": 400, "colors": [ "#375E97", "#FB6542", "#FFBB00", "#3F681C" ], "font": "Tahoma", "use_stopwords": true, "language": "en", "uppercase": false }' ``` * Raw ``` POST /v1/textToCloud HTTP/1.1 Host: textvis-word-cloud-v1.p.rapidapi.com content-type: application/json x-rapidapi-host: textvis-word-cloud-v1.p.rapidapi.com x-rapidapi-key: YOURAPIKEY Content-Length: 349 { "text": "This is a test. I repeat, this is a test. We are only testing the functionality of this api, nothing else. End of test.", "scale": 0.5, "width": 400, "height": 400, "colors": [ "#375E97", "#FB6542", "#FFBB00", "#3F681C" ], "font": "Tahoma", "use_stopwords": true, "language": "en", "uppercase": false } ``` ## __Response__ * Success ``` *The website will return base64 image ``` * Error ``` { "message": "You are not subscribed to this API." } ``` ## __Regex__ ``` [a-z0-9]{50} ``` ## __Example API key__ ``` kks6qgj47efs2v1i9cv8b7q2in0hs5088o4r9u4ce6h3xjvnmj ```