# v0.1.0 * Initial NPM release. # v0.2.0 + Added `theme.d.ts`. # v0.3.0 * Encapsulated theme methods in the `ThemeConfig` class. * Encapsulated dark switch in a function. # v0.3.1 + Added `initTheme` to `theme.d.ts`. # v0.3.2 + Added constructor to `ThemeConfig`. # v0.4.0 * Converted the JavaScript code to TypeScript. # v0.5.0 + Added the `ThemeConfig.detectTheme` method. * `ThemeConfig.loadTheme` and `.saveTheme` are now regular methods. * The `ThemeConfig.loadTheme` and `.saveTheme` methods can now accept/return `null`. * Moved `darktheme.css` to `dist/`. * Removed `.gitignore` from the NPM package. # v0.6.0 * `dist/theme.js` is no longer a module. # v0.7.0 + Added `.bg-darkmode-black` as an opposite for `.bg-white`. + Added support for `data-theme="auto"`, which will automatically apply dark mode dependending on user agent preference. * Improved table border colors. * Improved horizontal rule (`
`) color. * Updated information in `package.json`.