diff --git a/js/script.js b/js/script.js
index f4ac984..303fd8f 100644
--- a/js/script.js
+++ b/js/script.js
@@ -1,454 +1,467 @@
- // Element selectors
- const ipInput = document.querySelector("#ip");
- const portInput = document.querySelector("#port");
- const listenerSelect = document.querySelector("#listener-selection");
- const shellSelect = document.querySelector("#shell");
- // const autoCopySwitch = document.querySelector("#auto-copy-switch");
- const encodingSelect = document.querySelector('#encoding');
- const listenerCommand = document.querySelector("#listener-command");
- const reverseShellCommand = document.querySelector("#reverse-shell-command");
- const bindShellCommand = document.querySelector("#bind-shell-command");
- const msfVenomCommand = document.querySelector("#msfvenom-command");
+// Element selectors
+const ipInput = document.querySelector("#ip");
+const portInput = document.querySelector("#port");
+const listenerSelect = document.querySelector("#listener-selection");
+const shellSelect = document.querySelector("#shell");
+// const autoCopySwitch = document.querySelector("#auto-copy-switch");
+const encodingSelect = document.querySelector('#encoding');
+const listenerCommand = document.querySelector("#listener-command");
+const reverseShellCommand = document.querySelector("#reverse-shell-command");
+const bindShellCommand = document.querySelector("#bind-shell-command");
+const msfVenomCommand = document.querySelector("#msfvenom-command");
- const FilterType = {
- 'All': 'all',
- 'Windows': 'windows',
- 'Linux': 'linux',
- 'Mac': 'mac'
- };
+const FilterType = {
+ 'All': 'all',
+ 'Windows': 'windows',
+ 'Linux': 'linux',
+ 'Mac': 'mac'
- document.querySelector("#os-options").addEventListener("change", (event) => {
- const selectedOS = event.target.value;
- rsg.setState({
- filter: selectedOS,
- });
- });
+document.querySelector("#os-options").addEventListener("change", (event) => {
+ const selectedOS = event.target.value;
+ rsg.setState({
+ filter: selectedOS,
+ });
- document.querySelector("#reverse-tab").addEventListener("click", () => {
- rsg.setState({
- commandType: CommandType.ReverseShell,
- });
- })
+document.querySelector("#reverse-tab").addEventListener("click", () => {
+ rsg.setState({
+ commandType: CommandType.ReverseShell,
+ });
- document.querySelector("#bind-tab").addEventListener("click", () => {
- rsg.setState({
- commandType: CommandType.BindShell,
- encoding: "None"
- });
- })
+document.querySelector("#bind-tab").addEventListener("click", () => {
+ rsg.setState({
+ commandType: CommandType.BindShell,
+ encoding: "None"
- document.querySelector("#bind-tab").addEventListener("click", () => {
- document.querySelector("#bind-shell-selection").innerHTML = "";
- rsg.setState({
- commandType: CommandType.BindShell
+document.querySelector("#bind-tab").addEventListener("click", () => {
+ document.querySelector("#bind-shell-selection").innerHTML = "";
+ rsg.setState({
+ commandType: CommandType.BindShell
- });
- })
+ });
- document.querySelector("#msfvenom-tab").addEventListener("click", () => {
- document.querySelector("#msfvenom-selection").innerHTML = "";
- rsg.setState({
- commandType: CommandType.MSFVenom,
- encoding: "None"
- });
- });
+document.querySelector("#msfvenom-tab").addEventListener("click", () => {
+ document.querySelector("#msfvenom-selection").innerHTML = "";
+ rsg.setState({
+ commandType: CommandType.MSFVenom,
+encoding: "None"
+ });
- var rawLinkButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.raw-listener');
- for (const button of rawLinkButtons) {
- button.addEventListener("click", () => {
- const rawLink = RawLink.generate(rsg);
- window.location = rawLink;
- });
+var rawLinkButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.raw-listener');
+for (const button of rawLinkButtons) {
+ button.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ const rawLink = RawLink.generate(rsg);
+ window.location = rawLink;
+ });
+const filterCommandData = function (data, { commandType, filter }) {
+ return data.filter(item => {
+ if (!item.meta.includes(commandType)) {
+ return false;
- const filterCommandData = function (data, { commandType, filter }) {
- return data.filter(item => {
- if (!item.meta.includes(commandType)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!filter) {
- return true;
- }
- if (filter === FilterType.All) {
- return true;
- }
- return item.meta.includes(filter);
- });
+ if (!filter) {
+ return true;
- const query = new URLSearchParams(location.hash.substring(1));
+ if (filter === FilterType.All) {
+ return true;
+ }
- const rsg = {
- ip: query.get('ip') || localStorage.getItem('ip') || '',
- port: query.get('port') || localStorage.getItem('port') || 9001,
- payload: query.get('payload') || localStorage.getItem('payload') || 'windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp',
- shell: query.get('shell') || localStorage.getItem('shell') || rsgData.shells[0],
- listener: query.get('listener') || localStorage.getItem('listener') || rsgData.listenerCommands[0][1],
- encoding: query.get('encoding') || localStorage.getItem('encoding') || 'None',
- selectedValues: {
- [CommandType.ReverseShell]: filterCommandData(rsgData.reverseShellCommands, { commandType: CommandType.ReverseShell })[0].name,
- [CommandType.BindShell]: filterCommandData(rsgData.reverseShellCommands, { commandType: CommandType.BindShell })[0].name,
- [CommandType.MSFVenom]: filterCommandData(rsgData.reverseShellCommands, { commandType: CommandType.MSFVenom })[0].name,
- },
- commandType: CommandType.ReverseShell,
- filter: FilterType.All,
+ return item.meta.includes(filter);
+ });
- uiElements: {
- [CommandType.ReverseShell]: {
- listSelection: '#reverse-shell-selection',
- command: '#reverse-shell-command'
- },
- [CommandType.BindShell]: {
- listSelection: '#bind-shell-selection',
- command: '#bind-shell-command',
- },
- [CommandType.MSFVenom]: {
- listSelection: '#msfvenom-selection',
- command: '#msfvenom-command'
- }
- },
+const query = new URLSearchParams(location.hash.substring(1));
- copyToClipboard: (text) => {
- if (navigator ?.clipboard ?.writeText) {
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(text)
- $('#clipboard-toast').toast('show')
- } else if (window ?.clipboardData ?.setData) {
- window.clipboardData.setData('Text', text);
- $('#clipboard-toast').toast('show')
- } else {
- $('#clipboard-failure-toast').toast('show')
- }
- },
+const rsg = {
+ ip: query.get('ip') || localStorage.getItem('ip') || '',
+ port: query.get('port') || localStorage.getItem('port') || 9001,
+ payload: query.get('payload') || localStorage.getItem('payload') || 'windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp',
+ shell: query.get('shell') || localStorage.getItem('shell') || rsgData.shells[0],
+ listener: query.get('listener') || localStorage.getItem('listener') || rsgData.listenerCommands[0][1],
+ encoding: query.get('encoding') || localStorage.getItem('encoding') || 'None',
+ selectedValues: {
+ [CommandType.ReverseShell]: filterCommandData(rsgData.reverseShellCommands, { commandType: CommandType.ReverseShell })[0].name,
+ [CommandType.BindShell]: filterCommandData(rsgData.reverseShellCommands, { commandType: CommandType.BindShell })[0].name,
+ [CommandType.MSFVenom]: filterCommandData(rsgData.reverseShellCommands, { commandType: CommandType.MSFVenom })[0].name,
+ },
+ commandType: CommandType.ReverseShell,
+ filter: FilterType.All,
- escapeHTML: (text) => String(text).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>'),
+ uiElements: {
+ [CommandType.ReverseShell]: {
+ listSelection: '#reverse-shell-selection',
+ command: '#reverse-shell-command'
+ },
+ [CommandType.BindShell]: {
+ listSelection: '#bind-shell-selection',
+ command: '#bind-shell-command',
+ },
+ [CommandType.MSFVenom]: {
+ listSelection: '#msfvenom-selection',
+ command: '#msfvenom-command'
+ }
+ },
- getIP: () => rsg.ip,
+ copyToClipboard: (text) => {
+ if (navigator ?.clipboard ?.writeText) {
+ navigator.clipboard.writeText(text)
+ $('#clipboard-toast').toast('show')
+ } else if (window ?.clipboardData ?.setData) {
+ window.clipboardData.setData('Text', text);
+ $('#clipboard-toast').toast('show')
+ } else {
+ $('#clipboard-failure-toast').toast('show')
+ }
+ },
- getPort: () => Number(rsg.port),
+ escapeHTML: (text) => String(text).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>'),
- getShell: () => rsg.shell,
+ getIP: () => rsg.ip,
- getEncoding: () => rsg.encoding,
+ getPort: () => Number(rsg.port),
- getSelectedCommandName: () => {
- return rsg.selectedValues[rsg.commandType];
- },
+ getShell: () => rsg.shell,
- getReverseShellCommand: () => {
- const reverseShellData = rsgData.reverseShellCommands.find((item) => item.name === rsg.getSelectedCommandName());
- return reverseShellData.command;
- },
+ getEncoding: () => rsg.encoding,
- getPayload: () => {
- if (rsg.commandType === 'MSFVenom') {
- let cmd = rsg.getReverseShellCommand();
- // msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter_reverse_tcp ...
- let regex = /\s+-p\s+(?
- let match = regex.exec(cmd);
- if (match) {
- return match.groups.payload;
- }
- }
+ getSelectedCommandName: () => {
+ return rsg.selectedValues[rsg.commandType];
+ },
- return 'windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp'
+ getReverseShellCommand: () => {
+ const reverseShellData = rsgData.reverseShellCommands.find((item) => item.name === rsg.getSelectedCommandName());
+ return reverseShellData.command;
+ },
- },
- generateReverseShellCommand: () => {
- let command
- if (rsg.getSelectedCommandName() === 'PowerShell #3 (Base64)') {
- const encoder = (text) => text;
- const payload = rsg.insertParameters(rsgData.specialCommands['PowerShell payload'], encoder)
- command = "powershell -e " + btoa(toBinary(payload))
- function toBinary(string) {
- const codeUnits = new Uint16Array(string.length);
- for (let i = 0; i < codeUnits.length; i++) {
- codeUnits[i] = string.charCodeAt(i);
- }
- const charCodes = new Uint8Array(codeUnits.buffer);
- let result = '';
- for (let i = 0; i < charCodes.byteLength; i++) {
- result += String.fromCharCode(charCodes[i]);
- }
- return result;
- }
- } else {
- command = rsg.getReverseShellCommand()
- }
- const encoding = rsg.getEncoding();
- if (encoding === 'Base64') {
- command = rsg.insertParameters(command, (text) => text)
- command = btoa(command)
- } else {
- function encoder(string) {
- return (encoding === 'encodeURI' || encoding === 'encodeURIComponent') ? window[
- encoding](string) : string
- }
- command = rsg.escapeHTML(command);
- command = rsg.insertParameters(
- rsg.highlightParameters(
- encoder(command), encoder),
- encoder
- )
- }
- return command;
- },
- highlightParameters: (text, encoder) => {
- const parameters = ['{ip}', '{port}', '{shell}', encodeURI('{ip}'), encodeURI('{port}'),
- encodeURI('{shell}')
- ];
- parameters.forEach((param) => {
- if (encoder) param = encoder(param)
- text = text.replace(param, `${param}`)
- })
- return text
- },
- init: () => {
- rsg.initListenerSelection()
- rsg.initShells()
- },
- initListenerSelection: () => {
- rsgData.listenerCommands.forEach((listenerData, i) => {
- const type = listenerData[0];
- const command = listenerData[1];
- const option = document.createElement("option");
- option.value = command;
- option.selected = rsg.listener === option.value;
- option.classList.add("listener-option");
- option.innerText = type;
- listenerSelect.appendChild(option);
- })
- },
- initShells: () => {
- rsgData.shells.forEach((shell, i) => {
- const option = document.createElement("option");
- option.selected = rsg.shell === shell;
- option.classList.add("shell-option");
- option.innerText = shell;
- shellSelect.appendChild(option);
- })
- },
- // Updates the rsg state, and forces a re-render
- setState: (newState = {}) => {
- Object.keys(newState).forEach((key) => {
- const value = newState[key];
- rsg[key] = value;
- localStorage.setItem(key, value)
- });
- Object.assign(rsg, newState);
- rsg.update();
- },
- insertParameters: (command, encoder) => {
- return command
- .replaceAll(encoder('{ip}'), encoder(rsg.getIP()))
- .replaceAll(encoder('{port}'), encoder(String(rsg.getPort())))
- .replaceAll(encoder('{shell}'), encoder(rsg.getShell()))
- },
- update: () => {
- rsg.updateListenerCommand()
- rsg.updateTabList()
- rsg.updateReverseShellCommand()
- rsg.updateValues()
- },
- updateValues: () => {
- const listenerOptions = listenerSelect.querySelectorAll(".listener-option");
- listenerOptions.forEach((option) => {
- option.selected = rsg.listener === option.value;
- });
- const shellOptions = shellSelect.querySelectorAll(".shell-option");
- shellOptions.forEach((option) => {
- option.selected = rsg.shell === option.value;
- });
- const encodingOptions = encodingSelect.querySelectorAll("option");
- encodingOptions.forEach((option) => {
- option.selected = rsg.encoding === option.value;
- });
- ipInput.value = rsg.ip;
- portInput.value = rsg.port;
- },
- updateTabList: () => {
- const data = rsgData.reverseShellCommands;
- const filteredItems = filterCommandData(
- data,
- {
- filter: rsg.filter,
- commandType: rsg.commandType
- }
- );
- const documentFragment = document.createDocumentFragment()
- filteredItems.forEach((item, index) => {
- const {
- name,
- command
- } = item;
- const selectionButton = document.createElement("button");
- if (rsg.getSelectedCommandName() === item.name) {
- selectionButton.classList.add("active");
- }
- const clickEvent = () => {
- rsg.selectedValues[rsg.commandType] = name;
- rsg.update();
- // if (document.querySelector('#auto-copy-switch').checked) {
- // rsg.copyToClipboard(reverseShellCommand.innerText)
- // }
- }
- selectionButton.innerText = name;
- selectionButton.classList.add("list-group-item", "list-group-item-action");
- selectionButton.addEventListener("click", clickEvent);
- documentFragment.appendChild(selectionButton);
- })
- const listSelectionSelector = rsg.uiElements[rsg.commandType].listSelection;
- document.querySelector(listSelectionSelector).replaceChildren(documentFragment)
- },
- updateListenerCommand: () => {
- const privilegeWarning = document.querySelector("#port-privileges-warning");
- let command = listenerSelect.value;
- command = rsg.highlightParameters(command)
- command = command.replace('{port}', rsg.getPort())
- command = command.replace('{ip}', rsg.getIP())
- command = command.replace('{payload}', rsg.getPayload())
- if (rsg.getPort() < 1024) {
- privilegeWarning.style.visibility = "visible";
- command = `sudo ${command}`
- } else {
- privilegeWarning.style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- listenerCommand.innerHTML = command;
- },
- updateReverseShellSelection: () => {
- document.querySelector(".list-group-item.active") ?.classList.remove("active");
- const elements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".list-group-item"));
- const selectedElement = elements.find((item) => item.innerText === rsg.currentCommandName);
- selectedElement?.classList.add("active");
- },
- updateReverseShellCommand: () => {
- const command = rsg.generateReverseShellCommand();
- const commandSelector = rsg.uiElements[rsg.commandType].command;
- document.querySelector(commandSelector).innerHTML = command;
- },
- updateSwitchStates: () => {
- $('#listener-advanced').collapse($('#listener-advanced-switch').prop('checked') ? 'show' :
- 'hide')
- $('#revshell-advanced').collapse($('#revshell-advanced-switch').prop('checked') ? 'show' :
- 'hide')
+ getPayload: () => {
+ if (rsg.commandType === 'MSFVenom') {
+ let cmd = rsg.getReverseShellCommand();
+ // msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter_reverse_tcp ...
+ let regex = /\s+-p\s+(?[a-zA-Z0-9/_]+)/;
+ let match = regex.exec(cmd);
+ if (match) {
+ return match.groups.payload;
- /*
- * Init
- */
- rsg.init();
+ return 'windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp'
+ },
+ generateReverseShellCommand: () => {
+ let command
+ if (rsg.getSelectedCommandName() === 'PowerShell #3 (Base64)') {
+ const encoder = (text) => text;
+ const payload = rsg.insertParameters(rsgData.specialCommands['PowerShell payload'], encoder)
+ command = "powershell -e " + btoa(toBinary(payload))
+ function toBinary(string) {
+ const codeUnits = new Uint16Array(string.length);
+ for (let i = 0; i < codeUnits.length; i++) {
+ codeUnits[i] = string.charCodeAt(i);
+ }
+ const charCodes = new Uint8Array(codeUnits.buffer);
+ let result = '';
+ for (let i = 0; i < charCodes.byteLength; i++) {
+ result += String.fromCharCode(charCodes[i]);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ } else {
+ command = rsg.getReverseShellCommand()
+ }
+ const encoding = rsg.getEncoding();
+ if (encoding === 'Base64') {
+ command = rsg.insertParameters(command, (text) => text)
+ command = btoa(command)
+ } else {
+ function encoder(string) {
+ return (encoding === 'encodeURI' || encoding === 'encodeURIComponent') ? window[
+ encoding](string) : string
+ }
+ command = rsg.escapeHTML(command);
+ command = rsg.insertParameters(
+ rsg.highlightParameters(
+ encoder(command), encoder),
+ encoder
+ )
+ }
+ return command;
+ },
+ highlightParameters: (text, encoder) => {
+ const parameters = ['{ip}', '{port}', '{shell}', encodeURI('{ip}'), encodeURI('{port}'),
+ encodeURI('{shell}')
+ ];
+ parameters.forEach((param) => {
+ if (encoder) param = encoder(param)
+ text = text.replace(param, `${param}`)
+ })
+ return text
+ },
+ init: () => {
+ rsg.initListenerSelection()
+ rsg.initShells()
+ },
+ initListenerSelection: () => {
+ rsgData.listenerCommands.forEach((listenerData, i) => {
+ const type = listenerData[0];
+ const command = listenerData[1];
+ const option = document.createElement("option");
+ option.value = command;
+ option.selected = rsg.listener === option.value;
+ option.classList.add("listener-option");
+ option.innerText = type;
+ listenerSelect.appendChild(option);
+ })
+ },
+ initShells: () => {
+ rsgData.shells.forEach((shell, i) => {
+ const option = document.createElement("option");
+ option.selected = rsg.shell === shell;
+ option.classList.add("shell-option");
+ option.innerText = shell;
+ shellSelect.appendChild(option);
+ })
+ },
+ // Updates the rsg state, and forces a re-render
+ setState: (newState = {}) => {
+ Object.keys(newState).forEach((key) => {
+ const value = newState[key];
+ rsg[key] = value;
+ localStorage.setItem(key, value)
+ });
+ Object.assign(rsg, newState);
+ },
- /*
- * Event handlers/functions
- */
- ipInput.addEventListener("input", (e) => {
- rsg.setState({
- ip: e.target.value
- })
+ insertParameters: (command, encoder) => {
+ return command
+ .replaceAll(encoder('{ip}'), encoder(rsg.getIP()))
+ .replaceAll(encoder('{port}'), encoder(String(rsg.getPort())))
+ .replaceAll(encoder('{shell}'), encoder(rsg.getShell()))
+ },
+ update: () => {
+ rsg.updateListenerCommand()
+ rsg.updateTabList()
+ rsg.updateReverseShellCommand()
+ rsg.updateValues()
+ },
+ updateValues: () => {
+ const listenerOptions = listenerSelect.querySelectorAll(".listener-option");
+ listenerOptions.forEach((option) => {
+ option.selected = rsg.listener === option.value;
- portInput.addEventListener("input", (e) => {
- rsg.setState({
- port: Number(e.target.value)
- })
+ const shellOptions = shellSelect.querySelectorAll(".shell-option");
+ shellOptions.forEach((option) => {
+ option.selected = rsg.shell === option.value;
- listenerSelect.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
- rsg.setState({
- listener: e.target.value
- })
+ const encodingOptions = encodingSelect.querySelectorAll("option");
+ encodingOptions.forEach((option) => {
+ option.selected = rsg.encoding === option.value;
- shellSelect.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
- rsg.setState({
- shell: e.target.value
- })
- });
+ ipInput.value = rsg.ip;
+ portInput.value = rsg.port;
+ },
- encodingSelect.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
- rsg.setState({
- encoding: e.target.value
- })
- });
+ updateTabList: () => {
+ const data = rsgData.reverseShellCommands;
+ const filteredItems = filterCommandData(
+ data,
+ {
+ filter: rsg.filter,
+ commandType: rsg.commandType
+ }
+ );
- document.querySelector('#inc-port').addEventListener('click', () => {
- rsg.setState({
- port: rsg.getPort() + 1
- })
+ const documentFragment = document.createDocumentFragment()
+ filteredItems.forEach((item, index) => {
+ const {
+ name,
+ command
+ } = item;
+ const selectionButton = document.createElement("button");
+ if (rsg.getSelectedCommandName() === item.name) {
+ selectionButton.classList.add("active");
+ }
+ const clickEvent = () => {
+ rsg.selectedValues[rsg.commandType] = name;
+ rsg.update();
+ // if (document.querySelector('#auto-copy-switch').checked) {
+ // rsg.copyToClipboard(reverseShellCommand.innerText)
+ // }
+ }
+ selectionButton.innerText = name;
+ selectionButton.classList.add("list-group-item", "list-group-item-action");
+ selectionButton.addEventListener("click", clickEvent);
+ documentFragment.appendChild(selectionButton);
- document.querySelector('#listener-advanced-switch').addEventListener('change', rsg.updateSwitchStates);
- document.querySelector('#revshell-advanced-switch').addEventListener('change', rsg.updateSwitchStates);
+ const listSelectionSelector = rsg.uiElements[rsg.commandType].listSelection;
+ document.querySelector(listSelectionSelector).replaceChildren(documentFragment)
+ },
- setInterval(rsg.updateSwitchStates, 500) // fix switch changes in rapid succession
+ updateListenerCommand: () => {
+ const privilegeWarning = document.querySelector("#port-privileges-warning");
+ let command = listenerSelect.value;
+ command = rsg.highlightParameters(command)
+ command = command.replace('{port}', rsg.getPort())
+ command = command.replace('{ip}', rsg.getIP())
+ command = command.replace('{payload}', rsg.getPayload())
- document.querySelector('#copy-listener').addEventListener('click', () => {
- rsg.copyToClipboard(listenerCommand.innerText)
+ if (rsg.getPort() < 1024) {
+ privilegeWarning.style.visibility = "visible";
+ command = `sudo ${command}`
+ } else {
+ privilegeWarning.style.visibility = "hidden";
+ }
+ listenerCommand.innerHTML = command;
+ },
+ updateReverseShellSelection: () => {
+ document.querySelector(".list-group-item.active") ?.classList.remove("active");
+ const elements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".list-group-item"));
+ const selectedElement = elements.find((item) => item.innerText === rsg.currentCommandName);
+ selectedElement?.classList.add("active");
+ },
+ updateReverseShellCommand: () => {
+ const command = rsg.generateReverseShellCommand();
+ const commandSelector = rsg.uiElements[rsg.commandType].command;
+ document.querySelector(commandSelector).innerHTML = command;
+ },
+ updateSwitchStates: () => {
+ $('#listener-advanced').collapse($('#listener-advanced-switch').prop('checked') ? 'show' :
+ 'hide')
+ $('#revshell-advanced').collapse($('#revshell-advanced-switch').prop('checked') ? 'show' :
+ 'hide')
+ }
+ * Init
+ */
+ * Event handlers/functions
+ */
+ipInput.addEventListener("input", (e) => {
+ rsg.setState({
+ ip: e.target.value
- document.querySelector('#copy-reverse-shell-command').addEventListener('click', () => {
- rsg.copyToClipboard(reverseShellCommand.innerText)
- })
+portInput.addEventListener("input", (e) => {
+ rsg.setState({
+ port: Number(e.target.value)
+ })
- document.querySelector('#copy-bind-shell-command').addEventListener('click', () => {
- rsg.copyToClipboard(bindShellCommand.innerText)
- })
+listenerSelect.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
+ rsg.setState({
+ listener: e.target.value
+ })
- document.querySelector('#copy-msfvenom-command').addEventListener('click', () => {
- rsg.copyToClipboard(msfVenomCommand.innerText)
- })
+shellSelect.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
+ rsg.setState({
+ shell: e.target.value
+ })
- // autoCopySwitch.addEventListener("change", () => {
- // setLocalStorage(autoCopySwitch, "auto-copy", "checked");
- // });
+encodingSelect.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
+ rsg.setState({
+ encoding: e.target.value
+ })
- // Popper tooltips
- $(function () {
- $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip()
- });
+document.querySelector('#inc-port').addEventListener('click', () => {
+ rsg.setState({
+ port: rsg.getPort() + 1
+ })
- // TODO: add a random fifo for netcat mkfifo
- //let randomId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 4);
+document.querySelector('#listener-advanced-switch').addEventListener('change', rsg.updateSwitchStates);
+document.querySelector('#revshell-advanced-switch').addEventListener('change', rsg.updateSwitchStates);
+setInterval(rsg.updateSwitchStates, 500) // fix switch changes in rapid succession
+document.querySelector('#copy-listener').addEventListener('click', () => {
+ rsg.copyToClipboard(listenerCommand.innerText)
+document.querySelector('#copy-reverse-shell-command').addEventListener('click', () => {
+ rsg.copyToClipboard(reverseShellCommand.innerText)
+document.querySelector('#copy-bind-shell-command').addEventListener('click', () => {
+ rsg.copyToClipboard(bindShellCommand.innerText)
+document.querySelector('#copy-msfvenom-command').addEventListener('click', () => {
+ rsg.copyToClipboard(msfVenomCommand.innerText)
+var downloadButton = document.querySelectorAll(".download-svg");
+for (const Dbutton of downloadButton) {
+ Dbutton.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ var element = document.createElement('a');
+ const rawLink = RawLink.generate(rsg);
+ element.setAttribute('href', rawLink);
+ element.setAttribute('download', rsg.getSelectedCommandName());
+ document.body.appendChild(element);
+ element.click();
+ document.body.removeChild(element);
+ });
+// autoCopySwitch.addEventListener("change", () => {
+// setLocalStorage(autoCopySwitch, "auto-copy", "checked");
+// });
+// Popper tooltips
+$(function () {
+ $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip()
+// TODO: add a random fifo for netcat mkfifo
+//let randomId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 4);