diff --git a/new_tools.md b/new_tools.md index d932f42..4c3d1d3 100644 --- a/new_tools.md +++ b/new_tools.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ The following are a collection of recently-released pen test tools. I update this list every time that there is a new post and when I find a new one around the Internet. The rest of the repository has hundreds of additional cybersecurity and pen test tools. ---- +- [Boofuzz - Network Protocol Fuzzing for Humans](http://www.kitploit.com/2021/11/boofuzz-network-protocol-fuzzing-for.html) - [Covert-Control - Google Drive, OneDrive And Youtube As Covert-Channels - Control Systems Remotely By Uploading Files To Google Drive, OneDrive, Youtube Or Telegram](http://www.kitploit.com/2021/11/covert-control-google-drive-onedrive.html) - [FormatFuzzer - A Framework For High-Efficiency, High-Quality Generation And Parsing Of Binary Inputs](http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/PentestTools/~3/2rheSbxKC6w/formatfuzzer-framework-for-high.html) - [RottenPotatoNG - A C++ DLL And Standalone C++ Binary - No Need For Meterpreter Or Other Tools](http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/PentestTools/~3/ePALH_2XoBE/rottenpotatong-c-dll-and-standalone-c.html)