The following are a collection of recently-released pen test tools. I update this list every time that there is a new post and when I find a new one around the Internet. The rest of the repository has hundreds of additional cybersecurity and pen test tools.
- [IIS-Raid - A Native Backdoor Module For Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Services)](
- [UsoDllLoader - Windows - Weaponizing Privileged File Writes With The Update Session Orchestrator Service](
- [Basecrack - Best Decoder Tool For Base Encoding Schemes](
- [Kube-Bench - Checks Whether Kubernetes Is Deployed According To Security Best Practices As Defined In The CIS Kubernetes Benchmark](
- [Espionage - A Network Packet And Traffic Interceptor For Linux. Spoof ARP & Wiretap A Network](
- [Cloudtopolis - Cracking Hashes In The Cloud For Free](
- [Colabcat - Running Hashcat On Google Colab With Session Backup And Restore](
- [How to Free Recover Deleted Files on Your Mac](
- [Hmmcookies - Grab Cookies From Firefox, Chrome, Opera Using A Shortcut File (Bypass UAC)](
- [Business Secure: How AI is Sneaking into our Restaurants](
- [InQL - A Burp Extension For GraphQL Security Testing](
- [SAyHello - Capturing Audio (.Wav) From Target Using A Link](
- [O.G. AUTO-RECON - Enumerate A Target Based Off Of Nmap Results](
- [Zip Cracker - Python Script To Crack Zip Password With Dictionary Attack And Also Use Crunch As Pipeline](
- [DroidTracker - Script To Generate An Android App To Track Location In Real Time](
- [Iox - Tool For Port Forward &Amp; Intranet Proxy](
- [OSS-Fuzz - Continuous Fuzzing Of Open Source Software](
- [Vhosts-Sieve - Searching For Virtual Hosts Among Non-Resolvable Domains](
- [SGN - Encoder Ported Into Go With Several Improvements](
- [TeaBreak - A Productivity Burp Extension Which Reminds To Take Break While You Are At Work!](
- [Digital Signature Hijack - Binaries, PowerShell Scripts And Information About Digital Signature Hijacking](
- [SecretFinder - A Python Script For Find Sensitive Data (Apikeys, Accesstoken, JWT...) And Search Anything On Javascript Files](
- [Axiom - A Dynamic Infrastructure Toolkit For Red Teamers And Bug Bounty Hunters!](
- [Fast-Google-Dorks-Scan - Fast Google Dorks Scan](
- [URLCADIZ - A Simple Script To Generate A Hidden Url For Social Engineering](
- [ - Get Ports, Vulnerabilities, Informations, Banners, ..Etc For Any IP With Shodan (No Apikey! No Rate-Limit!)](
- [Attacker-Group-Predictor - Tool To Predict Attacker Groups From The Techniques And Software Used](
- [EvilPDF - Embedding Executable Files In PDF Documents](
- [Needle - Instant Access To You Bug Bounty Submission Dashboard On Various Platforms + Publicly Disclosed Reports + #Bugbountytip](
- [Stegcloak - Hide Secrets With Invisible Characters In Plain Text Securely Using Passwords](
- [URLCrazy - Generate And Test Domain Typos And Variations To Detect And Perform Typo Squatting, URL Hijacking, Phishing, And Corporate Espionage](
- [Spyeye - Script To Generate Win32 .Exe File To Take Screenshots](
- [Words Scraper - Selenium Based Web Scraper To Generate Passwords List](
- [JSshell - A JavaScript Reverse Shell For Exploiting XSS Remotely Or Finding Blind XSS, Working With Both Unix And Windows OS](
- [Git-Scanner - A Tool For Bug Hunting Or Pentesting For Targeting Websites That Have Open .git Repositories Available In Public](
- [Jshole - A JavaScript Components Vulnrability Scanner, Based On RetireJS](
- [GitMonitor - A Github Scanning System To Look For Leaked Sensitive Information Based On Rules](
- [Eviloffice - Inject Macro And DDE Code Into Excel And Word Documents (Reverse Shell)](
- [Ligolo - Reverse Tunneling Made Easy For Pentesters, By Pentesters](
- [GhostShell - Malware Indetectable, With AV Bypass Techniques, Anti-Disassembly, And More](
- [Enumy - Linux Post Exploitation Privilege Escalation Enumeration](
- [Bing-Ip2Hosts - Bingip2Hosts Is A Web Scraper That Discovers Websites By IP Address](
- [Vault - A Tool For Secrets Management, Encryption As A Service, And Privileged Access Management](
- [ADCollector - A Lightweight Tool To Quickly Extract Valuable Information From The Active Directory Environment For Both Attacking And Defending](
- [MemoryMapper - Lightweight Library Which Allows The Ability To Map Both Native And Managed Assemblies Into Memory](
- [Project iKy v2.6.0 - Tool That Collects Information From An Email And Shows Results In A Nice Visual Interface](
- [RepoPeek - A Python Script To Get Details About A Repository Without Cloning It](
- [Pivotnacci - A Tool To Make Socks Connections Through HTTP Agents](
- [OhMyQR - Hijack Services That Relies On QR Code Authentication](
- [FinalRecon - The Last Web Recon Tool You'll Need](
- [Jaeles v0.9 - The Swiss Army Knife For Automated Web Application Testing](
- [Game-based learning platform provides full immersion into cybersecurity](
- [EvilApp - Phishing Attack Using An Android App To Grab Session Cookies For Any Website (ByPass 2FA)](
- [S3BucketList - Firefox Plugin The Lists Amazon S3 Buckets Found In Requests](
- [Locator - Geolocator, Ip Tracker, Device Info By URL (Serveo And Ngrok)](
- [Minimalistic-offensive-security-tools - A Repository Of Tools For Pentesting Of Restricted And Isolated Environments](
- [Nishang - Offensive PowerShell For Red Team, Penetration Testing And Offensive Security](
- [Web Hacker's Weapons - A Collection Of Cool Tools Used By Web Hackers](
- [Spray - A Password Spraying Tool For Active Directory Credentials By Jacob Wilkin(Greenwolf)](
- [Self-XSS - Self-XSS Attack Using Bit.Ly To Grab Cookies Tricking Users Into Running Malicious Code](
- [Open Sesame - A Tool Which Runs To Display Random Publicly Disclosed Hackerone Reports When Bored](
- [ParamKit - A Small Library Helping To Parse Commandline Parameters](
- [Open-Sesame - A Python Tool Which Runs To Display Random Publicly Disclosed Hackerone Reports When Bored](
- [Evilreg - Reverse Shell Using Windows Registry Files (.Reg)](
- [URLBrute - Tool To Brute Website Sub-Domains And Dirs](
- [Lockphish - A Tool For Phishing Attacks On The Lock Screen, Designed To Grab Windows Credentials, Android PIN And iPhone Passcode](
- [DalFox (Finder Of XSS) - Parameter Analysis And XSS Scanning Tool Based On Golang](
- [Kali Linux 2020.2 Release - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution](
- [Clipboardme - Grab And Inject Clipboard Content By Link](
- [Wifipumpkin3 - Powerful Framework For Rogue Access Point Attack](
- [PayloadsAllTheThings - A List Of Useful Payloads And Bypass For Web Application Security And Pentest/CTF](
- [Exegol - Exegol Is A Kali Light Base With A Few Useful Additional Tools And Some Basic Configuration](
- [GDBFrontend - An Easy, Flexible And Extensionable GUI Debugger](
- [Shellerator - Simple CLI Tool For The Generation Of Bind And Reverse Shells In Multiple Languages](
- [Powerob - An On-The-Fly Powershell Script Obfuscator Meant For Red Team Engagements](
- [How to Set Up a VPN on Kodi in 2 Minutes or Less](
- [HiveJack - This Tool Can Be Used During Internal Penetration Testing To Dump Windows Credentials From An Already-Compromised Host](
- [Nexphisher - Advanced Phishing Tool For Linux & Termux](
- [TorghostNG - Make All Your Internet Traffic Anonymized Through Tor Network](
- [Sshprank - A Fast SSH Mass-Scanner, Login Cracker And Banner Grabber Tool Using The Python-Masscan Module](
- [Generator-Burp-Extension - Everything You Need About Burp Extension Generation](
- [Authelia - The Single Sign-On Multi-Factor Portal For Web Apps](
- [Klar - Integration Of Clair And Docker Registry](
- [Powershell-Reverse-Tcp - PowerShell Script For Connecting To A Remote Host.](
- [Thoron Framework - Tool To Generate Simple Payloads To Provide Linux TCP Attack](
- [SkyWrapper - Tool That Helps To Discover Suspicious Creation Forms And Uses Of Temporary Tokens In AWS](
- [Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) - A Powerful Web Interface That Helps You To Manipulate Android Java Classes And Methods At Runtime](
- [ROADtools - The Azure AD Exploration Framework](
- [Terrier - A Image And Container Analysis Tool To Identify And Verify The Presence Of Specific Files According To Their Hashes](
- [wxHexEditor - Hex Editor / Disk Editor for Huge Files or Devices on Linux, Windows and MacOSX](
- [DeathRansom - A Ransomware Developed In Python, With Bypass Technics, For Educational Purposes](
- [Nuclei - Nuclei Is A Fast Tool For Configurable Targeted Scanning Based On Templates Offering Massive Extensibility And Ease Of Use](
- [Print-My-Shell - Tool To Automate The Process Of Generating Various Reverse Shells](
- [S3Reverse - The Format Of Various S3 Buckets Is Convert In One Format](
- [Pwned - Simple CLI Script To Check If You Have A Password That Has Been Compromised In A Data Breach](
- [Project iKy v2.5.0 - Tool That Collects Information From An Email And Shows Results In A Nice Visual Interface](
- [Should-I-Trust - OSINT Tool To Evaluate The Trustworthiness Of A Company](
- [Firebase-Extractor - A Tool Written In Python For Scraping Firebase Data](
- [Lulzbuster - A Very Fast And Smart Web Directory And File Enumeration Tool Written In C](
- [Nullscan - A Modular Framework Designed To Chain And Automate Security Tests](
- [githubFind3r - Fast Command Line Repo/User/Commit Search Tool](
- [Httpgrep - Scans HTTP Servers To Find Given Strings In URIs](
- [Flux-Keylogger - Modern Javascript Keylogger With Web Panel](
- [RS256-2-HS256 - JWT Attack To Change The Algorithm RS256 To HS256](
- [Pwndrop - Self-Deployable File Hosting Service For Red Teamers, Allowing To Easily Upload And Share Payloads Over HTTP And WebDAV](
- [DNSProbe - A Tool Built On Top Of Retryabledns That Allows You To Perform Multiple DNS Queries Of Your Choice With A List Of User Supplied Resolvers](
- [Crescendo - A Swift Based, Real Time Event Viewer For macOS - It Utilizes Apple's Endpoint Security Framework](
- [Burp Exporter - A Burp Suite Extension To Copy A Request To The Clipboard As Multiple Programming Languages Functions](
- [crauEmu - An uEmu Extension For Developing And Analyzing Payloads For Code-Reuse Attacks](
- [Htbenum - A Linux Enumeration Script For Hack The Box](
- [Lollipopz - Data Exfiltration Utility For Testing Detection Capabilities](
- [Sherloq - An Open-Source Digital Image Forensic Toolset](
- [Privacy Badger - A Browser Extension That Automatically Learns To Block Invisible Trackers](
- [Audix - A PowerShell Tool To Quickly Configure The Windows Event Audit Policies For Security Monitoring](
- [Serverless Prey - Serverless Functions For Establishing Reverse Shells To Lambda, Azure Functions, And Google Cloud Functions](
- [Lunar - A Lightweight Native DLL Mapping Library That Supports Mapping Directly From Memory](
- [Ps-Tools - An Advanced Process Monitoring Toolkit For Offensive Operations](
- [Tentacle - A POC Vulnerability Verification And Exploit Framework](
- [Tails 4.5 - Live System to Preserve Your Privacy and Anonymity](
- [MSOLSpray - A Password Spraying Tool For Microsoft Online Accounts (Azure/O365)](
- [Git-Hound v1.1 - GitHound Pinpoints Exposed API Keys On GitHub Using Pattern Matching, Commit History Searching, And A Unique Result Scoring System](
- [DNSteal v2.0 - DNS Exfiltration Tool For Stealthily Sending Files Over DNS Requests](
- [Angrgdb - Use Angr Inside GDB - Create An Angr State From The Current Debugger State](
- [SSHPry v2.0 - Spy and Control os SSH Connected client's TTY](
- [HikPwn - A Simple Scanner For Hikvision Devices](
- [Jackdaw - Tool To Collect All Information In Your Domain And Show You Nice Graphs](
- [Frida API Fuzzer - This Experimetal Fuzzer Is Meant To Be Used For API In-Memory Fuzzing](
- [DigiTrack - Attacks For $5 Or Less Using Arduino](
- [FProbe - Take A List Of Domains/Subdomains And Probe For Working HTTP/HTTPS Server](
- [MSSQLi-DUET - SQL Injection Script For MSSQL That Extracts Domain Users From An Active Directory Environment Based On RID Bruteforcing](
- [Awspx - A Graph-Based Tool For Visualizing Effective Access And Resource Relationships In AWS Environments](
- [R00Kie-Kr00Kie - PoC Exploit For The CVE-2019-15126 Kr00K Vulnerability](
- [One-Lin3r v2.1 - Gives You One-Liners That Aids In Penetration Testing Operations, Privilege Escalation And More](
- [Project iKy v2.4.0 - Tool That Collects Information From An Email And Shows Results In A Nice Visual Interface](
- [Project iKy v2.4.0 - Tool That Collects Information From An Email And Shows Results In A Nice Visual Interface](
- [SauronEye - Search Tool To Find Specific Files Containing Specific Words, I.E. Files Containing Passwords](
- [Mssqlproxy - A Toolkit Aimed To Perform Lateral Movement In Restricted Environments Through A Compromised Microsoft SQL Server Via Socket Reuse](
- [ConEmu - Customizable Windows Terminal With Tabs, Splits, Quake-Style, Hotkeys And More](
- [Ninja - Open Source C2 Server Created For Stealth Red Team Operations](
- [FinalRecon v1.0.2 - OSINT Tool For All-In-One Web Reconnaissance](
- [ScoringEngine - Scoring Engine For Red/White/Blue Team Competitions](
- [HTTPS Everywhere - A Browser Extension That Encrypts Your Communications With Many Websites That Offer HTTPS But Still Allow Unencrypted Connections](
- [XXExploiter - Tool To Help Exploit XXE Vulnerabilities](
- [Chepy - A Python Lib/Cli Equivalent Of The Awesome CyberChef Tool.](
- [Sshuttle - Transparent Proxy Server That Works As A Poor Man'S VPN. Forwards Over SSH](
- [Lazydocker - The Lazier Way To Manage Everything Docker](
- [Pypykatz - Mimikatz Implementation In Pure Python](
- [Token-Reverser - Word List Generator To Crack Security Tokens](
- [shuffleDNS - Wrapper Around Massdns Written In Go That Allows You To Enumerate Valid Subdomains](
- [Pickl3 - Windows Active User Credential Phishing Tool](
- [Betwixt - Web Debugging Proxy Based On Chrome DevTools Network Panel](
- [Dirble - Fast Directory Scanning And Scraping Tool](
- [Pentest Tools Framework - A Database Of Exploits, Scanners And Tools For Penetration Testing](
- [Sifter - A OSINT, Recon And Vulnerability Scanner](
- [FuzzBench - Fuzzer Benchmarking As A Service](
- [SSRF Sheriff - A Simple SSRF-testing Sheriff Written In Go](
- [Evil SSDP - Spoof SSDP Replies And Create Fake UPnP Devices To Phish For Credentials And NetNTLM Challenge/Response](
- [Proton Framework - A Windows Post Exploitation Framework Similar To Other Penetration Testing Tools Such As Meterpreter And Powershell Invader Framework](
- [NTLMRecon - A Tool To Enumerate Information From NTLM Authentication Enabled Web Endpoints](
- [Entropy Toolkit - A Set Of Tools To Exploit Netwave And GoAhead IP Webcams](
- [Ghost Framework - An Android Post Exploitation Framework That Uses An Android Debug Bridge To Remotely Access A n Android Device](
- [Extended-XSS-Search - Scans For Different Types Of XSS On A List Of URLs](
- [Phonia Toolkit - One Of The Most Advanced Toolkits To Scan Phone Numbers Using Only Free Resources](
- [XCTR Hacking Tools - All in one tools for Information Gathering](
- [WiFi Passview v2.0 - An Open Source Batch Script Based WiFi Passview For Windows!](
- [BadBlood - Fills A Microsoft Active Directory Domain With A Structure And Thousands Of Objects](
- [Subfinder - A Subdomain Discovery Tool That Discovers Valid Subdomains For Websites](
- [Extended-SSRF-Search - Smart SSRF Scanner Using Different Methods Like Parameter Brute Forcing In Post And Get...](
- [IoTGoat - A Deliberately Insecure Firmware Based On OpenWrt](
- [Mouse Framework - An iOS And macOS Post Exploitation Surveillance Framework That Gives You A Command Line Session With Extra Functionality Between You And A Target Machine Using Only A Simple Mouse Payload](
- [Multi-Juicer - Run Capture The Flags And Security Trainings With OWASP Juice Shop](
- [Faraday presents the latest version of their Security Platform for Vulnerability Management Automation](
- [Wifi-Hacker - Shell Script For Attacking Wireless Connections Using Built-In Kali Tools](
- [get_Team_Pass - Get Teamviewer's ID And Password From A Remote Computer In The LAN](
- [Faraday presents the latest version of their Security Platform for Vulnerability Management Automation](
- [Gadgetinspector - A Byte Code Analyzer For Finding Deserialization Gadget Chains In Java Applications](
- [OWASP D4N155 - Intelligent And Dynamic Wordlist Using OSINT](
- [TaskManager-Button-Disabler - Simple Way To Disable/Rename Buttons From A Task Manager](
- [SUDO_KILLER - A Tool To Identify And Exploit Sudo Rules' Misconfigurations And Vulnerabilities Within Sudo](
- [Adama - Searches For Threat Hunting And Security Analytics](
- [Metabigor - Intelligence Tool But Without API Key](
- [Rabid - A CLI Tool And Library Allowing To Simply Decode All Kind Of BigIP Cookies](
- [CVE Api - Parse & filter the latest CVEs from](
- [NekoBot - Auto Exploiter With 500+ Exploit 2000+ Shell](
- [DecryptTeamViewer - Enumerate And Decrypt TeamViewer Credentials From Windows Registry](
- [DrSemu - Malware Detection And Classification Tool Based On Dynamic Behavior](
- [Manul - A Coverage-Guided Parallel Fuzzer For Open-Source And Blackbox Binaries On Windows, Linux And MacOS](
- [Fuzzowski - The Network Protocol Fuzzer That We Will Want To Use](
- [BurpSuite Random User-Agents - Burp Suite Extension For Generate A Random User-Agents](
- [OpenRelayMagic - Tool To Find SMTP Servers Vulnerable To Open Relay](
- [XSS-Freak - An XSS Scanner Fully Written In Python3 From Scratch](
- [IPv6Tools - A Robust Modular Framework That Enables The Ability To Visually Audit An IPv6 Enabled Network](
- [Pytm - A Pythonic Framework For Threat Modeling](
- [InjuredAndroid - A Vulnerable Android Application That Shows Simple Examples Of Vulnerabilities In A CTF Style](
- [Re2Pcap - Create PCAP file from raw HTTP request or response in seconds](
- [Misp-Dashboard - A Dashboard For A Real-Time Overview Of Threat Intelligence From MISP Instances](
- [Jaeles v0.4 - The Swiss Army Knife For Automated Web Application Testing](
- [Nfstream - A Flexible Network Data Analysis Framework](
- [WhatTheHack - A Collection Of Challenge Based Hack-A-Thons Including Student Guide, Proctor Guide, Lecture Presentations, Sample/Instructional Code And Templates](
- [GDA Android Reversing Tool - A New Decompiler Written Entirely In C++, So It Does Not Rely On The Java Platform, Which Is Succinct, Portable And Fast, And Supports APK, DEX, ODEX, Oat](
- [Project-Black - Pentest/BugBounty Progress Control With Scanning Modules](
- [MassDNS - A High-Performance DNS Stub Resolver For Bulk Lookups And Reconnaissance (Subdomain Enumeration)](
- [Obfuscapk - A Black-Box Obfuscation Tool For Android Apps](
- [Kali Linux 2020.1 Release - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution](
- [PythonAESObfuscate - Obfuscates A Python Script And The Accompanying Shellcode](
- [ApplicationInspector - A Source Code Analyzer Built For Surfacing Features Of Interest And Other Characteristics To Answer The Question 'What'S In It' Using Static Analysis With A Json Based Rules Engine](
- [CredNinja - A Multithreaded Tool Designed To Identify If Credentials Are Valid, Invalid, Or Local Admin Valid Credentials Within A Network At-Scale Via SMB, Plus Now With A User Hunter](
- [Mimir - Smart OSINT Collection Of Common IOC Types](
- [Socialscan - Check Email Address And Username Availability On Online Platforms With 100% Accuracy](
- [Aircrack-ng 1.6 - Complete Suite Of Tools To Assess WiFi Network Security](
- [Memhunter - Live Hunting Of Code Injection Techniques](
- [AgentSmith-HIDS - Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS)](
- [Check-LocalAdminHash - A PowerShell Tool That Attempts To Authenticate To Multiple Hosts Over Either WMI Or SMB Using A Password Hash To Determine If The Provided Credential Is A Local Administrator](
- [SharpStat - C# Utility That Uses WMI To Run "cmd.exe /c netstat -n", Save The Output To A File, Then Use SMB To Read And Delete The File Remotely](
- [KsDumper - Dumping Processes Using The Power Of Kernel Space](
- [YARASAFE - Automatic Binary Function Similarity Checks with Yara](
- [TAS - A Tiny Framework For Easily Manipulate The Tty And Create Fake Binaries](
- [TeleGram-Scraper - Telegram Group Scraper Tool (Fetch All Information About Group Members)](
- [Grouper2 - Find Vulnerabilities In AD Group Policy](
- [Bluewall - A Firewall Framework Designed For Offensive And Defensive Cyber Professionals](
- [AntiCheat-Testing-Framework - Framework To Test Any Anti-Cheat](
- [Gowitness - A Golang, Web Screenshot Utility Using Chrome Headless](
- [LOLBITS - C# Reverse Shell Using Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) As Communication Protocol](
- [Hakrawler - Simple, Fast Web Crawler Designed For Easy, Quick Discovery Of Endpoints And Assets Within A Web Application](
- [Gtfo - Search For Unix Binaries That Can Be Exploited To Bypass System Security Restrictions](
- [Andriller - Software Utility With A Collection Of Forensic Tools For Smartphones](
- [Karonte - A Static Analysis Tool To Detect Multi-Binary Vulnerabilities In Embedded Firmware](
- [WAFW00F v2.0 - Allows One To Identify And Fingerprint Web Application Firewall (WAF) Products Protecting A Website](
- [XposedOrNot - Tool To Search An Aggregated Repository Of Xposed Passwords Comprising Of ~850 Million Real Time Passwords](
- [RFCpwn - An Enumeration And Exploitation Toolkit Using RFC Calls To SAP](
- [Findomain v0.9.3 - The Fastest And Cross-Platform Subdomain Enumerator](
- [BetterBackdoor - A Backdoor With A Multitude Of Features](
- [Spraykatz - A Tool Able To Retrieve Credentials On Windows Machines And Large Active Directory Environments](
- [Shelly - Simple Backdoor Manager With Python (Based On Weevely)](
- [huskyCI - Performing Security Tests Inside Your CI](
- [AttackSurfaceMapper - A Tool That Aims To Automate The Reconnaissance Process](
- [Pylane - An Python VM Injector With Debug Tools, Based On GDB](
- [PAKURI - Penetration Test Achieve Knowledge Unite Rapid Interface](
- [Malwinx - Just A Normal Flask Web App To Understand Win32Api With Code Snippets And References](
- [Quark-Engine - An Obfuscation-Neglect Android Malware Scoring System](
- [nmapAutomator - Tool To Automate All Of The Process Of Recon/Enumeration](
- [RansomCoin - A DFIR Tool To Extract Cryptocoin Addresses And Other Indicators Of Compromise From Binaries](
- [Pown.js - A Security Testing An Exploitation Toolkit Built On Top Of Node.js And NPM](
- [Top 20 Most Popular Hacking Tools in 2019](
- [Turbolist3r - Subdomain Enumeration Tool With Analysis Features For Discovered Domains](
- [Kamerka GUI - Ultimate Internet Of Things/Industrial Control Systems Reconnaissance Tool](
- [SysWhispers - AV/EDR Evasion Via Direct System Calls](
- [S3Tk - A Security Toolkit For Amazon S3](
- [WindowsFirewallRuleset - Windows Firewall Ruleset Powershell Scripts](
- [AWS Report - Tool For Analyzing Amazon Resources](
- [Tishna - Complete Automated Pentest Framework For Servers, Application Layer To Web Security](
- [RedPeanut - A Small RAT Developed In .Net Core 2 And Its Agent In .Net 3.5/4.0](
- [DetectionLab - Vagrant And Packer Scripts To Build A Lab Environment Complete With Security Tooling And Logging Best Practices](
- [Andor - Blind SQL Injection Tool With Golang](
- [WinPwn - Automation For Internal Windows Penetrationtest / AD-Security](
- [Ddoor - Cross Platform Backdoor Using Dns Txt Records](
- [Custom Header - Automatic Add New Header To Entire BurpSuite HTTP Requests](
- [SCShell - Fileless Lateral Movement Tool That Relies On ChangeServiceConfigA To Run Command](
- [Ultimate Facebook Scraper - A Bot Which Scrapes Almost Everything About A Facebook User'S Profile Including All Public Posts/Statuses Available On The User'S Timeline, Uploaded Photos, Tagged Photos, Videos, Friends List And Their Profile Photos](
- [FireProx - AWS API Gateway Management Tool For Creating On The Fly HTTP Pass-Through Proxies For Unique IP Rotation](
- [DNCI - Dot Net Code Injector](
- [RdpThief - Extracting Clear Text Passwords From Mstsc.Exe Using API Hooking](
- [Leprechaun - Tool Used To Map Out The Network Data Flow To Help Penetration Testers Identify Potentially Valuable Targets](
- [Glances - An Eye On Your System. A Top/Htop Alternative For GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS And Windows Operating Systems](
- [Sshtunnel - SSH Tunnels To Remote Server](
- [RE:TERNAL - Repo Containing Docker-Compose Files And Setup Scripts Without Having To Clone The Individual Reternal Components](
- [Antispy - A Free But Powerful Anti Virus And Rootkits Toolkit](
- [Flan - A Pretty Sweet Vulnerability Scanner By CloudFlare](
- [Corsy - CORS Misconfiguration Scanner](
- [Kali Linux 2019.4 Release - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution](
- [ATFuzzer - Dynamic Analysis Of AT Interface For Android Smartphones](
- [Netstat2Neo4J - Create Cypher Create Statements For Neo4J Out Of Netstat Files From Multiple Machines](
- [BaseQuery - A Way To Organize Public Combo-Lists And Leaks In A Way That You Can Easily Search Through Everything](
- [Attack Monitor - Endpoint Detection And Malware Analysis Software](
- [Crashcast-Exploit - This Tool Allows You Mass Play Any YouTube Video With Chromecasts Obtained From](
- [Tool-X - A Kali Linux Hacking Tool Installer](
- [Stretcher - Tool Designed To Help Identify Open Elasticsearch Servers That Are Exposing Sensitive Information](
- [Aztarna - A Footprinting Tool For Robots](
- [Killcast - Manipulate Chromecast Devices In Your Network](
- [bypass-firewalls-by-DNS-history - Firewall Bypass Script Based On DNS History Records](
- [WiFi-Pumpkin v0.8.7 - Framework for Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point Attack](
- [H8Mail - Email OSINT And Password Breach Hunting](
- [Kube-Hunter - Hunt For Security Weaknesses In Kubernetes Clusters](
- [Metasploit 5.0 - The World’s Most Used Penetration Testing Framework](
- [Interlace - Easily Turn Single Threaded Command Line Applications Into Fast, Multi Threaded Ones With CIDR And Glob Support](
- [Twifo-Cli - Get User Information Of A Twitter User](
- [Sitadel - Web Application Security Scanner](
- [Pe-Sieve - Recognizes And Dumps A Variety Of Potentially Malicious Implants (Replaced/Injected PEs, Shellcodes, Hooks, In-Memory Patches)](
- [Malboxes - Builds Malware Analysis Windows VMs So That You Don'T Have To](
- [Snyk - CLI And Build-Time Tool To Find & Fix Known Vulnerabilities In Open-Source Dependencies](