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Erlang programming book is not free!
2013-11-10 12:27:25 +00:00

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* [Meta-Lists](#meta-lists)
* [Graphics user interfaces](#graphics-user-interfaces)
* [Graphics Programming](#graphics-programming)
* [Language Agnostic](#language-agnostic)
* [Algorithms & Datastructures](#algorithms--datastructures)
* [Theoretical Computer Science](#theoretical-computer-science)
* [Operating systems](#operating-systems)
* [Database](#database)
* [Networking](#networking)
* [Compiler Design](#compiler-design)
* [Programming Paradigms](#programming-paradigms)
* [Parallel Programming](#parallel-programming)
* [Software Architecture](#software-architecture)
* [Open Source Ecosystem](#open-source-ecosystem)
* [Information Retrieval](#information-retrieval)
* [Datamining](#datamining)
* [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
* [Mathematics](#mathematics)
* [Misc](#misc)
* [Web Performance](#web-performance)
* [MOOC](#mooc)
* [Professional Development](#professional-development)
* [Cryptography](#cryptography)
* [Ada](#ada)
* [Agda](#agda)
* [Android](#android)
* [APL](#apl)
* [Autotools](#autotools)
* [ASP.NET MVC](#aspnet-mvc)
* [Assembly Language](#assembly-language)
* [Bash](#bash)
* [C](#c)
* [C++](#c-1)
* [Clojure](#clojure)
* [COBOL](#cobol)
* [CoffeeScript](#coffeescript)
* [ColdFusion](#coldfusion)
* [Coq](#coq)
* [D](#d)
* [Dart](#dart)
* [DTrace](#dtrace)
* [DB2](#db2)
* [Delphi / Pascal](#delphi--pascal)
* [Elasticsearch](#elasticsearch)
* [Emacs](#emacs)
* [Erlang](#erlang)
* [Flex](#flex)
* [F#](#f-sharp)
* [](#forcecom)
* [Forth](#forth)
* [Git](#git)
* [Go](#go)
* [Grails](#grails)
* [Hadoop](#hadoop)
* [Haskell](#haskell)
* [HTML / CSS](#html--css)
* [Icon](#icon)
* [IDL](#idl)
* [iOS](#ios)
* [J](#j)
* [Java](#java)
* [Wicket](#wicket)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [Angular.js](#angularjs)
* [Backbone.js](#backbonejs)
* [D3.js](#d3js)
* [jQuery](#jquery)
* [Knockout.js](#knockout.js)
* [Node.js](#nodejs)
* [LaTeX](#latex)
* [Linux](#linux)
* [Lisp](#lisp)
* [Lua](#lua)
* [Mathematica](#mathematica)
* [MATLAB](#matlab)
* [Maven](#maven)
* [Mercurial](#mercurial)
* [.NET (C# / VB / Nemerle / Visual Studio)](#net-c--vb--nemerle--visual-studio)
* [NoSQL](#nosql)
* [Oberon](#oberon)
* [Objective-C](#objective-c)
* [OCaml](#ocaml)
* [Octave](#octave)
* [OpenSCAD](#openscad)
* [Oracle Server](#oracle-server)
* [Oracle PL/SQL](#oracle-plsql)
* [Parrot / Perl 6](#parrot--perl-6)
* [Perl](#perl)
* [PHP](#php)
* [PowerShell](#powershell)
* [Processing](#processing)
* [Prolog](#prolog)
* [PostgreSQL](#postgresql)
* [Python](#python)
* [Django](#django)
* [Flask](#flask)
* [R](#r)
* [Racket](#racket)
* [Ruby](#ruby)
* [Ruby on Rails](#ruby-on-rails)
* [Rust](#rust)
* [Sage](#sage)
* [Scala](#scala)
* [Scheme](#scheme)
* [Scilab](#scilab)
* [Scratch](#scratch)
* [Security](#security)
* [Sed](#sed)
* [Silverlight](#silverlight)
* [Smalltalk](#smalltalk)
* [Subversion](#subversion)
* [SQL (implementation agnostic)](#sql-implementation-agnostic)
* [SQL Server](#sql-server)
* [Teradata](#teradata)
* [TeX](#tex)
* [Theory](#theory)
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Unix](#unix)
* [Vim](#vim)
* [Websphere](#websphere)
* [Windows Phone](#windows-phone)
* [Windows 8](#windows-8)
* [25 Free Computer Science Ebooks](
* [Cheat Sheets (Free)](
* [E-Books Directory](
* [Free Smalltalk Books, collected by Stéphane Ducasse](
* [Free Tech Books](
* [Hacker Shelf](
* [Microsoft Press: Free E-Books](
* [MindView Inc](
* [O'Reilly's Commons](
* [O'Reilly's Open Books Project](
* [](
* [](
* [Wikibooks: Programming](
* [JSBooks - directory of free javascript ebooks](
* [Learn X in Y minutes](
###Graphics Programming
* [DirectX manual]( (draft)
* [Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming]( (draft)
* [Introduction to Modern OpenGL](
* [GPU Gems](
* [GPU Gems 2]( - [ch 8,14,18,29,30 as pdf](
* [GPU Gems 3](
* [Graphics Programming Black Book](
* [OpenGL Insights]( (chapters 22, 23, 28, 33, 39)
* [ShaderX series](
* [Tutorials for modern OpenGL](
* [OpenGL Programming Guide (The Red Book)](
###Graphics User Interfaces
* [Programming with gtkmm 3](
###Language Agnostic
####Algorithms & Datastructures
* [Algorithms and Data-Structures]( (PDF)
* [Algorithms]( (draft)
* [Algorithms Course Materials]( - Jeff Erickson
* [Algorithms, 4th Edition]( - Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
* [Binary Trees]( (PDF)
* [Clever Algorithms](
* [Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications]( (chapters 1 and 9, pseudo-code)
* [Data Structures and Algorithms: Annotated Reference with Examples](
* [The Algorithm Design Manual](
* [Hacker's Delight]( (chapter 2, code)
* [LEDA: A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing](
* [Planning Algorithms](
* [Linked List Basics]( (PDF)
* [Linked List Problems]( (PDF)
* [Open Data Structures](
* [Purely Functional Data Structures]( (PDF)
* [The Great Tree List Recursion Problem]( (PDF)
* [Matters Computational](
* [Algorithmic Graph Theory](
* [Foundations of Computer Science]( - Al Aho and Jeff Ullman
* [A Field Guide To Genetic Programming](
* [The Art of Computer Programming]( (fascicles, mostly volume 4)
* [Programming Pearls](
* [Algorithms for Programmers: Ideas and Source Code]( (PDF)
* [Sequential and parallel sorting algorithms](
* [Text Algorithms]( (PDF)
* [Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures](
* [Data Structures Succinctly Part 1, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Data Structures Succinctly Part 2, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
####Theoretical Computer Science
* [Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs](
* [Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation](
* [Introduction to Computing](
* [An Introduction to the Theory of Computation](
* [Think Complexity]( - Allen B. Downey
* [Network Science](
####Operating systems
* [The Art of Unix Programming](
* [The Little Book of Semaphores]( - Allen B. Downey
* [Operating Systems and Middleware]( (PDF and LaTeX)
* [Practical File System Design:The Be File System]( - Dominic Giampaolo
* [Database Fundamentals]( (PDF)
* [Database-backed Web Sites](
* [Foundations of Databases](
* [The Theory of Relational Databases](
* [Mysql, see #Mysql](#mysql)
* [High-Performance Browser Networking](
* [The TCP/IP Guide](
* [Understanding IP Addressing: Everything you ever wanted to know]( (PDF)
* [ZeroMQ Guide](
* [Network Security Tools](
* [HTTP Succinctly, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols and Practice (CNP3)]( (PDF, EPUB, MOBI + [sources]( - O. Bonaventure
* [Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols and Practice, 2nd edition (CNP3bis)]( (PDF, EPUB + [sources]( - O. Bonaventure (in progress)
####Compiler Design
* [Compiler Construction]( (PDF)
* [Let's Build a Compiler]( (PDF)
* [Linkers and loaders](
* [Compiler Design: Theory, Tools, and Examples](
* [Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Compiler Construction]( (class lectures and slides)
* [Basics of compiler design]( - Torben Mogensen
####Programming Paradigms
* [Introduction to Functional Programming]( (class lectures and slides)
* [Type Theory and Functional Programming](
####Parallel Programming
* [How to Write Parallel Programs](
* [High Performance Computing]( (PDF, ePUB) - Charles Severance & Kevin Dowd
* [Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It?](
* [Introduction to Parallel Computing]( - Blaise Barney
* [Programming on Parallel Machines; GPU, Multicore, Clusters and More]( - Norm Matloff
####Software Architecture
* [Seamless Object-Oriented Software Architecture]( (PDF)
* [How to write Unmaintainable Code](
* [Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns](
* [Patterns and Practices: Application Architecture Guide 2.0](
* [The Definitive Guide to Building Code Quality](
* [Patterns of Software: Tales from the Software Community]( (PDF)
* [Best Kept Secrets of Peer Code Review](
* [Domain Driven Design Quickly](
* [Essential Skills for Agile Development](
* [Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge](
* [Programming Reliable Systems (Joe Armstrong's PhD thesis)]( (PDF)
* [How to Design Programs](
* [NASA Manager Handbook for Software Development]( (PDF)
* [NASA Software Measurement Handbook](
* [Don't Just Roll the Dice](
* [Data-Oriented Design](
* [Software Engineering for Internet Applications](
* [Web API Design](
####Open Source Ecosystem
* [Data Journalism Handbook](
* [Free Software, Free Society](
* [Getting started with Open source development]( (PDF)
* [Innovation Happens Elsewhere](
* [Producing Open Source Software](
* [The Cathedral and the Bazaar](
* [The Future of the Internet](
* [The Architecture of Open Source Applications: Vol. 1: Elegance, Evolution, and a Few Fearless Hacks; Vol. 2: Structure, Scale, and a Few More Feerless Hacks](
* [The Performance of Open Source Applications](
* [The Future of Ideas](
####Information Retrieval
* [Introduction to Information Retrieval](
* [Information Retrieval: A Survey]( (PDF)
* [Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms]( (Draft)
* [Mining of Massive Datasets](
* [The Elements of Statistical Learning](
* [A Programmer's Guide to Data Mining]( (Draft)
* [Theory and Applications for Advanced Text Mining](
* [Internet Advertising: An Interplay among Advertisers, Online Publishers, Ad Exchanges and Web Users]( (PDF)
* [Data Mining Algorithms In R](
* [Introduction to Data Science](
* [School of Data Handbook](
####Machine Learning
* [Programming Computer Vision with Python](
* [A Course in Machine Learning](
* [Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications](
* [Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning](
* [Introduction to Machine Learning]( (PDF)
* [Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning](
* [Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms](
* [Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning]( - Andrew Ng *(Notes, lectures, and problems)*
* [Probabilistic Models in the Study of Language]( (Draft, with R code)
* [Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction](
* [A First Encounter with Machine Learning]( (PDF)
* [Learning Deep Architectures for AI]( (PDF)
* [Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics Made Simple]( - Allen B. Downey
* [Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers]( (code written in Python) - Allen B. Downey
* [Mathematical Logic - an Introduction]( (PDF)
* [Bayesian Methods for Hackers](
* [Introduction to Statistical Thought](
* [Mathematics for Computer Science](
* [Category Theory for Computing Science]( (PDF)
* [Essentials of Metaheuristics]( by Sean Luke
* [Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View](
* [Probability and Statistics Cookbook](
* [A First Course in Linear Algebra](
* [Collaborative Statistics](
* [CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced](
* [Concepts & Applications of Inferential Statistics](
* [Introduction to Probability](
* [OpenIntro Statistics](
* [Probability and Statistics EBook](
* [Statistics Done Wrong]( - Alex Reinhart
* [97 Things Every Programmer Should Know](
* [97 Things Every Programmer Should Know - Extended](
* [A Mathematical Theory of Communication]( by Claude E.Shannon
* [Asterisk™: The Definitive Guide](
* [How to Think Like a Computer Scientist](
* [I Am a Bug](
* [Learn to Program](
* [Foundations of Programming](
* [Communicating Sequential Processes]( (PDF) by Tony Hoare
* [Come, Let's Play: Scenario-Based Programming Using Live Sequence Charts](
* [Computer Musings]( (lectures by Donald Knuth)
* [How Computers Work](
* [Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce]( (PDF)
* [Designing Interfaces]( by Jennifer Tidwell
* [Digital Signal Processing For Engineers and Scientists](
* [Distributed systems for fun and profit](
* [Flow based Programming](
* [Getting Real](
* [Magic Ink: Information Software and The Graphical Interface](!/MagicInk) by Bret Victor
* [Modeling Reactive Systems with Statecharts](
* [PNG: The Definitive Guide](
* [Pointers And Memory]( (PDF)
* [Programmer's Motivation for Beginners](
* [Project Oberon]( (PDF)
* [Security Engineering](
* [Small Memory Software](
* [SVG Essentials](
* [Introduction to High-Performance Scientific Computing]( - Victor Eijkhout
* [Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns]( - Serge Demeyer, Stéphane Ducasse and Oscar Nierstrasz
* [High-Performance Scientific Computing]( (class lectures and slides)
* [Mother Tongues of Computer Languages]( (PNG)
* [Open Government;Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice](
####Web Performance
* [Book of Speed]( by Stoyan Stefanov
* [MIT OCW](
* [Coursera](
* [Udacity](
* [edX](
####Professional Development
* [Don't Just Roll the Dice]( (PDF) *(RedGate, By Neil Davidson)*
* [Confessions of an IT Manager]( *(RedGate, By Phil Factor)*
* [Handbook of Applied Cryptography](
* [Ada 95: The Craft of Object-Oriented Programming](
* [Ada Distilled]( (PDF)
* [Ada for Software Engineers]( (PDF)
* [The Big Online Book of Linux Ada Programming](
* [Agda Tutorial](
* [Google Android Developer Training](
* [Coreservlets Android Programming Tutorial](
* [Expert Android and Eclipse development knowledge](
* [Styling Android](
* [TechnoTalkative Android](
* [A Practical Introduction to APL1 & APL2](
* [A Practical Introduction to APL2 & APL3](
* [Mastering Dyalog APL]( (PDF)
* [GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool](
* [Autotools Mythbuster](
* [ASP.NET MVC Music Store](
* [NerdDinner Walkthrough](
###Assembly Language
* [Paul Carter's Tutorial on x86 Assembly](
* [Professional Assembly Language]( (PDF)
* [Programming from the Ground Up]( (PDF)
* [Software optimization resources by Agner Fog](
* [The Art of Assembly Language Programming](
* [x86 Assembly](
* [Ralf Brown's Interrupt List](
* [Easy 6502]( - Nick Morgan
* [Machine Code for Beginners]( (PDF) by Lisa Watts and Mike Wharton [Z80 and 6502 CPUs]
* [Machine Language for Beginners]( by Richard Mansfield [6502 CPU]
* [Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide](
* [Bash Guide for Beginners]( by Machtelt Garrels
* [Lhunath's Bash Guide](
* [The Command Line Crash Course]( (also a Powershell reference)
* [A Tutorial on Pointers and Arrays in C](
* [Beej's Guide to C Programming](
* [Beej's Guide to Network Programming](
* [The C book](
* [Essential C]( (PDF)
* [Learn C the hard way](
* [The new C standard - an annotated reference](
* [Object Oriented Programming in C]( (PDF)
* [C Programming - Wikibooks](
* [C++ Annotations](
* [C++ GUI Programming With Qt 3](
* [CS106X Programming Abstractions in C++](
* [Matters Computational: Ideas, Algorithms, Source Code, by Jorg Arndt]( (PDF)
* [Software optimization resources by Agner Fog](
* [Thinking in C++, Second Edition, Vol. 1.]( [(Vol. 2)](
* [How To Think Like a Computer Scientist: C++ Version]( - Allen B. Downey
* Also see: [The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List](
* [C++ Succinctly, Syncfusion ]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Learn C++.]( (PDF, Online)
* [Software Design Using C++]( - Br. David Carlson and Br. Isidore Minerd
* [Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt](
* [Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++](
* [The Boost C++ libraries](
* [A Brief Beginners Guide To Clojure](
* [Clojure - Functional Programming for the JVM](
* [Clojure Cookbook](
* [Clojure for the Brave and True](
* [Clojure Programming](
* [The Clojure Style Guide](
* [Data Sorcery with Clojure](
* [Modern cljs](
* [Clojure Koans](
* [COBOL Programming Fundamental]( (PDF)
* [OpenCOBOL 1.1 - Programmer's Guide]( (PDF)
* [Smooth CoffeeScript](
* [The Little Book on CoffeeScript](
* [CFML In 100 Minutes](
* [Learn CF in a Week](
* [Software Foundations](
* [Certified Programming with Dependent Types](
* [Programming in D](
* [What is Dart?](
* [IllumOS Dynamic Tracing Guide](
* [Getting started with DB2 Express-C]( (PDF)
* [Getting started with IBM Data Studio for DB2]( (PDF)
* [Getting started with IBM DB2 development]( (PDF)
###Delphi / Pascal
* [Essential Pascal Version 1 and 2](
* [Exploring Elasticsearch](
* [GNU Emacs Manual, 17th Edition, v. 24.2](
* [An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp, 3rd Edition](
* [GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual](
* [Learn You Some Erlang For Great Good](
* [Programming Erlang](
* [Concurrent Programming in ERLANG](
* [Getting started with Adobe Flex]( (PDF)
* [Adobe Flex 2, Programming Actionscript 3.0]( (PDF)
###F Sharp
* [F Sharp Programming]( in Wikibooks
* [Real World Functional Programming]( (MSDN Chapters)
* [Programming Language Concepts for Software Developers]( (PDF)
* [F# Succinctly, SyncFusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [ Fundamentals]( (HTML)
* [ Workbook]( (HTML)
* [ Integration Workbook]( (HTML)
* [Apex Workbook]( (HTML)
* [Visualforce Workbook]( (HTML)
* [ Workbook]( (HTML)
* [Analytics Workbook]( (HTML)
* [ISVForce Workbook]( (HTML)
* [Cloud Flow Designer Workbook]( (HTML)
* [Security Workbook]( (HTML)
* [Service Cloud Workbook]( (HTML)
* [ Workbook]( (HTML)
* [Heroku Postgres]( (PDF)
* [Apex Design Patterns and Best Practices](
* [Starting Forth](
* [Thinking Forth](
* [Programming Forth]( (PDF)
* [A Beginner's Guide to Forth](
* [And so Forth...]( (PDF)
* [Thoughtful Programming and Forth](
* [Pro Git](
* [Git From The Bottom Up]( (PDF)
* [Git Immersion](
* [Git internals]( (PDF)
* [Git Magic](
* [Git Reference](
* [Version Control by Example (Mercurial, Subversion, Verasity)](
* [Git Succinctly, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Think Like (a) Git: A Guide for the Perplexed](
* [Git In The Trenches](
* [Conversational Git](
* [The Go Tutorial](
* [Go by Example](
* [Learning Go](
* [An Introduction to Programming in Go](
* [Network programming with Go](
* [Getting Started with Grails](
* [Hadoop Illuminated]( - Mark Kerzner & Sujee Maniyam
* [Programming Pig]( - Alan Gates
* [A Haskell School of Music]( (PDF) (work in progress)
* [Beautiful Code, Compelling Evidence]( (PDF)
* [Haskell and Yesod](
* [Learn You a Haskell](
* [Natural Language Processing for the Working Programmer](
* [Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell](
* [Real World Haskell](
* [Wikibook Haskell](
* [Yet Another Haskell Tutorial]( (PDF)
* [Haskell no panic](
* [A Gentle Introduction to Haskell](
* [Speeding Through Haskell](
* [Learn Haskell Fast and Hard](
* [Haskell web Programming]( (Yesod tutorial)
* [The Haskell Road to Logic, Math and Programming]( (PDF)
* [Dive Into HTML5]( ([PDF](
* [GA Dash](
* [HTML Dog Tutorials](
* [HTML5 Canvas]( - Steve Fulton & Jeff Fulton
* [HTML5 for Publishers]( - Sanders Kleinfeld
* [HTML5 For Web Designers]( - Jeremy Keith
* [Learn CSS Layout](
* [The Implementation of the Icon Programming Language](
* [Getting Started with IDL](
* [Guide to Using IDL for Astronomers](
* [iOS Succinctly, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Start Developing iOS Apps Today]( (PDF)
* [Learning J by Roger Stokes- online]( || [pdf](
* [J for C Programmers by Henry Rich- online]( || [pdf]( || [word 2003 file](
* [J Reference Card]( (PDF)
* [Brief Reference by Chris Burke and Clifford Reiter ](
* [Computers and Mathematical Notation by Kenneth E Iverson](
* [Easy J by Linda Alvord, Norman Thomson - pdf]( || [Word DOC](
* [Math for the Layman by Kenneth E Iverson]( (zipped html+images)
* [Exploring Math by Kenneth E Iverson]( (PDF)
* [Arithmetic by Kenneth E Iverson ]( (PDF)
* [Calculus by Kenneth E Iverson ](
* [Concrete Math Companion by Kenneth E Iverson]( (PDF)
* [J Primer](
* [Artificial Intelligence - Foundation of Computational Agents](
* [Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java](
* [Category wise tutorials - J2EE](
* [Think Java: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist]( - Allen B. Downey
* [Introduction to Programming Using Java]( - David J. Eck
* [Java Application Development on Linux by Carl Albing and Michael Schwarz (PDF)]( (PDF)
* [The Java EE6 Tutorial]( (PDF)
* [Java Thin-Client Programming](
* [Learning Java]( - Patrick Niemeyer
* [OSGi in Practice]( (PDF)
* [Sun's Java Tutorials](
* [Thinking in Java](
* [OOP - Learn Object Oriented Thinking & Programming]( - Rudolf Pecinovsky
* [The Java Language Specification]( - James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, Gilad Bracha
* [The Java Tutorial 4th Edition]( - Sharon Zakhour, Scott Hommel, Jacob Royal, Isaac Rabinovitch, Tom Risser, Mark Hoeber
* [Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages]( - Marty Hall and Larry Brown
* [Introduction to Programming Using Java]( - David J. Eck
* [Introduction to Programming in Java]( Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
* [Introduction to Neural Networks with Java]( -
* [Animation/Games in Java](
* [Java for the Beginning Programmer](
* [HTTP Programming Recipes for Java Bots](
* [Tutorial: Java, Maven 2, Eclipse & JSF](;jsessionid=E57B1E8662500F2ADF96D7B317769B6E) - Arulkumaran Kumaraswamipillai, Sivayini Arulkumaran
* [Official Free Online Guide for Apache Wicket framework](
* [Crockford's JavaScript]( - Douglas Crockford
* [Eloquent JavaScript]( - Marijn Haverbeke
* [Learning JavaScript Design Patterns]( - Addy Osmani
* [JavaScript Bible]( (PDF)
* [JavaScript Essentials](
* [jQuery Fundamentals]( (starts with JavaScript basics)
* [Mozilla Developer Network's JavaScript Guide](
* [JavaScript Allongé](
* [O'Reilly Programming JavaScript Applications - Early Release](
* [The JavaScript Tutorial](
* [Javascript Succinctly, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Dev Docs](
* [Managing Space and Time with JavaScript - Book 1: The Basics]( - Noel Rappin
* [Learn to Code JavaScript by Playing a Game](
* [AngularJS in 60 Minutes]( (PDF)
* [Developing Backbone.js Applications](
* [A Complete guide for learning Backbone.js](
* [Backbonejs Tutorials](
* [A pragmatic guide to Backbone.js apps](
* [Interactive Data Visualization for the Web](
* [D3 Tips and Tricks](
* [Dashing D3.js](
* [Interactive Data Visualization with D3](
* [jQuery Succinctly, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Knockout.js Succinctly]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Mastering Node.js](
* [Mixu's Node Book](
* [The Node Beginner Book](
* [Up and Running with Node](
* [The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX]( (PDF)
* [LaTeX Wikibook](
See also [TeX](#tex)
* [Advanced Linux Programming](
* [Getting Started with Ubuntu](
* [GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool](
* [GTK+/Gnome Application Development](
* [The Debian Administrator's Handbook](
* [The Linux Command Line]( (PDF)
* [The Linux Development Platform (PDF)]( (PDF)
* [Linux Device Drivers]( by Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, and Greg Kroah-Hartman
* [Linux Kernel in a Nutshell](
* [The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide](
* [Secure Programming for Linux and Unix](
* [Linux from Scratch](
* [Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference](
* [What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory]( (PDF)
* [Learning Debian GNU/Linux](
* [Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition](
* [Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation]( - David S. Touretzky
* [Common Lisp Quick Reference](
* [Let Over Lambda - 50 Years of Lisp](
* [Natural Language Processing in Lisp](
* [On Lisp](
* [Practical Common Lisp](
* [Successful Lisp: How to Understand and Use Common Lisp]( - David Lamkins
* [Sketchy LISP]( - Nils Holm
* [Lisp Koans](
* [Casting Spels in Lisp](
* [Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs](
* [Programming In Lua]( (for version 5)
* [Programming Gems](
* [Lua 5.1 Reference Manual](
* [Mathematica® programming: an advanced introduction by Leonid Shifrin](
* [Stephen Wolfram's The Mathematica Book](
* [Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection](
* [Basics of Algebra, Topology, and Differential Calculus](
* [Interactive Tutorials for MATLAB, Simulink, Signal Processing, Controls, and Computational Mathematics](
* [Numerical Computing with MATLAB](
* [Experiments with MATLAB](
* [MATLAB Programming](
* [Freshman Engineering Problem Solving with MATLAB](
* [An Introduction to MATLAB](
* [MATLAB - A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications - Volume 1](
* [Applications of MATLAB in Science and Engineering](
* [MATLAB for Engineers: Applications in Control, Electrical Engineering, IT and Robotics](
* [MATLAB - A Ubiquitous Tool for the Practical Engineer](
* [Better Builds with Maven](
* [Maven by Example](
* [Maven: The Complete Reference](
* [Repository Management with Nexus](
* [Developing with Eclipse and Maven](
* [Mercurial: The Definitive Guide](
* [HGInit - Mercurial Tutorial by Joel Spolsky](
* [MySQL Tutorial Excerpt](
###.NET (C# / VB / Nemerle / Visual Studio)
* [C# Essentials](
* [C# Programming - Wikibook](
* [C# Yellow Book]( (intro to programming)
* [Charles Petzold's .NET Book Zero](
* [Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#](
* [Entity Framework](
* [Moving to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010](
* [Nemerle]( (PDF)
* [Threading in C#](
* [Visual Basic Essentials](
* [Visual Studio Tips and Tricks]( (VS 2003-2005 only)
* [Under the Hood of .NET Memory Management]( (PDF) *(RedGate, By Chris Farrell and Nick Harrison)*
* [Practical Performance Profiling: Improving the efficiency of .NET code ]( *(RedGate, By Jean-Philippe Gouigoux)*
* [.NET Performance Testing and Optimization - The Complete Guide]( *(RedGate, By Paul Glavich and Chris Farrell)*
* [HTTP Programming Recipes for C# Bots](
* [CouchDB: The Definitive Guide](
* [The Little MongoDB Book](
* [The Little Redis Book](
* [The Little Riak Book](
* [Graph Databases](
* [MongoDB Koans](
* [Programming in Oberon]( (PDF)
* [Object-Oriented Programming in Oberon-2]( (PDF)
* [Programming With Objective-C]( (PDF)
* [Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C]( (PDF)
* [Objective-C Succinctly, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Introduction to Objective Caml]( (PDF)
* [Objective Caml for Scientists (first chapter only)](
* [Unix System Programming in OCaml](
* [Developing Applications With Objective Caml](
* [Real World OCaml](
* [Think OCaml]( - Allen B. Downey and Nicholas Monje
* [Octave Programming](
* [OpenSCAD User Manual](
###Oracle Server
* [Oracle's Guides and Manuals](
###Oracle PL/SQL
* [PL/SQL Language Reference](
* [PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference](
* [Steven Feuerstein's PL/SQL Obsession - Videos and Presentations](
###Parrot / Perl 6
* [Using Perl 6]( (work in progress)
* [Beginning Perl](
* [Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason](
* [Essential Perl]( (PDF)
* [Extreme Perl](
* [Higher-Order Perl](
* [The Mason Book](
* [Modern Perl 5](
* [Perl & LWP](
* [Perl for the Web](
* [Perl Free Online EBooks]( (meta-list)
* [Learning Perl The Hard Way](
* [Practical mod\_perl](
* [Web Client Programming with Perl](
* [Plack Handbook](
* [Exploring Programming Language Architecture in Perl](
* [PHP Essentials](
* [PHP: The Right Way](
* [Practical PHP Programming]( (wiki containing O'Reilly's *PHP In a Nutshell*)
* [Symfony2](
* [Zend Framework: Survive the Deep End](
* Laravel Framework
* [Official Documentation (Offline Version)](
* Drupal Framework
* Drupal 6
* Drupal 7
* [The Tiny Book of Rules]( (PDF)
* [Master Drupal in 7 hours]( (PDF)
* Drupal 8
* [PHP Internals Book](
* [PHP Best Practices](
* [PHP Programming](
* [PHP with Guru99](
* [Practical Php Testing](
* [Practical PHP Programming](
* [Mastering PowerShell](
* [The Nature of Code: Simulating Natural Systems with Processing](
* [Adventure in Prolog](
* [Applications of Prolog](
* [Building Expert Systems in Prolog](
* [Introduction to Prolog for Mathematicians](
* [Learn Prolog Now!](
* [Logic, Programming and Prolog (2ed)](
* [Natural Language Processing Techniques in Prolog](
* [Prolog Techniques](
* [Simply Logical](
* [Visual Prolog 7.2 for Tyros]( (PDF)
* [Practical PostgreSQL](
* [Byte of Python](
* [Data Structures and Algorithms in Python](
* [Dive into Python](
* [Dive into Python 3](
* [Google's Python Class](
* [Hacking Secret Cyphers with Python]( - Al Sweigart
* [Hitchiker's Guide to Python!](
* [How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python](
* [How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python, Interactive Edition](
* [Introduction to Programming Using Python]( - Cody Jackson
* [Invent Your Own Computer Games With Python]( - Al Sweigart
* [Learn Python The Hard Way](
* [Lectures on scientific computing with python]( - J.R. Johansson
* [Making Games with Python & Pygame]( - Al Sweigart
* [Natural Language Processing with Python](
* [Porting to Python 3: An In-Depth Guide](
* [Python Bibliotheca](
* [Python Cookbook]( - David Beazley
* [Python for Fun](
* [Python for Informatics: Exploring Information](
* [Python for you and me](
* [Python Practice Book](
* [Python Programming]( - PDF
* [Python Scientific Lecture Notes](
* [Snake Wrangling For Kids](
* [The Art and Craft of Programming](
* [The Programming Historian]( - William J. Turkel, Adam Crymble and Alan MacEachern
* [Think Python]( - Allen B. Downey
* [Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures](
* [Python Module of the Week](
* [Wikibooks: Python Programming](
* [Python Koans](
* [Test-Driven Web Development with Python](
* [Python Standard Library]( - Fredrik Lundh
* [Building Skills in Python](
* [Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design (Python)](
* [Text Processing in Python](
* [Djen of Django](
* [Django by Example](
* [Django by Example for Django 1.5](
* [Tango With Django](
* [Deploy Django](
* [The Flask Mega-Tutorial](
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* [Learning Statistics with R](
* [R language for Programmers](
* [R Programming](
* [Practical Regression and Anova using R]( (PDF)
* [Data Mining with R](
* [Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation](
* [The Racket Guide](
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* [MacRuby: The Definitive Guide](
* [Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book](
* [Programming Ruby](
* [Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby]( ([mirror](
* [Ruby Hacking Guide](
* [Ruby Best Practices]( (PDF)
* [RubyMonk - Interactive Ruby tutorials](
* [A community-driven Ruby style guide](
* [CodeCademy Ruby](
* [How To Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning With Ruby](
* [Ruby in Twenty Minutes](
* [Ruby Essentials](
* [Ruby User's Guide](
* [Ruby Programming](
* [Ruby Learning](
* [Try Ruby](
* [Ruby Koans](
* [Ruby User's Guide](
* [The Little Book Of Ruby](
* [Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book](
* [Learn to Program, by Chris Pine](
###Ruby on Rails
* [Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails By Example](
* [Objects on Rails](
* [Ruby on Rails Guides](
* [A community-driven Rails style guide](
* [Upgrading to Rails 4](
* [Rust for Rubyists](
* [The Sage Manuals](
* [Sage for Newbies](
* [Sage for Power Users]( (PDF)
* [Another tour of Scala](
* [Effective Scala](
* [Exploring Lift]( (published earlier as "The Definitive Guide to Lift", [PDF](
* [Lift](
* [Pro Scala: Monadic Design Patterns for the Web](
* [Programming in Scala, First Edition](
* [Programming Scala](
* [Scala By Example]( (PDF)
* [Scala School by Twitter](
* [A Scala Tutorial for Java programmers]( (PDF)
* [Xtrace](
* [Concrete Abstractions: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Scheme](
* The Scheme Programming Language [Edition 3](, [Edition 4](
* [Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science](
* [Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days](
* [Introduction to Scilab](
* [Programming in Scilab](
* [Writing Scilab Extensions](
* [Computer Science Concepts in Scratch](
* [OWASP Top 10 for .NET Developers](
* [Intrusion Detection Systems with Snort](
* [Sed - An Introduction and Tutorial](
* [10 Laps around Silverlight 5](
* [Computer Programming using GNU Smalltalk]( (PDF)
* [Dynamic Web Development with Seaside](
* [Free Online Smalltalk Books]( (meta-list)
* [Pharo by Example]( (Smalltalk DE)
* [Squeak By Example]( (Smalltalk IDE)
* [Subversion Version Control]( (PDF)
* [Version Control with Subversion](
###SQL (implementation agnostic)
* [Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications in SQL](
* [Use The Index, Luke!: A Guide To SQL Database Performance](
* [Learn SQL The Hard Way](
* [SQL For Web Nerds](
###SQL Server
* [Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2](
* [Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2012](
* [SQL Server 2012 Tutorials: Reporting Services](
* [SQL Server Execution Plans]( (PDF) *(RedGate, By Grant Fritchey)*
* [Defensive Database Programming ]( (PDF) *(RedGate, By Alex Kuznetsov)*
* [SQL Server Execution Plans, Second Edition]( (PDF) *(RedGate, By Grant Fritchey)*
* [Inside the SQL Server Query Optimizer]( *(RedGate, By Benjamin Nevarez)*
* [SQL Server Transaction Log Management]( *(RedGate, By Tony Davis and Gail Shaw)*
* [The Art of SQL Server FILESTREAM]( *(RedGate, By Jacob Sebastian and Sven Aelterman)*
* [SQL Server Concurrency: Locking, Blocking and Row Versioning]( *(RedGate, By Kalen Delaney)*
* [SQL Server Backup and Restore]( *(RedGate, By Shawn McGehee)*
* [Troubleshooting SQL Server: A Guide for the Accidental DBA]( *(RedGate, By Jonathan Kehayias and Ted Krueger)*
* [SQL Server Hardware]( *(RedGate, By Glenn Berry)*
* [SQL Server Statistics]( *(RedGate, By Holger Schmeling)*
* [Performance Tuning with SQL Server Dynamic Management Views]( *(RedGate, By Tim Ford and Louis Davidson)*
* [Brad's Sure Guide to SQL Server Maintenance Plans]( *(RedGate, By Brad McGehee)*
* [Best of Vol 7]( *(RedGate, By SQLServerCentral Authors)*
* [Protecting SQL Server Data]( *(RedGate, By John Magnabosco)*
* [SQL Server Tacklebox]( *(RedGate, By Rodney Landrum)*
* [How to Become an Exceptional DBA]( *(RedGate, By Brad McGehee)*
* [SQL Server Stumpers Vol.5]( *(RedGate, By SQLServerCentral Authors)*
* [Mastering SQL Server Profiler]( *(RedGate, By Brad McGehee)*
* [Teradata Books](
* [TeX for the Impatient](, by Paul Abrahams, Kathryn Hargreaves, and Karl Berry
* [Notes On Programming in TeX]( (PDF) by Christian Feursänger
* [TeX by Topic, A TeXnician's Reference](, by Victor Eijkhout
* [The Computer Science of TeX and LaTeX](, by Victor Eijkhout
See also [LaTeX](#latex)
* [Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World](
* [Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics]( (PDF)
* [TypeScript Succinctly, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [A User's Guide for GNU AWK](
* [A Byte of Vim](
* [Vim Recipes]( (PDF)
* [Vi Improved -- Vim]( (PDF) by Steve Oualline
* [Learn Vimscript the Hard Way](
* [Learn Vim Progressively](
* [Getting started with WebSphere]( (PDF)
###Windows Phone
* [Programming Windows Phone 7](
* [Windows Phone Programming Blue Book](
* [Developing An Advanced Windows Phone 7.5 App That Connects To The Cloud](
###Windows 8
* [Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript](