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synced 2025-02-20 05:56:01 +00:00
cleanup from abandoned PRs (#9203)
* add go course from #8619 * added book from #8655 * added book from #8688 * add book from #8698 * remove duplicate * add tutorial from #8939 * add course from #9076 * as noted in #9086, not the whole book * courses from #9116 * space * added cheatsheet from #9138
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
### Index
* [C](#c)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Data Structure and Algorithms](#data-structure-and-algorithms)
* [Java](#java)
@ -17,11 +16,6 @@
* [C Tutorial/Notes \| Hindi](https://programming-tutorial-hindi.blogspot.com/p/index.html) - Hridayesh Kumar Gupta
### C
* [C in Hindi \| Hindi](https://onlineaavedan.com/study_material/1543909480.pdf) - Kuldeep Chand (PDF)
### <a id="cpp"></a>C++
* [C++ Brief Notes \| Hindi](https://ehindistudy.com/2020/12/01/cpp-notes-in-hindi/) - Yugal Joshi
@ -1298,6 +1298,7 @@ That section got so big, we decided to split it into its own file, the [BY SUBJE
* [Node.js Notes for Professionals](http://goalkicker.com/NodeJSBook) - Compiled from StackOverflow Documentation (PDF)
* [Node.js Succinctly, Syncfusion](https://www.syncfusion.com/resources/techportal/ebooks/nodejs) (PDF, Kindle) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [Practical Node.js: Building Real-World Scalable Web Apps](https://github.com/azat-co/practicalnode) - Azat Mardan
* [Serverless framework getting started](https://www.serverless.com/framework/docs/getting-started)
* [Shell scripting with Node.js](https://exploringjs.com/nodejs-shell-scripting/index.html) - Axel Rauschmayer (HTML)
* [The Node Beginner Book](http://nodebeginner.org)
* [The Node.js Handbook](https://flaviocopes.com/page/node-handbook/) - Flavio Copes (PDF, EPUB, Kindle) *(email address requested)*
@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
* [Aprenda Go com Testes](https://larien.gitbook.io/aprenda-go-com-testes) - Lauren Ferreira
* [Go - hands on](https://github.com/go-br/estudos)
* [Go Lang - A linguagem do Google](https://www.ime.usp.br/~gold/cursos/2015/MAC5742/reports/GoLang.pdf) - Suelen Goularte Carvalho (PDF)
* [Go por Exemplo](http://goporexemplo.golangbr.org) - Mark McGranaghan, Jeremy Ashkenas, golangbr, Daniela Tamy Iwassa (HTML)
@ -778,6 +778,7 @@ Kerridge (PDF) (email address *requested*, not required)
* [Crypto 101 - Crypto for everyone](https://www.crypto101.io)
* [Cryptography](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cryptography) - Wikibooks (HTML) (:construction: *in process*)
* [CryptoParty Handbook](https://unglue.it/work/141611/)
* [Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker's Handbook](https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ace/media/gray-hat-hacking.pdf) - Allen Harper, Jonathan Ness, Chris Eagle, Shon Harris, Gideon Lenkey, Terron Williams (PDF)
* [Handbook of Applied Cryptography](http://cacr.uwaterloo.ca/hac/index.html)
* [How HTTPS works](https://howhttps.works) - dnsimple
* [How to deal with Passwords](https://github.com/MHM5000/pass)
@ -318,6 +318,7 @@
* [C++ Programming Tutorial for Beginners (For Absolute Beginners)](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS1QulWo1RIYSyC6w2-rDssprPrEsgtVK) - ProgrammingKnowledge
* [C++ Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_RGaFnxSHWoVZWSN-ze3VVtIfZfXwAGM) - The Bad Tutorials
* [C++ Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLnPwxZdW4Y) - Mike Dane (freeCodeCamp)
* [C++ Tutorial for Beginners - Learn C++ in 1 Hour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzaPdXTrSb8) - Programming with Mosh
* [C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners](https://www.udemy.com/course/free-learn-c-tutorial-beginners/) - John Purcell (Udemy)
* [Google's C++ Course](https://developers.google.com/edu/c++/)
* [Introduction to C++](http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-096-introduction-to-c-january-iap-2011/) (MIT's opencourseware)
@ -654,6 +655,7 @@
* [A Tour Of Go](https://tour.golang.org/welcome/1)
* [DevOps BootCamp](https://github.com/jeffotoni/goworkshopdevops) - Jefferson Otoni Lima, et al.
* [Go / Golang Crash Course](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqrbIlUwR0U) - Traversy Media
* [Go Programming Language Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS1QulWo1RIaRoN4vQQCYHWDuubEU8Vij) - ProgrammingKnowledge
* [Golang \| Gin HTTP Framework](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3eAkoh7fypr8zrkiygiY1e9osoqjoV9w) - Pragmatic Reviews
* [Golang basics](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLve39GJ2D71xX0Ham0WoPaYfl8oTzZfN6) - Golang dojo
* [Golang in under an hour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0fIANJkwic) - Eli Goldberg
@ -805,6 +807,7 @@
* [JavaScript Mini Course 2020](https://www.udemy.com/course/javascript-essentials-mini-course/) - Kalob Taulien (Udemy)
* [JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4cUxeGkcC9i9Ae2D9Ee1RvylH38dKuET) - The Net Ninja
* [JavaScript Tutorial for beginners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6NZfCO5SIk) - Moshfegh Hamedani (Programming with Mosh)
* [JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course in 8 Hours [2020]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qqx_wzMmFeA) - Clever Programmer
* [JavaScript Tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTjRvDozrdlxEIuOBZkMAK5uiqp8rHUax) - Moshfegh Hamedani (Programming with Mosh)
* [Javascript tutorials for beginners](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsyeobzWxl7rrvgG7MLNIMSTzVCDZZcT4) - Telusko (Youtube)
* [Javascript30](https://javascript30.com) - Wesbos
@ -1460,6 +1463,7 @@
* [The GraphQL Apollo (with ReactJS, NodeJS and MongoDB)](https://www.udemy.com/course/the-new-graphql-apollo-course-2020) - Mohd. Raqif Warsi (Udemy)
* [The Odin Project - Learn Web Development for Free](http://www.theodinproject.com)
* [Web Basics](https://open.cs.uwaterloo.ca/web-basics/) - Centre for Education in Math and Computing (University of Waterloo)
* [Web Development Course](https://syllabus.migracode.org/courses/introduction-3) - MigraCode Barcelona
* [Web Development for Beginners - A Curriculum](https://github.com/microsoft/Web-Dev-For-Beginners) - Microsoft
* [Web Development Tutorials for Beginners](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoYCgNOIyGAB_8_iq1cL8MVeun7cB6eNc) - LearnCode.academy
* [Web Information Retrieval](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAQopGWlIcya-9yzQ8c8UtPOuCv0mFZkr) - L. Becchetti, A. Vitaletti (University of Sapienza Rome)
@ -422,6 +422,7 @@
### SQL
* [Intro to SQL: Querying and managing data](https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming/sql) - Khan Academy
* [MySQL Tutorial](https://www.w3schools.com/MySQL/) - W3Schools
* [SQL at Codecademy](https://www.codecademy.com/courses/learn-sql)
* [SQL Server Tutorial](https://www.tutlane.com/tutorial/sql-server) - tutlane
* [SQL Teaching](https://www.sqlteaching.com)
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
* [Coderbyte](https://coderbyte.com)
* [Codewars](http://www.codewars.com)
* [Codingame](https://www.codingame.com/start)
* [CP Algorithms](https://cp-algorithms.com)
* [Competitive Programming Cheat Sheet](https://medium.com/cheat-sheets/cheat-sheet-for-competitive-programming-with-c-f2e8156d5aa9)
* [CSES Problem Set](https://cses.fi/problemset)
* [Dimik](https://dimikoj.com)
* [DMOJ](https://dmoj.ca)
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