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434 lines
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#ifndef CUTTER_H
#define CUTTER_H
#include "core/CutterCommon.h"
#include "core/CutterDescriptions.h"
#include <QMap>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QObject>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QErrorMessage>
class AsyncTaskManager;
class CutterCore;
#include "plugins/CutterPlugin.h"
#include "common/BasicBlockHighlighter.h"
#define Core() (CutterCore::instance())
class RCoreLocked
RCore *core;
explicit RCoreLocked(RCore *core);
RCoreLocked(const RCoreLocked &) = delete;
RCoreLocked &operator=(const RCoreLocked &) = delete;
RCoreLocked(RCoreLocked &&);
operator RCore *() const;
RCore *operator->() const;
class CutterCore: public QObject
explicit CutterCore(QObject *parent = nullptr);
static CutterCore *instance();
void initialize();
AsyncTaskManager *getAsyncTaskManager() { return asyncTaskManager; }
RVA getOffset() const { return core_->offset; }
/* Core functions (commands) */
static QString sanitizeStringForCommand(QString s);
QString cmd(const char *str);
QString cmd(const QString &str) { return cmd(str.toUtf8().constData()); }
QString cmdRaw(const QString &str);
QJsonDocument cmdj(const char *str);
QJsonDocument cmdj(const QString &str) { return cmdj(str.toUtf8().constData()); }
QStringList cmdList(const char *str) { return cmd(str).split(QLatin1Char('\n'), QString::SkipEmptyParts); }
QStringList cmdList(const QString &str) { return cmdList(str.toUtf8().constData()); }
QString cmdTask(const QString &str);
QJsonDocument cmdjTask(const QString &str);
void cmdEsil(const char *command);
void cmdEsil(const QString &command) { cmdEsil(command.toUtf8().constData()); }
QString getVersionInformation();
QJsonDocument parseJson(const char *res, const char *cmd = nullptr);
QJsonDocument parseJson(const char *res, const QString &cmd = QString())
return parseJson(res, cmd.isNull() ? nullptr : cmd.toLocal8Bit().constData());
/* Functions methods */
void renameFunction(const QString &oldName, const QString &newName);
void delFunction(RVA addr);
void renameFlag(QString old_name, QString new_name);
RAnalFunction *functionAt(ut64 addr);
QString cmdFunctionAt(QString addr);
QString cmdFunctionAt(RVA addr);
QString createFunctionAt(RVA addr, QString name);
/* Flags */
void delFlag(RVA addr);
void delFlag(const QString &name);
void addFlag(RVA offset, QString name, RVA size);
void triggerFlagsChanged();
/* Edition functions */
QString getInstructionBytes(RVA addr);
QString getInstructionOpcode(RVA addr);
void editInstruction(RVA addr, const QString &inst);
void nopInstruction(RVA addr);
void jmpReverse(RVA addr);
void editBytes(RVA addr, const QString &inst);
void editBytesEndian(RVA addr, const QString &bytes);
/* Code/Data */
void setToCode(RVA addr);
void setAsString(RVA addr);
void setToData(RVA addr, int size, int repeat = 1);
int sizeofDataMeta(RVA addr);
/* Comments */
void setComment(RVA addr, const QString &cmt);
void delComment(RVA addr);
void setImmediateBase(const QString &r2BaseName, RVA offset = RVA_INVALID);
void setCurrentBits(int bits, RVA offset = RVA_INVALID);
* @brief Changes immediate displacement to structure offset
* This function makes use of the "ta" command of r2 to apply structure
* offset to the immediate displacement used in the given instruction
* \param structureOffset The name of struct which will be applied
* \param offset The address of the instruction where the struct will be applied
void applyStructureOffset(const QString &structureOffset, RVA offset = RVA_INVALID);
/* Classes */
QList<QString> getAllAnalClasses(bool sorted);
QList<AnalMethodDescription> getAnalClassMethods(const QString &cls);
QList<AnalBaseClassDescription> getAnalClassBaseClasses(const QString &cls);
QList<AnalVTableDescription> getAnalClassVTables(const QString &cls);
void createNewClass(const QString &cls);
void renameClass(const QString &oldName, const QString &newName);
void deleteClass(const QString &cls);
bool getAnalMethod(const QString &cls, const QString &meth, AnalMethodDescription *desc);
void renameAnalMethod(const QString &className, const QString &oldMethodName, const QString &newMethodName);
void setAnalMethod(const QString &cls, const AnalMethodDescription &meth);
/* File related methods */
bool loadFile(QString path, ut64 baddr = 0LL, ut64 mapaddr = 0LL, int perms = R_PERM_R,
int va = 0, bool loadbin = false, const QString &forceBinPlugin = QString());
bool tryFile(QString path, bool rw);
bool openFile(QString path, RVA mapaddr);
void loadScript(const QString &scriptname);
QJsonArray getOpenedFiles();
/* Seek functions */
void seek(QString thing);
void seek(ut64 offset);
void seekPrev();
void seekNext();
void updateSeek();
RVA getOffset();
RVA prevOpAddr(RVA startAddr, int count);
RVA nextOpAddr(RVA startAddr, int count);
/* Disassembly/Graph/Hexdump/Pseudocode view priority */
enum class MemoryWidgetType { Disassembly, Graph, Hexdump, Pseudocode };
MemoryWidgetType getMemoryWidgetPriority() const
return memoryWidgetPriority;
void setMemoryWidgetPriority(MemoryWidgetType type)
memoryWidgetPriority = type;
void triggerRaisePrioritizedMemoryWidget()
emit raisePrioritizedMemoryWidget(memoryWidgetPriority);
/* Math functions */
ut64 math(const QString &expr);
ut64 num(const QString &expr);
QString itoa(ut64 num, int rdx = 16);
/* Config functions */
void setConfig(const char *k, const QString &v);
void setConfig(const QString &k, const QString &v) { setConfig(k.toUtf8().constData(), v); }
void setConfig(const char *k, int v);
void setConfig(const QString &k, int v) { setConfig(k.toUtf8().constData(), v); }
void setConfig(const char *k, bool v);
void setConfig(const QString &k, bool v) { setConfig(k.toUtf8().constData(), v); }
void setConfig(const char *k, const QVariant &v);
void setConfig(const QString &k, const QVariant &v) { setConfig(k.toUtf8().constData(), v); }
int getConfigi(const char *k);
int getConfigi(const QString &k) { return getConfigi(k.toUtf8().constData()); }
ut64 getConfigut64(const char *k);
ut64 getConfigut64(const QString &k) { return getConfigut64(k.toUtf8().constData()); }
bool getConfigb(const char *k);
bool getConfigb(const QString &k) { return getConfigb(k.toUtf8().constData()); }
QString getConfig(const char *k);
QString getConfig(const QString &k) { return getConfig(k.toUtf8().constData()); }
QList<QString> getColorThemes();
/* Assembly related methods */
QString assemble(const QString &code);
QString disassemble(const QString &hex);
QString disassembleSingleInstruction(RVA addr);
QList<DisassemblyLine> disassembleLines(RVA offset, int lines);
void setCPU(QString arch, QString cpu, int bits);
void setEndianness(bool big);
void setBBSize(int size);
/* SDB */
QList<QString> sdbList(QString path);
QList<QString> sdbListKeys(QString path);
QString sdbGet(QString path, QString key);
bool sdbSet(QString path, QString key, QString val);
/* Debug */
QJsonDocument getRegistersInfo();
QJsonDocument getRegisterValues();
QString getRegisterName(QString registerRole);
RVA getProgramCounterValue();
void setRegister(QString regName, QString regValue);
QJsonDocument getStack(int size = 0x100);
QJsonDocument getBacktrace();
void startDebug();
void startEmulation();
void attachDebug(int pid);
void stopDebug();
void continueDebug();
void continueUntilCall();
void continueUntilSyscall();
void continueUntilDebug(QString offset);
void stepDebug();
void stepOverDebug();
void stepOutDebug();
void toggleBreakpoint(RVA addr);
void toggleBreakpoint(QString addr);
void delBreakpoint(RVA addr);
void delAllBreakpoints();
void enableBreakpoint(RVA addr);
void disableBreakpoint(RVA addr);
bool isBreakpoint(const QList<RVA> &breakpoints, RVA addr);
QList<RVA> getBreakpointsAddresses();
QString getActiveDebugPlugin();
QStringList getDebugPlugins();
void setDebugPlugin(QString plugin);
bool currentlyDebugging = false;
bool currentlyEmulating = false;
int currentlyAttachedToPID = -1;
QString currentlyOpenFile;
/* Pseudocode */
QString getDecompiledCodePDC(RVA addr);
bool getR2DecAvailable();
QString getDecompiledCodeR2Dec(RVA addr);
RVA getOffsetJump(RVA addr);
QJsonDocument getFileInfo();
QJsonDocument getSignatureInfo();
QJsonDocument getFileVersionInfo();
QStringList getStats();
void setGraphEmpty(bool empty);
bool isGraphEmpty();
void getOpcodes();
QList<QString> opcodes;
QList<QString> regs;
void setSettings();
void loadPDB(const QString &file);
QList<RVA> getSeekHistory();
/* Plugins */
QStringList getAsmPluginNames();
QStringList getAnalPluginNames();
/* Projects */
QStringList getProjectNames();
void openProject(const QString &name);
void saveProject(const QString &name);
void deleteProject(const QString &name);
static bool isProjectNameValid(const QString &name);
/* Widgets */
QList<RBinPluginDescription> getRBinPluginDescriptions(const QString &type = QString());
QList<RIOPluginDescription> getRIOPluginDescriptions();
QList<RCorePluginDescription> getRCorePluginDescriptions();
QList<RAsmPluginDescription> getRAsmPluginDescriptions();
QList<FunctionDescription> getAllFunctions();
QList<ImportDescription> getAllImports();
QList<ExportDescription> getAllExports();
QList<SymbolDescription> getAllSymbols();
QList<HeaderDescription> getAllHeaders();
QList<ZignatureDescription> getAllZignatures();
QList<CommentDescription> getAllComments(const QString &filterType);
QList<RelocDescription> getAllRelocs();
QList<StringDescription> getAllStrings();
QList<FlagspaceDescription> getAllFlagspaces();
QList<FlagDescription> getAllFlags(QString flagspace = QString());
QList<SectionDescription> getAllSections();
QList<SegmentDescription> getAllSegments();
QList<EntrypointDescription> getAllEntrypoint();
QList<BinClassDescription> getAllClassesFromBin();
QList<BinClassDescription> getAllClassesFromFlags();
QList<ResourcesDescription> getAllResources();
QList<VTableDescription> getAllVTables();
* @return all loaded types
QList<TypeDescription> getAllTypes();
* @return all loaded primitive types
QList<TypeDescription> getAllPrimitiveTypes();
* @return all loaded unions
QList<TypeDescription> getAllUnions();
* @return all loaded structs
QList<TypeDescription> getAllStructs();
* @return all loaded enums
QList<TypeDescription> getAllEnums();
* @return all loaded typedefs
QList<TypeDescription> getAllTypedefs();
* @brief Adds new types
* It first uses the r_parse_c_string() function from radare2 API to parse the
* supplied C file (in the form of a string). If there were errors, they are displayed.
* If there were no errors, it uses sdb_query_lines() function from radare2 API
* to save the parsed types returned by r_parse_c_string()
* \param str Contains the definition of the data types
* \return returns an empty QString if there was no error, else returns the error
QString addTypes(const char *str);
QString addTypes(const QString &str) { return addTypes(str.toUtf8().constData()); }
* @brief Checks if the given address is mapped to a region
* @param addr The address to be checked
* @return true if addr is mapped, false otherwise
bool isAddressMapped(RVA addr);
QList<MemoryMapDescription> getMemoryMap();
QList<SearchDescription> getAllSearch(QString search_for, QString space);
BlockStatistics getBlockStatistics(unsigned int blocksCount);
QList<BreakpointDescription> getBreakpoints();
QList<ProcessDescription> getAllProcesses();
QList<RegisterRefDescription> getRegisterRefs();
QJsonObject getRegisterJson();
QList<VariableDescription> getVariables(RVA at);
QList<XrefDescription> getXRefs(RVA addr, bool to, bool whole_function,
const QString &filterType = QString::null);
QList<StringDescription> parseStringsJson(const QJsonDocument &doc);
QList<FunctionDescription> parseFunctionsJson(const QJsonDocument &doc);
void handleREvent(int type, void *data);
/* Signals related */
void triggerVarsChanged();
void triggerFunctionRenamed(const QString &prevName, const QString &newName);
void triggerRefreshAll();
void triggerAsmOptionsChanged();
void triggerGraphOptionsChanged();
void message(const QString &msg, bool debug = false);
QStringList getSectionList();
RCoreLocked core() const;
static QString ansiEscapeToHtml(const QString &text);
BasicBlockHighlighter *getBBHighlighter();
void refreshAll();
void functionRenamed(const QString &prev_name, const QString &new_name);
void varsChanged();
void functionsChanged();
void flagsChanged();
void commentsChanged();
void registersChanged();
void instructionChanged(RVA offset);
void breakpointsChanged();
void refreshCodeViews();
void stackChanged();
void classNew(const QString &cls);
void classDeleted(const QString &cls);
void classRenamed(const QString &oldName, const QString &newName);
void classAttrsChanged(const QString &cls);
void projectSaved(bool successfully, const QString &name);
* emitted when config regarding disassembly display changes
void asmOptionsChanged();
* emitted when config regarding graph display changes
void graphOptionsChanged();
* @brief seekChanged is emitted each time radare2 seek value is modified
* @param offset
void seekChanged(RVA offset);
void raisePrioritizedMemoryWidget(CutterCore::MemoryWidgetType type);
void changeDefinedView();
void changeDebugView();
void newMessage(const QString &msg);
void newDebugMessage(const QString &msg);
MemoryWidgetType memoryWidgetPriority;
QString notes;
RCore *core_ = nullptr;
AsyncTaskManager *asyncTaskManager;
RVA offsetPriorDebugging = RVA_INVALID;
QErrorMessage msgBox;
bool emptyGraph = false;
BasicBlockHighlighter *bbHighlighter;
#endif // CUTTER_H