version: '1.0-git-{build}' skip_tags: true image: 'Visual Studio 2015' clone_depth: 1 # Build configuration configuration: - Release # Branches to build branches: only: - master # Environment environment: PYTHON: 'C:\\Python36-x64' BDIR: build-cmake NINJA_URL: QTDIR: 'C:\Qt\5.9.1\msvc2015_64' install: - cmd: git submodule init && git submodule update - cmd: if defined BDIR ( %PYTHON%\python.exe -m pip install meson && COPY %PYTHON%\Scripts\ radare2\ ) - cmd: if defined NINJA_URL ( powershell -Command wget %NINJA_URL% -OutFile radare2\ && unzip radare2\ -d radare2\ ) before_build: # Build r2 and generate sln - cmd: cd radare2 && set "PATH=%PYTHON%;%PATH%" && call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64 && meson.bat --release --shared && sys\meson_install.bat --with-static dist && cd .. # Build cutter - cmd: set "PATH=%PATH%;%QTDIR%\bin;" && call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64 && cd src && qmake -config release -tp vc && cd .. # Build config build: project: src\cutter.vcxproj after_build: # Install r2 - cmd: move radare2\dist cutter - cmd: cd cutter && dir - cmd: for %%v in (*.dll) do echo %%v - cmd: for %%v in (*.dll) do ren %%v lib%%v - cmd: cd .. # Install cutter - cmd: windeployqt src\release\cutter.exe --dir cutter - cmd: move src\release\cutter.exe cutter\ - cmd: set "PATH=C:\mingw\bin;C:\mingw\msys\1.0\bin;%PATH%" && zip -r cutter # Tests test: off # Artifacts artifacts: - path: name: Cutter #deploy: # release: cutter-1.0-$(appveyor_build_version) # description: 'Cutter Windows' # provider: GitHub # auth_token: # secure: 2SmsqS2RaX2N5c9UwUcfBwNmMX64FfPAZFShLyxIkZXiC8vLaYCHToWxBYEuWRSk # artifact: Cutter # draft: true # prerelease: true # on: # branch: master # appveyor_repo_tag: false