# Contributing This page shows some hints about the coding conventions. **Disclaimer:** It is a work and progress and we will provide soon a fully documented API. ## Coding advices ### CutterCore class This is the main class where every link with r2 is made. It is *unique* accross the whole process. To access it, simply call `Core()`. Example: ```c++ Core()->getOffset(); ``` ### Calling a radare2 command There are two ways to do it: * `CutterCore::cmd()` *(Discouraged)* Only use it for commands which yells no output * `CutterCore::cmdj()` To be used with json commands like `cmdj("agj")` or `cmdj("aflj")`. It is way easier to parse a json output. Example: ```c++ QJsonArray array = Core()->cmdj("pdj 1 @ main").array(); ``` ### Seek the current file To modify radare2 seek use `CutterCore::seek(const RVA offset)`. This is important because it will emit a `CutterCore::seekChanged(RVA offset)` signal. Never ever call `cmd("s offset")`; Example: ```c++ Core()->seek(0xdeadbeef); ``` ### Creating a widget Make sure to connect the `CutterCore::seekChanged(RVA offset)` signal so your widget refreshes its output when radare2 seek is modified (switching to another function, etc.). ## General coding guidelines ### Coding style We follow [these guidelines](https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Coding_Style) to format the code. If in doubt, you can use [AStyle 2.06](https://sourceforge.net/projects/astyle/files/astyle/astyle%202.06/) to format the code. The command line for formatting the code according to the style is: ```bash astyle --project=src/Cutter.astylerc src/filename.cpp ``` #### Loops We use C++11 foreach loop style which means any "foreach" loop should look like: ```c++ for (QJsonValue value : importsArray) { doSomething(value); } ``` #### Nullptr Please do not use `0` nor `Q_NULLPTR`, only use `nullptr`. Example: ```c++ QObject *object = nullptr; ``` #### Connecting signals To connect a signal to a slot, this is the preferred way to do it: ```c++ connect(sender, &QObject::destroyed, this, &MyObject::objectDestroyed); ``` The main reason is that this syntax allows the use of lambda functions. ### Functions documentation It's good to add some documentation to your functions when needed. To do so we follow these [rules](http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdoc-guide-writing.html).