TEMPLATE = app TARGET = iaito # The application version win32 { VERSION = 1.0 # Generate debug symbols in release mode QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE += -Zi # Compiler QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE += /DEBUG # Linker } else { VERSION = 1.0-dev } ICON = img/Enso.icns QT += core gui widgets webengine webenginewidgets QT_CONFIG -= no-pkg-config CONFIG += c++11 # Define the preprocessor macro to get the application version in our application. DEFINES += APP_VERSION=\\\"$$VERSION\\\" macx { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS = -mmacosx-version-min=10.7 -std=gnu0x -stdlib=libc++ } INCLUDEPATH *= . unix:exists(/usr/local/include/libr) { INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include/libr } SOURCES += \ main.cpp \ mainwindow.cpp \ newfiledialog.cpp \ optionsdialog.cpp \ highlighter.cpp \ qrcore.cpp \ createnewdialog.cpp \ hexascii_highlighter.cpp \ widgets/pieview.cpp \ widgets/sectionswidget.cpp \ widgets/codegraphic.cpp \ widgets/notepad.cpp \ mdhighlighter.cpp \ widgets/functionswidget.cpp \ dialogs/renamedialog.cpp \ dialogs/aboutdialog.cpp \ widgets/importswidget.cpp \ widgets/symbolswidget.cpp \ widgets/relocswidget.cpp \ widgets/commentswidget.cpp \ widgets/stringswidget.cpp \ widgets/flagswidget.cpp \ widgets/memorywidget.cpp \ widgets/exportswidget.cpp \ qrdisasm.cpp \ widgets/sdbdock.cpp \ analthread.cpp \ dialogs/commentsdialog.cpp \ widgets/sidebar.cpp \ helpers.cpp \ widgets/omnibar.cpp \ widgets/dashboard.cpp \ dialogs/xrefsdialog.cpp \ hexhighlighter.cpp \ widgets/sectionsdock.cpp \ widgets/consolewidget.cpp \ radarewebserver.cpp \ widgets/entrypointwidget.cpp \ dialogs/flagdialog.cpp HEADERS += \ mainwindow.h \ newfiledialog.h \ optionsdialog.h \ highlighter.h \ createnewdialog.h \ hexascii_highlighter.h \ widgets/pieview.h \ widgets/sectionswidget.h \ widgets/codegraphic.h \ widgets/notepad.h \ mdhighlighter.h \ widgets/functionswidget.h \ dialogs/renamedialog.h \ dialogs/aboutdialog.h \ widgets/importswidget.h \ widgets/symbolswidget.h \ widgets/relocswidget.h \ widgets/commentswidget.h \ widgets/stringswidget.h \ widgets/flagswidget.h \ widgets/memorywidget.h \ widgets/exportswidget.h \ widgets/sdbdock.h \ analthread.h \ dialogs/commentsdialog.h \ widgets/sidebar.h \ helpers.h \ widgets/omnibar.h \ widgets/dashboard.h \ dialogs/xrefsdialog.h \ hexhighlighter.h \ widgets/sectionsdock.h \ widgets/dockwidget.h \ widgets/consolewidget.h \ radarewebserver.h \ settings.h \ widgets/entrypointwidget.h \ iaitorcore.h \ iaitordisasm.h \ dialogs/flagdialog.h FORMS += \ mainwindow.ui \ newfiledialog.ui \ optionsdialog.ui \ createnewdialog.ui \ widgets/notepad.ui \ widgets/functionswidget.ui \ dialogs/aboutdialog.ui \ dialogs/renamedialog.ui \ widgets/importswidget.ui \ widgets/symbolswidget.ui \ widgets/relocswidget.ui \ widgets/commentswidget.ui \ widgets/stringswidget.ui \ widgets/flagswidget.ui \ widgets/memorywidget.ui \ widgets/exportswidget.ui \ widgets/sdbdock.ui \ dialogs/commentsdialog.ui \ widgets/sidebar.ui \ widgets/dashboard.ui \ dialogs/xrefsdialog.ui \ widgets/sectionsdock.ui \ widgets/consolewidget.ui \ widgets/entrypointwidget.ui \ dialogs/flagdialog.ui RESOURCES += \ resources.qrc DISTFILES += iaito.astylerc include(lib_radare2.pri) # 'make install' for AppImage unix { isEmpty(PREFIX) { PREFIX = /usr/local } desktop_file = iaito.desktop # built-in no need for files atm target.path = $$PREFIX/bin share_applications.path = $$PREFIX/share/applications share_applications.files = $$desktop_file # TODO: # iaito.png should be copied to $PREFIX/share/icons/$WIDTHx$HEIGHT INSTALLS += target share_applications # Triggered for example by 'qmake APPIMAGE=1' !isEmpty(APPIMAGE){ # UGLY work around for the logo name in iaito.desktop # Would be better to have a file called iaito.png in the first place system(cp img/logo-small.png $$OUT_PWD/iaito.png) appimage_root.path = / appimage_root.files = $$OUT_PWD/iaito.png $$desktop_file INSTALLS += appimage_root } }