#include "GraphvizLayout.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include GraphvizLayout::GraphvizLayout(LineType lineType, Direction direction) : GraphLayout({}) , direction(direction) , lineType(lineType) { } static GraphLayout::GraphEdge::ArrowDirection getArrowDirection(QPointF direction, bool preferVertical) { if (abs(direction.x()) > abs(direction.y()) * (preferVertical ? 3.0 : 1.0)) { if (direction.x() > 0) { return GraphLayout::GraphEdge::Right; } else { return GraphLayout::GraphEdge::Left; } } else { if (direction.y() > 0) { return GraphLayout::GraphEdge::Down; } else { return GraphLayout::GraphEdge::Up; } } } static std::set> SelectLoopEdges(const GraphLayout::Graph &graph, ut64 entry) { std::set> result; // Run DFS to select backwards/loop edges // 0 - not visited // 1 - in stack // 2 - visited std::unordered_map visited; visited.reserve(graph.size()); std::stack> stack; auto dfsFragment = [&visited, &graph, &stack, &result](ut64 first) { visited[first] = 1; stack.push({first, 0}); while (!stack.empty()) { auto v = stack.top().first; auto edge_index = stack.top().second; auto blockIt = graph.find(v); if (blockIt == graph.end()) { continue; } const auto &block = blockIt->second; if (edge_index < block.edges.size()) { ++stack.top().second; auto target = block.edges[edge_index].target; auto &targetState = visited[target]; if (targetState == 0) { targetState = 1; stack.push({target, 0}); } else if (targetState == 1) { result.insert({v, target}); } } else { stack.pop(); visited[v] = 2; } } }; dfsFragment(entry); for (auto &blockIt : graph) { if (!visited[blockIt.first]) { dfsFragment(blockIt.first); } } return result; } void GraphvizLayout::CalculateLayout(std::unordered_map &blocks, ut64 entry, int &width, int &height) const { //https://gitlab.com/graphviz/graphviz/issues/1441 #define STR(v) const_cast(v) width = height = 10; GVC_t *gvc = gvContext(); Agraph_t *g = agopen(STR("G"), Agdirected, nullptr); std::unordered_map nodes; for (const auto &block : blocks) { nodes[block.first] = agnode(g, nullptr, TRUE); } std::vector strc; strc.reserve(2 * blocks.size()); std::map, Agedge_t *> edges; agsafeset(g, STR("splines"), lineType == LineType::Ortho ? STR("ortho") : STR("polyline"), STR("")); switch (direction) { case Direction::LR: agsafeset(g, STR("rankdir"), STR("LR"), STR("")); break; case Direction::TB: agsafeset(g, STR("rankdir"), STR("BT"), STR("")); break; } agsafeset(g, STR("newrank"), STR("true"), STR("")); // graphviz has builtin 72 dpi setting for input that differs from output // it's easier to use 72 everywhere const double dpi = 72.0; agsafeset(g, STR("dpi"), STR("72"), STR("")); auto widhAttr = agattr(g, AGNODE, STR("width"), STR("1")); auto heightAatr = agattr(g, AGNODE, STR("height"), STR("1")); agattr(g, AGNODE, STR("shape"), STR("box")); agattr(g, AGNODE, STR("fixedsize"), STR("true")); auto constraintAttr = agattr(g, AGEDGE, STR("constraint"), STR("1")); std::ostringstream stream; stream.imbue(std::locale::classic()); auto setFloatingPointAttr = [&stream](void *obj, Agsym_t *sym, double value) { stream.str({}); stream << std::fixed << std::setw(4) << value; auto str = stream.str(); agxset(obj, sym, STR(str.c_str())); }; std::set> loopEdges = SelectLoopEdges(blocks, entry); for (const auto &blockIt : blocks) { auto u = nodes[blockIt.first]; auto &block = blockIt.second; for (auto &edge : block.edges) { auto v = nodes.find(edge.target); if (v == nodes.end()) { continue; } auto e = agedge(g, u, v->second, nullptr, TRUE); edges[{blockIt.first, edge.target}] = e; if (loopEdges.find({blockIt.first, edge.target}) != loopEdges.end()) { agxset(e, constraintAttr, STR("0")); } } setFloatingPointAttr(u, widhAttr, block.width / dpi); setFloatingPointAttr(u, heightAatr, block.height / dpi); } gvLayout(gvc, g, "dot"); for (auto &blockIt : blocks) { auto &block = blockIt.second; auto u = nodes[blockIt.first]; auto pos = ND_coord(u); auto w = ND_width(u) * dpi; auto h = ND_height(u) * dpi; block.x = pos.x - w / 2.0; block.y = pos.y - h / 2.0; width = std::max(width, block.x + block.width); height = std::max(height, block.y + block.height); for (auto &edge : block.edges) { auto it = edges.find({blockIt.first, edge.target}); if (it != edges.end()) { auto e = it->second; if (auto spl = ED_spl(e)) { for (int i = 0; i < 1 && i < spl->size; i++) { auto bz = spl->list[i]; edge.polyline.clear(); edge.polyline.reserve(bz.size + 1); for (int j = 0; j < bz.size; j++) { edge.polyline.push_back(QPointF(bz.list[j].x, bz.list[j].y)); } QPointF last(0, 0); if (!edge.polyline.empty()) { last = edge.polyline.back(); } if (bz.eflag) { QPointF tip = QPointF(bz.ep.x, bz.ep.y); edge.polyline.push_back(tip); } if (edge.polyline.size() >= 2) { // make sure self loops go from bottom to top if (edge.target == block.entry && edge.polyline.first().y() < edge.polyline.last().y()) { std::reverse(edge.polyline.begin(), edge.polyline.end()); } auto it = std::prev(edge.polyline.end()); QPointF direction = *it; direction -= *(--it); edge.arrow = getArrowDirection(direction, lineType == LineType::Polyline); } else { edge.arrow = GraphEdge::Down; } } } } } } gvFreeLayout(gvc, g); agclose(g); gvFreeContext(gvc); #undef STR }