#ifndef DISASSEMBLERGRAPHVIEW_H #define DISASSEMBLERGRAPHVIEW_H // Based on the DisassemblerGraphView from x64dbg #include #include #include #include #include "widgets/GraphView.h" #include "menus/DisassemblyContextMenu.h" #include "common/RichTextPainter.h" #include "common/CutterSeekable.h" class QTextEdit; class FallbackSyntaxHighlighter; class DisassemblerGraphView : public GraphView { Q_OBJECT struct Text { std::vector lines; Text() {} Text(const QString &text, QColor color, QColor background) { RichTextPainter::List richText; RichTextPainter::CustomRichText_t rt; rt.highlight = false; rt.text = text; rt.textColor = color; rt.textBackground = background; rt.flags = rt.textBackground.alpha() ? RichTextPainter::FlagAll : RichTextPainter::FlagColor; richText.push_back(rt); lines.push_back(richText); } Text(const RichTextPainter::List &richText) { lines.push_back(richText); } QString ToQString() const { QString result; for (const auto &line : lines) { for (const auto &t : line) { result += t.text; } } return result; } }; struct Instr { ut64 addr = 0; ut64 size = 0; Text text; Text fullText; QString plainText; std::vector opcode; //instruction bytes bool empty() const { return size == 0; } bool contains(ut64 addr) const; }; struct Token { int start; int length; QString type; Instr *instr; QString name; QString content; }; struct DisassemblyBlock { Text header_text; std::vector instrs; ut64 entry = 0; ut64 true_path = 0; ut64 false_path = 0; bool terminal = false; bool indirectcall = false; }; public: DisassemblerGraphView(QWidget *parent, CutterSeekable *seekable, MainWindow *mainWindow, QList additionalMenuAction); ~DisassemblerGraphView() override; std::unordered_map disassembly_blocks; virtual void drawBlock(QPainter &p, GraphView::GraphBlock &block, bool interactive) override; virtual void blockClicked(GraphView::GraphBlock &block, QMouseEvent *event, QPoint pos) override; virtual void blockDoubleClicked(GraphView::GraphBlock &block, QMouseEvent *event, QPoint pos) override; virtual bool helpEvent(QHelpEvent *event) override; virtual void blockHelpEvent(GraphView::GraphBlock &block, QHelpEvent *event, QPoint pos) override; virtual GraphView::EdgeConfiguration edgeConfiguration(GraphView::GraphBlock &from, GraphView::GraphBlock *to, bool interactive) override; virtual void blockTransitionedTo(GraphView::GraphBlock *to) override; virtual bool event(QEvent *event) override; void loadCurrentGraph(); QString windowTitle; int getWidth() { return width; } int getHeight() { return height; } std::unordered_map getBlocks() { return blocks; } using EdgeConfigurationMapping = std::map, EdgeConfiguration>; EdgeConfigurationMapping getEdgeConfigurations(); enum class GraphExportType { Png, Jpeg, Svg, GVDot, GVJson, GVGif, GVPng, GVJpeg, GVPostScript, GVSvg }; void exportGraph(QString filePath, GraphExportType type); void exportR2GraphvizGraph(QString filePath, QString type); /** * @brief keep the current addr of the fcn of Graph * Everytime overview updates its contents, it compares this value with the one in Graph * if they aren't same, then Overview needs to update the pixmap cache. */ ut64 currentFcnAddr = RVA_INVALID; // TODO: make this less public public slots: void refreshView(); void colorsUpdatedSlot(); void fontsUpdatedSlot(); void onSeekChanged(RVA addr); void zoom(QPointF mouseRelativePos, double velocity); void setZoom(QPointF mouseRelativePos, double scale); void zoomIn(); void zoomOut(); void zoomReset(); void takeTrue(); void takeFalse(); void nextInstr(); void prevInstr(); void copySelection(); protected: void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override; void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override; void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override; void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override; void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override; void blockContextMenuRequested(GraphView::GraphBlock &block, QContextMenuEvent *event, QPoint pos) override; void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) override; private slots: void on_actionExportGraph_triggered(); void onActionHighlightBITriggered(); void onActionUnhighlightBITriggered(); void updateLayout(); private: bool transition_dont_seek = false; Token *highlight_token; // Font data std::unique_ptr> mFontMetrics; qreal charWidth; int charHeight; int charOffset; int baseline; bool emptyGraph; ut64 currentBlockAddress = RVA_INVALID; GraphView::Layout graphLayout; DisassemblyContextMenu *blockMenu; QMenu *contextMenu; QAction* horizontalLayoutAction; void connectSeekChanged(bool disconnect); void initFont(); void prepareGraphNode(GraphBlock &block); void cleanupEdges(); Token *getToken(Instr *instr, int x); QPoint getTextOffset(int line) const; QPoint getInstructionOffset(const DisassemblyBlock &block, int line) const; RVA getAddrForMouseEvent(GraphBlock &block, QPoint *point); Instr *getInstrForMouseEvent(GraphBlock &block, QPoint *point, bool force = false); /** * @brief Get instructions placement and size relative to block. * Inefficient don't use this function when iterating over all instructions. * @param block * @param addr * @return */ QRectF getInstrRect(GraphView::GraphBlock &block, RVA addr) const; void showInstruction(GraphView::GraphBlock &block, RVA addr); const Instr *instrForAddress(RVA addr); DisassemblyBlock *blockForAddress(RVA addr); void seekLocal(RVA addr, bool update_viewport = true); void seekInstruction(bool previous_instr); GraphLayout::LayoutConfig getLayoutConfig(); CutterSeekable *seekable = nullptr; QList shortcuts; QList breakpoints; QColor disassemblyBackgroundColor; QColor disassemblySelectedBackgroundColor; QColor disassemblySelectionColor; QColor PCSelectionColor; QColor jmpColor; QColor brtrueColor; QColor brfalseColor; QColor retShadowColor; QColor indirectcallShadowColor; QColor mAutoCommentColor; QColor mAutoCommentBackgroundColor; QColor mCommentColor; QColor mCommentBackgroundColor; QColor mLabelColor; QColor mLabelBackgroundColor; QColor graphNodeColor; QColor mAddressColor; QColor mAddressBackgroundColor; QColor mCipColor; QColor mBreakpointColor; QColor mDisabledBreakpointColor; QAction actionExportGraph; QAction actionUnhighlight; QAction actionUnhighlightInstruction; QLabel *emptyText = nullptr; static const int KEY_ZOOM_IN; static const int KEY_ZOOM_OUT; static const int KEY_ZOOM_RESET; signals: void viewRefreshed(); void viewZoomed(); void graphMoved(); void resized(); void nameChanged(const QString &name); public: bool isGraphEmpty() { return emptyGraph; } }; #endif // DISASSEMBLERGRAPHVIEW_H